Saturday, August 31, 2019
Holden Caulfield in “Catcher in the Rye†Essay
Holden Caulfield, in The Catcher in the Rye, is much like the typical teenager of today. Throughout the novel, Holden goes through problems that many modern teenagers can relate to. Holden is a lonely teenager who struggles to find direction in life. His actions are very similar to those of teenagers today. Some important characteristics Holden shares with modern teenagers are his longing to be free and independent, his struggle between childhood and adulthood, and the fact that he is lost and does not know what he wants to do in life. Also, like many teenagers today, he has to deal with things such as sex, violence, and alcohol. A big problem Holden goes through is his struggle between childhood and adulthood. He is sixteen years old, which is the age when a person is almost an adult, yet still a child. A child who is innocent, supported by his parents, and is not yet ready or possesses the maturity to go out into the world and fend for himself. This struggle is symbolized by Holden’s gray hair. This is something many teenagers face today. Like many modern teenagers, Holden wants to be independent. He wants to make his own decisions and live on his own. He has lived in schools most of his life, away from his parents. When Holden gets kicked out of Pencey, and he knows that his parents will find out, he decided to go back home after they do, in order for his parents to have dealt with the news. This shows how Holden does not look for help from his parents. He wants to deal with the problem himself by applying himself his next year in school. Another example of Holden’s need to be independent is when he suggests to Sally that they go away somewhere and live together. On page 132, Holden says â€Å"How would you like to get the hell out of here? Here’s my idea. I know this guy down in Greenwich Village that we can borrow his car for a couple of weeks. He used to go to the same school I did and he still owes me ten bucks. What we could do is, tomorrow morning we could drive up to Massachusetts and Vermont, and all around there, see. It’s beautiful as hell up there. It really is.††¦Ã¢â‚¬ We’ll stay in these cabin camps and stuff like that till the dough runs out. Then, when the dough runs out, I could get a job somewhere and we could live somewhere with a brook and all and, later on, we could get married or something. I could chop all our own wood in the wintertime and all.†Holden longs to go away and be independent. Like teenagers today, Holder had to deal with alcohol, sex, and violence. Like any male teenager today, Holden thinks about sex. He wants to experience it and says that he had had many opportunities to do so, although he never had sex. Holden, wanting comfort and affection, invites a prostitute to his room, but never has sex with her. A big problem among teenagers nowadays is violence. This is a problem that is very difficult to solve and sometimes cannot be avoided. There are times in the novel when Holden faces violence, like when he gets in a fight with Stradlater. Throughout the novel, Holden turns to alcohol when he gets depressed. He obtains it very easily, and gets drunk at one point. This occurs frequently among teenagers today. They feel that alcohol will make them older and give them maturity. These are the ways in which Holden is very similar to the typical teenager of today. His characteristics, feelings, and actions are those that many teenagers can relate to. Problems that Holden deals with throughout the novel are problems that many teenagers face in their everyday lives. Feelings that Holden has are like those of modern teenagers, who are in many ways, just like Holden.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Compare and Contrast Frank Mccourt’s Stories
A young boy named Frank McCourt the age of nine is the main character of this story, â€Å"Typhoid Fever†. Told from his perspective, he explains his experiences of having typhoid fever in bed rest at a hospital in Ireland. While in the hospital, Frank gets to know a girl named Patricia, who is a patient in hospital for diphtheria. Disregarding the nun’s warnings, they continued to talk to each other and share poetry. In the middle of telling a poem, â€Å"The Highwayman†, the nun punishes them by putting Frank in a different room.Soon after, Patricia dies without Frank ever hearing the rest of the poem. A nice, old janitor searches a local pub for the end of the poem and eventually tells Franks the very sad ending of the poem. Although â€Å"Education of Frank McCourt†also features Frank McCourt as the main character, this Frank McCourt is much older; being a middle- aged man. As an English teacher in the United States, Frank struggles to tell his studen ts about his poverty and lack of education during his childhood in fear that they will think badly of him.Teaching his students, he helps them to find their writing voices by recording them speak and writing it down. He gave them encouragement with phrases like, â€Å"Dig deeper. Dance your own dance. †Later in his retirement, he finds that he needs to take his own advice when it comes to him writing his own book. All he had needed to do was pick up the pen. These two stories are both alike and unalike in several ways. Firstly, like most stories, both stories involve the main character dealing with a struggle.While in â€Å"Typhoid Fever†Frank is dealing with his recovery from typhoid fever, and in â€Å"The Education of Frank McCourt†he struggles with finding his own voice to suitable relate the story of his childhood on paper. These two stories are dissimilar in a way, too, because they are told from different perspectives. The first story is told by the bo y who was actually there suffering from typhoid fever. However, the second story is told by a third-person that played no part in the story and is simply retelling it. While these two stories are quite alike, they are quite unalike as well.
Human Factor In The Aircraft Cabin Essay
The term â€Å"Human factor†has grown increasingly popular as the commercial aviation industry has realized that human error, rather than mechanical failure, underlies most accidents and incidents. Human factor involves gathering information and putting it into practice to produce safety, comfort and effective human use. This is then translated into design, training policies and procedures to help humans perform better. The issues on safety should be addressed by ensuring proper and effective communication strategies. Also the ability of the flight crew to maintain situation awareness which involves being aware of what is happening around and understand how information is to be put into action. Pilots should be well trained to handle and monitor flight automation and instruments to prevent confusion and errors during take-off and landing. Disciplinary measures should also be emphasized to avoid situations like drinking or neglecting duties. It is important to go over safety and emergency checklists to ensure emergency equipments and other features specific to the aircraft type are in order and report to the pilot after the preflight check. Before takeoff, unserviceable or missing items must be reported and rectified. The cabin must be monitored for unusual smell or situations and maintain precaution like keeping door locked while fueling. The crew should assist with the loading of baggage, check for size and dangerous goods. They then must do a safety demonstration and monitor passengers as they walk them through the safety procedures, and also secure the cabin by ensuring tray tables are stowed, seats are in upright position and seatbelts are fastened before takeoff. The key role of the flight attendant should be safety provision and provide a care giving and customer service to passengers. Presentation and personal appearance is important to inspire passenger confidence. The crew flight attendants are expected to be dressed well and be friendly. Human factor specialists should ensure the sidewalls are analyzed and improved for increased passenger comfort as well as modification of the in-flight entertainment system. The In-flight Service Manager (ISM) and Customer Service Manager (CSM) should report when the cabin is secure for takeoff and landing. This ensures proper management and safe effective operation during both normal and emergency conditions.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Reading #1 Analaysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reading #1 Analaysis - Assignment Example In the article, materiality was perceived to be effects power possesses along with its productive purpose. Therefore, under these assumptions, gender is impossible to understand neither as a body nor a particular sex. The article also indicated the â€Å"abject designates here precisely those ‘unbelievable qualities and ‘uninhabitable’ zones of social life which are nevertheless densely populated by those who do not enjoy the status of the subject but whose living under the sign of ‘unlivable†which is necessary and required to circumscribe a political leaders†. The final part of the paper ends with a series of questions which include â€Å"How an individual can separate him or herself from social blindness and perceive the body as a variation of materialization which is controlled by a series of regulating norms? After this separation, there is a need to assess the functioning of heterosexual hegemony during the formation of what the article perceives tp be a viable body†. The article also raised questions on the subject, such as how bodily formations are capable of attaining such a paradigm of abjected bodies and fields of deformation which are at ti mes not quantifiable as human. This article is an aim to try and compare the paradox that involve gender, the body and the parameters associated with the interrelation and combination of these two aspects. It can be established that the authors of the article are of the material aspect of the body and how is far much relevant than its regulating factors monitoring the materialization of bodies. One aspect that is also mentioned to some detail in the paper is permativity which is done to evaluate the processes such as a power of discourse that is reiterative in nature and creates phenomena which it is responsible for constraining and regulation. I agree with the views of the author in the sense that â€Å"sex†is not the constraint upon which gender is artificially
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Positive Effects of Martial Arts on Bullying Among the Youth Essay
Positive Effects of Martial Arts on Bullying Among the Youth - Essay Example The bullies usually have the false confidence of masculinity. The martial art makes the youth strong and strong-willed. It protects the youth from being the easy targets for the bully youth. Confidence is enhanced by proper training in martial art skills like taekwondo and karate. The perception that the youth are strong keeps the bullies away. Consequently, martial art helps in the protection of the youth against the harrowing experience bullying. The martial arts also enhance discipline among the youth. Discipline equips the youth with the skills of handling matters in society in a technical manner. The inconsistency in the behavior of youth causes mayhem regarding bullying behavior. The bullies get disciplined and abandon the bullying practice because of the discipline. This situation enhances the practice of acceptable ethical behavior among the youth. It helps in the reduction of the bullying practice among many youngsters. Maekoya asserts that a martial art helps youth to be responsible for their behaviors, especially when faced with the threat of bullying (p. 501). For instance, a bullied youth may exacerbate the situation through the provocation of the bully. Discipline enables a youth to act responsibly when faced with the challenge. Discipline encompasses many areas of a person’s life. It enables youth to present them in a dignified manner, regardless of any form of provocation. It promotes the rule of law and order and reduction of bullying among the youth. The discipline also enables the use of common sense in deliberating issues. The martial art also enhances respect among the youth. The bullies are compelled to have respect for their fellow youth. This enhances dignity in the relationship among the youth. The respect helps the bullies to appreciate the other youth. Consequently, they are emphatic towards their fellow colleagues. It makes the practice of bullying, inappropriate for them. The vulnerable youths
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Marketing Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2
Marketing Environment - Essay Example While some of these factors are easily controllable by the firm, others are difficult or impossible to change and as a result, need to be accommodated in the business decision making. According to Kotler (1999, p. 10), â€Å"A company’s marketing environment consists of the internal factors & forces, which affect the company’s ability to develop & maintain successful transactions & relationships with the company’s target customers.†A business’s marketing environment consists of various internal and external factors. These factors are sub-divided into various micro and macro factors. A business’s internal marketing environment consists of factors such as, machine, workers and employees, equipments, capital and internal operations that guide the internal marketing decisions. Internal marketing environment comprise forces that affect an organization’s ability to cater to the consumers. These factors may include sales representatives, marketing managers, marketing plans, marketing budget, inventory, procedures or logistics (Ferrell and Hartline, 2010). It also includes departments, which are often ignored during the decision making process. For instance, besides the marketing, finance and human resource, the management should also consider other departments such as, research and development, accounting department and personal department, before making any business decisions (Homburg, Workman and Jensen, 2000). A discussion on the various marketing environment factors will help in better evaluation of their influence on marketing decisions undertaken b y a business. External marketing environment factors are further subdivided into macro and micro environment factors. Micro-environmental factors consist of suppliers, marketing intermediaries, consumers and competitors. Suppliers are individuals delivering important resources for producing services and goods. Supplier policies significantly affect marketing decisions of the managers
Monday, August 26, 2019
The existence of god Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The existence of god - Essay Example In this way, the analysis will seek to provide a thoughtful overview of some of the most salient critiques of Anselm’s ontological view as well as to provide the reader with the alternate views that philosophers have developed over the years in response to it. Stone asserts that Anselm’s argument purports that God is conceived as the being that supersedes other beings. He purports that God exists in both understanding and reality. This is because if His existence was perceived not to be in reality, another being greater than God could be conceived. Therefore, his argument articulates that God really exists. Gaunilo’s argument uses the model of a perfect island to counter-argue Anselm’s strategy (Stone). The perfect island is described as a piland taking the form of an island in the mind which in reality is perceived greater than the piland idea. He purports that the occurrence of a piland idea in the mind proves that the piland exists. Gaunilo did not iden tify the fault in Anselm’s theory, but warned that there is something wrong with it because if the theory was perfect, then its logic can be applied in proving things that one has no reason to believe to be true (Burgess 2). For instance, Guanilo suggested the possibility of constructing an argument like that of the ontological argument proving the occurrence of a lost island (Burgess 3). His critique replaces the term ‘God†with â€Å"lost island†and views the idea that anything than which nothing bigger can be conceived must exist. It is reasonable to point out that Anselm’s approach is a supposition that a tangible thing corresponding to an idea emanates from an idea itself. The objection to the ontological idea is that of defining things into existence which is viewed as impossible. Stone asserts that Gaunilo shared this worry to explain that a person could use non-existent things to portray the existence of non-existent things. According to Gau nilo, if the argument for a superior being works, even that of a lost island is true; which is absurd (Burgess 3). In his response to Guanilo, Anselm purports that the concept is only applicable to God, as He is the only being that can be conceived. According to Stone, Anselm argues that Guanilo’s lost island strategy is variably spurious because Guanilo provides no justification to prove the island exists. Additionally, a perfect island is perceived as the one with abundant lush palm trees and pristine beaches. This proves the incoherence of this argument because perfection cannot be quantified through reference to these features as each island is perfect in its own way. This implies that there is no greater island than which no greater island can be conceived. Consequently, the concept of a greater God is coherent. This is because the features that are used to describe God are superior to that any other being can possess e.g. moral goodness, power and knowledge. Similarly, Immanuel Kant, the 17th century philosopher who actually coined the term â€Å"ontology†and â€Å"ontological†, had a specific criticism of Anselm’s rather simplistic means of argument. Although agreeing with the premise that God existed, Kant sought ot further differentiate the manner by which human rational and understanding could necessarily seek to prove or disprove such an existence. As a function of this, Kant argued that
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The more advances that are made in Medicine, the more things stay the Scholarship Essay - 1
The more advances that are made in Medicine, the more things stay the same. Discuss - Scholarship Essay Example This paper argues out this concept by giving the several impacts of the advancement of medicine on patients in the society. This will create the basis of the argument to verify its credibility. The paper will analyze both the positive and negative effects of advancement of medicine in the society today by looking at various situational cases where advanced medical services are used. The results of the use of advanced medical services lay the foundation of this argument considering its positivity and negativities. Because of the availability of medical equipment for research and treatment, researchers in the field of medicine have come up with different kinds of medicines which cure various diseases (Alyson, 2014). They have also been able to study complicated diseases in the recent years and have found the cure for some chronic diseases. Biotechnology is a great advancement in the field of medicine making it easy for people to live with chronic diseases. It prolongs the life of people suffering from serious and chronic illnesses by controlling of diseases or the virus in the body of patients. An example is dealing with patients suffering from cancer. Biotechnology has given hope to such patients by controlling the disease through chemotherapy hence prolonging their life span. The use of plastic body parts has also helped individuals to live a normal life (Catalunya, 2014). An example is patients suffering from breast cancer and has lost a part of her breast. Plastic breasts can be used to al low her live a normal life like any other woman. The advancement of medicine in the world today is due to the evolvement of technology as it improves to make solving problems today an easy task. There are various advancements in medicine today and a majority of them are influenced by the availability of advanced technology in the health sector. Medical advancements are aimed at
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Reflexion Research Report Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Reflexion Report - Research Paper Example The project deals with retail business as it relates to opening an e-commerce expansion to an existing firm. Due to the fact that data and analysis for a new form of retail sector is varied and vast, the amount of information available to analyze was equally varied. The Centre for Retail Research has stated that the retail spending for the current year was about 3.2% which depicted an increase of 0.9%. In the following year, The Centre for Retail Research has predicted sales rising a further 1.6% over 2012 levels. Likewise, these measurements are important to analyze and comprehend as if the market demand is not high, it would not be profitable for a new brand to launch its product in the sluggish market. But as per the report of Key Note, the future of the footwear market remains positive as sales are expected to rise in 2012 as with some large spectator events taking place in the city. The event is very much likely to boost sales of sports footwear as millions of individuals will b e coming to London to witness the spectacle of the Olympic Games. Between 2012 and 2016, the sales of footwear are expected to increase by 16.2% which will boost the confidence of the consumer to spend more on footwear products. The sources justifies that the research conducted in the retail segment relates with the business plan and proves to be both beneficial and profitable.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Intro to Business Assignment 1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Intro to Business Assignment 1 - Coursework Example Discussion 1: Topic B The industries that the Internet has transformed are TV, Music and retail industry. TV and music industries are bringing most of their broadcast online. Especially the Music industry has gone upfront on the internet via peer-to-peer technology, downloading websites and streaming websites like where users can download, stream and listen to the live music an watch the video. The retail industry has been carrying out most of their operations online where customers and the channel partners have been given access to the retail website where they can view their respective commodities. Customers can go online and customize their orders according to their liking after seeing the goods available on the website. Thus the internet has brought in an element of ease and comfort for the users. The hassle, of going to the store/outlet and seeing the commodity and purchasing it, could avoided. Customers can sit at their homes and with a click they can order the comm odities they want. The internet has been improving the operations of these industries because it provides a paperless environment and where the transactions can be carried out on real time basis.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Assignment 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Assignment 5 - Essay Example More generally, we can see that cross-cultural encounters do not always end well for everybody involved. Before understanding what a cross-cultural encounter can do, it is important to understand what one is. In the broadest meaning, such an encounter could be described as any in which two different cultures meet. More specifically, it is one in which ideas that are different between cultures are exchanged, with varying results. In the case of Benin, one of the exchanges was â€Å"the discovery of Benin art by Europeans†. (Mackie 16) This can be seen in the last paragraph of the passage from Bacon, which states that some of the things found in the houses were â€Å"castings of wonderful delicacy of detail, and some magnificently carved tusks†. In the background, we can see that the Benin were perhaps initially pleased by contact with the West. Presumably, they happily traded for the â€Å"glass walking sticks, old uniforms, absurd umbrellas†and so on that Bacon describes as being in most of the warehouses. However, the exchange obviously did not go well for the Benin. In the context Mackie gives us, we know that Bacon is an invader trying to bring Benin â€Å"firmly under British control†. (Mackie 17) Although it is not explicitly mentioned in the passage, some sense of this chilling reason behind the cross-cultural encounter can be seen in the way Bacon describes the Benin people. Bacon was largely unimpressed with what he found, and so the cultural exchange which could have taken place was limited by the Europeans existing prejudices about the Benin people. The way the passage describes the Benin as â€Å"natives†who were tricked by â€Å"the usual cheap finery†reinforces the idea that the Europeans only wanted to manipulate this different culture for their own ends. The fact that the passage describes the Benin in very negative tones elsewhere, such as explaining the â€Å"ruined and uninhabited houses†as being
Booker Jones Analysis Essay Example for Free
Booker Jones Analysis Essay 1. A. If the cost of barrels were to be incorporated into the inventory account (balance sheet), then the cost of barrels used (Income statement) can be reduced. From 1960-1961, Booker Jones increased its barrels produced from 43,000 barrels to 63,000 barrels. That is 20,000 barrel increased in just one year. The cost per barrels is $31.50. (20,000 * 31.50= $630,000) We can reduce the cost per barrel expense from income statement of $630,000. ïÆ' (-407,000+630,000= 223,000) Therefore, pretax profit would have been $223,000 instead of net loss of $407,000. B. If the change were made retroactively as of June 1, 1959 then Effect on the balance sheet at the end of 1960 Number of barrel in inventory in 1960 is 172,000 (172,000 barrels * . 50 = 5,418,000) $5,418,000 is the increased inventory after incorporated the cost of barrels to inventory. ($5418000 + $4,506,000 = $9,924,000) $9,924,000 is the new ending inventory in 1960 Deferring the Aging costs into the inventory balance would increase the Net Profit in 1960. This would then increase the Retained Earnings account on the balance sheet Effect on the balance sheet at the end of 1961 Number of barrels in inventory in 1961 is 192,000 (192,000 barrels * $31.50 = $6,048,000) $6,048,000 is the increased in inventory after incorporating the cost of barrels to inventory ($6,048,000 + $5,030,000 = $11,078,000) $11,078,000 is the new ending inventory in 1960 Deferring the Aging costs into the inventory balance would increase the Net Profit in 1960. This would then increase the Retained Earnings account on the balance sheet Effect on the income statement for 1960 2. We do not believe that Jones went from a profit in 1960 to a loss for 1961 because they can capitalize the patented barrels as inventory instead of expense it. Because of the 4 years aging life, it makes sense to capitalize the barrels and expense it as the aging process reduced. 7. 1. The original Levi’s Store Channel has a higher return on invested capital, meaning it is a good investment in a long run. Column1 Wholesale Channel Estimate Original Levis Store Channel Estimate Operating Profit before Tax 4 6 Tax at 40% 1.6 2.4 NOPAT 2.4 3.6 Fixed Asset Factory PPE 5 5 Distributed PPE 1 2 Total Fixed Asset 6 7 Non-Cash Working Capital Current Asset 8 12 Current Liability 1 1 Cash 0 0 Total Non-Cash Working Capital 7 11 Invested Capital 13 18 Return on Invested Capital 18% 20% 2. Value Chain Analysis Providing strategic direction – corporate strategy Provide the perfect fit jean for customers Market segment for unsatisfied customers Broaden market segment by offering customized jeans Generating customer demand – sales, marketing and customer service Increase in profit 24% unsatisfied customers Provide more styles, more colors, better fits 4224 possible combination of measurement 400 prototype pairs stock at Kiosk for customers to try on Fulfilling customer demand – supply chain, manufacturing, production Order is transmitted directly to Levi’s factory. Each pair of jeans is individually cut 3 days shipping back to customers (at $5 extra charge per pair) Pull based: responsiveness to actual buying patterns, improve manufacturing, and delivery cycle Need to find ways to fix the 8 months lag between ordering cotton fabric and selling the final pair of jeans. Providing support services – Finance, HR, legal and compliance Need additional finance to pay for trained personal clerks Need to take out loan to finance initial investment of the project In 4 retail store locations
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Theories in Nationalism
Theories in Nationalism Introduction Nationalism, a term which has been defined in various ways and still continues to nurture the debate around it, is one of the strongest forces in the world as we know it today. Despite its strong influence during the last centuries, it has remained long neglected by academia (Hutchinson Smith 1994: 3). One of the first scholars to address this academic shortcoming was Elie Kedourie, a British scholar of the Middle East, who offered a conservative challenging theory against nationalism in his thought-provoking book entitled Nationalism. In this sense, it is safe to say that most scholars concerned with this field of study have been influenced, to some extent, by the work of Kedourie and have taken issue with it. Kedourie has dealt with nationalism in a number of books, presenting his passionate dissent against the spread of nationalism as an ideology in Europe. His book Nationalism identifies nationalism as a doctrine invented in Europe at the beginning of the nineteenth century (1960: 9) that divides humanity into separate and distinct nations (1960: 73). As a scholar who spent a large proportion of his life teaching, Kedourie emphasized the importance of understanding the philosophy of history and the value of its practice, and criticized academics for meddling with political affairs (Kedourie, 1998a: 51; Minogue, 2008). A fervent advocate of strong, long-lasting empires, he argued, that nationalism as an ideology had caused global wars, destruction, and great misery (Sieff 2006). The objective of this paper is to critically assess Kedouries contribution to the study of nationalism. For this purpose, this essay is structured as follows; firstly, it sets the context by briefly introducing the life and works of Elie Kedourie. This is important as, growing up an Iraqi Jew, Kedourie personally experienced the negative impacts of Arab nationalism which caused him as most other Jews to flee his home country. Kedourie blamed British policy for the rise of nationalism in the Middle East, a policy he later criticized in his works. The essay then proceeds to identify and explain his concept of, and arguments against nationalism; next, it explores Elie Kedouries dialogue with three theorists who were influenced by and developed Kedouries ideas; and finally, it presents a critique of his theory and concepts. In summary, this paper demonstrates Kedouries unique attitude towards and his innovative theory of nationalism, but also the flaws in his theory based on which led ma ny of his followers and critics to charge him with intellectual determinism (Lawrence 2005: 132). Kedourie and His Works Kedourie was undoubtedly a man of great achievement. An Iraqi-Jew, he was born in Baghdad on January 25, 1926, but migrated to Great Britain as part of the post-1948 Jewish mass departure from the Arab world (Minogue 2008). In his doctoral thesis, England and the Middle East (1956), which he wrote at Oxford University, he, for the first time, systematically criticized the British foreign policy and its inter-war role in Iraq (Kramer 1999). Accordingly, his controversial thesis was not only much debated, but Kedourie was asked to change it. However, Kedourie felt so strongly about his writings that rather than modify it, he withdrew it! Throughout his life, Kedourie offered a seminal analysis that expounded the state of world affairs and exposed the evil of nationalism. Although he published his most important book entitled Nationalism decades ago, Kedouries ideas still resonate today and are being studied by a number of critics and theorists of nationalism. Kedourie was brought back into academia by his colleague Michael Oakeshott, and consequently held a chair in Politics at the London School of Economic for 40 years. He was an expert on Middle Eastern history, founder and editor of the journal Middle Eastern Studies (1964), and the author and editor of many outstanding books, especially on the Middle East. In contrast to many other scholars of and on the Middle East, Kedourie was able to see it in a wider world context (Mango 1993: 375). This interest led him from Arab nationalism to his study of nationalism as a universal phenomenon. The significance of this, was that it changed the traditional thinking of nationalism and brought to awareness its disastrous influence and its major potential in threatening world order. Besides the book Nationalism, his published works also include Afghani and Abduh: An Essay on Religious Unbelief and Political Activism in Islam (1966), the famous The Chatham House Version (1970), Nationalism in Asia and Africa (1970), and Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies (1974). Among his later books are In the Anglo-Arab Labyrinth (1980), The Crossman Confessions (1984), Politics in the Middle East (1992), and Hegel and Marx: Introductory Lectures, his posthumous book published in 1995. Kedourie impressed with his sharp intellect and his rather eloquent, clear and coherent writing style. Although English was his third language, his works were written in an excellent English style worthy of one of the greatest orientalists and scholars of our time (Moreh 1998: 2). Especially in his book Nationalism, he manages to draw a clear and red line from the sometimes very abstract explorations of the foundations, on which he then builds his theory, to the explanation of his approac h itself. In addition, Kedouries personality stood out in academia. As opposed to many academics, Kedourie neither locked himself in the so-called academic ivory tower, nor did he fall into the circle of self-adoration. Kedourie, more than anything else, was a mentor and father figure to his students (Salibi 1994)! Although he was sometimes referred to as idealistic, most of his students and scholars alike remember Kedourie as humble, dignified, kind, and a generous scholar with quiet and gentle courtesy which one could always count on (Salibi 1994). Kedouries Concept and Critique of Nationalism After the two World Wars, a grouping of independent states created the United Nations and other international bodies, such as the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) or theEuropean Economic Community (EEC), and forged multilateral treaties (for example Treaty of Paris, NATO, Warsaw Pact) to sustain peace and worldwide cooperation in the hope of preventing another global conflict. Kedourie believed that many calamitous global events, such as war, destruction, poverty, famine and genocide, were caused by a doctrine of nationalism, which justified the division of nations. Kedourie (1993b: xiii) viewed nationalism as an ideology and believed that it had been made a contrived religion by governments to justify their actions and to maintain their so-called right to national self-determination (Kelidar 1993: 5-6). Kedourie laid out his controversial theory against the nationalism doctrine in his book Nationalism. In the first chapter, Politics in a New Style, he explains his pessimism about ideological and constitutional politics, which presupposes nationalism as an effective force to strengthen and preserve the identity and authority of a nation (Spencer Wollman 2002: 49). In the following chapters, he tackled the concept of self-determination, which the intellectuals, particularly Immanuel Kant, brandished as the supreme political good (Kedourie 1993a: 22); the relation of state and individual, wherein he criticized the influence of Kant on modern thinkers and the effects of dangerous political ideas on individuals; diversity, which spread the world over as a result of the propagation of nationalism; and national self-determination, which has caused the division of states into nations, disorders and wars. In the last two chapters, he addressed the relationship between nationalism and politi cs and its negative consequences. Kedourie was the first theorist who addressed nationalism systematically and identified it as (an historically erroneous) doctrine. His path-breaking theory introduced new standards to the traditional studies of the phenomenon which saw in granting self-determination the only acceptable way to deal with nationalism. Kedourie relied on historical accounts of global events and on this basis identified three strong arguments against nationalism. Firstly, he claimed that nationalism as a political ideology was impotent and had no significance to reality. Secondly, he asserted that the divisive character of nationalism caused and will continue to cause wars and man-made catastrophes. Finally, he saw nationalism as being about the enshrinement of the concept of sovereignty or self-determination as the fundamental force of global order (Kedourie 1993b: xvi). With regards to his first argument, nationalism was seen as being a political ideology due to its extensive relation to politics. He observed that the doctrine was first conceived and then propagated in Europe in the last century (Deol, 2000: 12). It was an era when nationalism was systematically turned into kind of religion to inspire the people and make them believe that they had a duty and responsibility to serve their homeland. According to Kedourie, the purpose of ideological politics was to impose political culture, legal principles and moral standards on people by means of force (1986: 47-48). When a government seeks to establish an ideology, it can only do so through the use of force and arbitrary powers. He identified the platonic character of this strategy, which posits that a state or society has to eliminate the ideology of the people so as to impose its own political culture or ideology (Kedourie 1993b: xiv). Kedouries argument is clear: ideological politics in the last century has caused many horrific events because of the ideologists attempt to change the status quo and to enforce their own ideology on the masses. As an example he mentioned the case of Yugoslavia. Following its creation after the First World War, Yugoslavia sought to attain unity in order to establish an independent state, but such a national ambition was waylaid when the Yugoslavs fell into the oppressive hands of the Hungarians, Austrians and Ottomans. Another argument he made against ideological politics was that a state that espoused nationalism caused the division of its individual subjects and separation between the government and the governed. Kedourie asserted that a society that adopted certain kinds of principles deprived the people of their rights. A group of people treated as mere ciphers by their rulers would be led to treat their fellow men in the same way. Turning to his second argument nationalism will lead to war and manmade disasters- Kedourie explained that nationalism supports the division of humanity into a number of states and thus also supports the division of men in terms of race, tradition, religion, and political ideology (1986: 71-73). Since nations are divided into many categories, Kedourie argues that wars and disasters are inevitable. He argued that conflicts and chaos ravaged the whole of Europe between 1848 and the end of World War II because of the concept of nationalism (Kedourie 1993b: xvi). However, he rejected the argument that poverty is somehow linked to nationalism. Since most poor countries have prevalent nationalist ideology, he believed that poor economic conditions might bring about social displeasure, which may lead to the propagation of nationalism (Kedourie 1974c: 19). However, he claimed that the rise of nationalism in Czechoslovakia and Italy was not due to evident poverty. Furthermore, Kedourie believed that the development of nationalism in Asia and Africa was basically a reaction to invasion and foreign occupation (1974: 21). Lastly, he criticized socialism as an ideological obsession that caused great destruction in the last century. He states (1993b: xvii) that socialism has produced not happiness or spiritual fulfilment, or even material prosperity, but, on the contrary, unparalleled oppression and misery, and it has sunk by the weight of its own misconceived ideals. Moreover, he suggested that the collapse of Soviet Russia in 1991 had led to a precarious disproportion of power among its former constituents and their neighbours. Hence, he warned that this power vacuum could lead to war. He concluded that nationalist ideology did not evidently ensure economic success or honest and responsible government. Kedouries condemnation of nationalism and by extension his path-breaking theory, was seen by many theorists on nationalism that followed as a milestone in the evolution of the theoretical debate (Ozkirimli 2000: 32). As a consequence, the vast majority of these theorists took issue with his theory in one way or another. Kedouries Influence on other Theorists of Nationalism Kedouries passionate arguments against nationalism gained both the admiration and support of a coterie of loyal followers but also drew some harsh criticism. Undoubtedly, he contributed enormously to the great debate about the origins and nature of nationalism. As a man of exceptional intellectual reputation with exacting standards in his thinking and scholarship, Kedourie was immensely influential on many modern scholars and his students alike (Salibi 1994: 4) and thus, achieved to transform and revolutionize the understanding of nationalism (Minogue 2008; Kelidar 1993: 5-6). Three distinguished theorists of nationalism who admired Kedourie, but took issue with his ideas are Ernest Gellner, Anthony Smith, and Benedict Anderson. All of these theorists built on the works of Kedourie, and this made for a great contribution to the debate about the nature and roots of nationalism that dominated the European community in the nineteenth century (Gellner 1996: xix). Smith openly elaborated on the intellectual depth of Kedouries seminal arguments against the concept of nationalism, saying that the latters works continue to exert a wide influence on modern thinkers like him (2007: 213). Similarly, Gellner credited Kedouries work but also attributed a lot of critique to Kedouries ideas (Gray 2004). This paper will now examine in more depth some of these issues in order to provide a critical evaluation of the strengths as well as limits of Kedouries arguments. Anthony D. Smith For his part, Smith agreed with Kedouries concept of nationalism as an ideological crusade that seeks the achievement and maintenance of national sovereignty, harmony, and distinctiveness, on behalf of a particular group of inhabitants (2007: 214). Smith reiterated Kedouries argument that although nationalism was sparked by the myth of the French Revolution, this ideological movement was inspired by Kant, which then in turn influenced Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Smith claimed that the main proponent of nationalism was Fichte, a Kantian, who, in his Addresses to the German Nation (1808), established an agenda for the creation of a German national education (Choueiri 2000: 6). Smith concurred with Kedourie that this secular ideological movement was inspired by the declaration of independence, which states that sovereignty resides exclusively in the state. Smith (2007a: 217) also regarded nationalism as a secular form of religion, and concluded that traditional religions like Judaism preserve their character and that they contribute to the propagation of nationalism by serving as agents of collective sentiments. Smith thus supported Kedouries statement that Judaism is a religion that accentuates the value of land and language and national feeling (1993b: 76) and suggested that there are cultural similarities between modern nationalism and biblical Israel and its covenant. This being said, in his Theories of Nationalism, Smith criticized Kedourie for selecting only the extreme features of nationalism, thus overlooking the civilizing and empowering influence of the doctrine (Jinadu 1972: 646). Benedict Anderson In his Imagined Communities: Reflection on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism, Benedict Anderson, a modernist theorist like Kedourie, identifies the rise of capitalism at the beginning of industrialization era as the main reason for the emergence of nationalism: peoples literacy level increased due to the emergence of printing press capitalism. No longer were they dependent on the church for getting information. As a result, member of various communities became aware of each other and hence it helped them imagine the nation and the feeling of being a nation (Capmack 2005). In complete contrast to Kedouries hostility to the idea of nationalism, Anderson posits that nationalism contributes to a better society and encourages good behaviour: You follow the laws because they are your laws (2005). However, he agrees with Kedourie on the importance of history, arguing that such doctrines as nationalism or nationality are like cultural relics that can only be understood by tracing their historical roots, nature and motivations (1991: 4). He thus stated that eighteenth century Europe was not simply marked by the beginning of nationalism but by the end of religious forms of thought. Changes in the religious community, according to Anderson, gave rise to the belief that nationalism was a secular solution to the question of continuity that had been answered previously by religious faith. He wrote: What I am proposing is that nationalism has to be understood by aligning it, not with self-consciously-held political ideologies, but with the large cultural systems that preceded it- out of which, as well as against which- it came into being (1991: 11). Hence, in many ways, Anderson simply complements the arguments raised by Smith and Kedourie that the form of nationalism that dominates the world today is a combination of traditional religions and of secular political ideologies based on national self-determination. Another similarity arises by looking at their views on nationalism and language. Anderson suggested that language could be used as a cohesive force to nurture peoples love of their country. For example, songs, poetry, and national anthems are used as effective agents of nationalism (1991: 145). Accordingly, the use of language is a significant reason for the emergence of independent, divided states and the proliferation of print-word (Mar-Molinero Smith 1996: 70). Similarly, though more pessimistic and with almost sad undertones, Kedourie elaborates that language is a strong expression of ones individuality and thus the most important criterion for a nation to be recognized and to exist (1986: 64). The emphasis on language with regards to nations, and by extension of states, has had many negative side-effects among which language has been transformed into a political issue for which men are ready to kill and exterminate each other (1985: 71). Ernest Gellner Gellners Nations and Nationalism was a direct response to Elie Kedouries theory, which Gellner believed lacked any real comprehension of the reality of nationalism, as a result of its overly intellectual focus (Gellner 1983). He dissented on the idealist argument of Kedourie that nationalism was the consequence of a historical anomaly and intellectual blunders, and suggested that it was rather an unavoidable by-product of economic and technical progress (Gray 2004). Moreover, Gellner rejected the premise that the concept of nationalism was based on the philosophy of Kant, and then spread by inept philosophers and intellectuals. He defended Kant, maintaining that there is no relationship, other than a verbal one, between individual self-determination and national self-determination, and that Kant was a very model for that allegedly bloodless, cosmopolitan, emaciated ethic of the Enlightenment which romantic nationalists detested (OLeary 1997: 198). Similar to Kedouries pessimistic view, Gellner perceived nationalism as the strongest principle of political legitimacy in the modem world and stated that nations should be collectively and freely institutionally expressed, and ruled by its co-nationals.Nationalism invents nations where they do not exist. (1964: 168). Apart from nationalism, Gellner (1985: 1) believed that reformism and industrialization were the two enormous forces that were changing the world. This was his main departure from the concept suggested by Kedourie. Gellners derisive arguments against nationalism perturbed secular rationalists, socialists, and conservatives. He agreed with Kedourie that nationalism presupposes that such important concepts as social justice, material progress, utility and reason, rational principles and law are merely consequential doctrines in supporting and imposing an established and justifiable socio-political order, thus inciting unrelenting denunciation from socialists and liberals for about two centuries (OLeary 1997: 192) Although it appears that Gellner presented similar views to those expressed by Kedourie, he did, however, criticize Kedourie for omitting the sociological analysis in his study of nationalism. Gellner believed that nationalism became a sociological necessity in the modern world, whereas Kedourie rejected any sociological explanation as a form of reductionist economism (Kramer 1999: 637-638), and maintained that history has no depths to be plumbed or main lines to be traced out, and that history does not need explanatory principles, but only words to tell how things were (Kramer 1993). I believe that the differences between Gellner and Kedourie are rather of an epistemological nature than of a fundamental one. Although they dissent on origins of nationalism and on the type of their analysis, the basic concepts of their theories, however, do have significant similarities. For instance, they both recognize nationalism as a modern doctrine. Moreover, they both share a pessimistic view of nationalism and point out its dangerous consequences. Perhaps the similar nature between Gellners and Kedouries theories might be attributed to the significant influence that Kedourie had on Gellner. Lawrence (2005: 132) supports this idea when he writes: his focus on the links between nationalism and modernization certainly inspired later theorists such as Gellner and Hobsbawm. Critique / Conclusion Kedouries basic contention was one of enormous skepticism and suspicion especially vis-Ã -vis third world nationalism, which he perceived as a reaction to European nationalism (1974: 1-153). It appears that his personal experiences greatly influenced his pessimism towards nationalism in general, and more specifically his rather hostile attitude toward a nations self-determination, leading to one of the main flaws in Kedouries theory. He was certain that the idea of national self-determination was not only absurd, but also destructive, immoral and could only lead to violence and discord in domestic politics (Minogue, 2008). Kedourie further postulated that the origins of self-determination were the Age of Enlightenment, which led men to discover the law of nature and rational principles, and its philosophical corollary-the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. This declaration states that a nation must exercise autonomy and that no man or group of men can go beyond the ambit of the law. Kedourie (1993: xiv) wrote: The law was universal, but this did not mean that there were no differences between men; it meant rather that there was something common to them all which was more important than any differences. While taking this rather skeptical stance, Kedourie failed to really develop his arguments on this particular issue any further, and thus left himself open to criticism based on philosophical and historical concerns. He successfully presented a path-breaking theory against the perils of nationalism. Historical events tell us that extreme nationalism has caused global disasters, wars, and massive poverty in the past. He was right in arguing that both conservative and socialist governments subscribed to the ideology of nationalism to achieve their national goals. Kedourie and other nationalist critics exposed nationalism as a dangerous political ideology that must be rejected. Smith, Anderson, and Gellner developed Kedouries theory by presenting the causes, historical origins, and consequences of nationalism. Furthermore, today one might argue that some collectivist countries like North Korea, China, Cuba, among others have made nationalism a secular religion. However, Kedouries theory was not flawless as the section above has to some extent already shown. Kedourie may have raised valid arguments against nationalism; however, as Smith pointed out, the relationship between ideology and nationalism is not always a negative one. In fact, for example, in the case of the periphery countries of the former Soviet Union, history has shown that a nationalist ideology enabled and mobilized people to free themselves from factors which enslaved them. Kedouries somewhat one-sided and hostile portrait of nationalism ignores its constructive aspects and its vital role in creating, as well as controlling, social and political change. Another major flaw in his work is of epistemological nature. Throughout his book one question repeatedly comes to mind: How does he know that? For instance, looking at the question of origin, he connects nationalism with the French revolution as mentioned above. However, why, accordingly to Kedourie, was there no nationalism before the modern era? He does not take issue with this and thus fails to give sufficient evidence for his argument and against more primordial views on nationalism. Moreover, Kedourie perceives nationalism as a (secular) form of religion and thus he suggests that it may substitute the traditional religions. According to him, the religious origins of nationalism are used merely for political purposes. However, he neglects the relationship between religion and pre-modern ethnic identities in many areas of the world and then overlooks religious and secular roots of modern nationalism and, thus over-simplifies the relation between religion and modern nationalism (Hutchinson Smith 1994: 70). Finally, it appears that his views on ideology and nationalism were heavily influenced by his personal experiences, as well as the British academic attitudes of that time, which were fundamentally skeptical of any ideology per se (personal conversation with lecturer). For instance, Michael Oakeshott, a mentor and colleague of Kedourie, doubted the political action and questioned the assertions made in defence of political ideology (Kedourie 1998a: 111). Kedourie was exposed to the teachings of early British scholars like Oakeshott who dismissed the notion of a science of politics. This is one of the reasons behind his pessimistic view on ideology and his scorn of the academics interference in politics. In the final analysis, however, I agree with Kedouries skeptical contention as, looking at the world today and how nationalism as portrayed by Kedourie has infected and affected many countries towards the negative, his warning proved to be valid. 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Legalization of Marijuana Debate
Legalization of Marijuana Debate What if one of Americas most illegal plants was also one of the worlds most beneficial plants? Marijuana has a wide variety of different applications in society, but remains illegal by federal law. Some states have decriminalized cannabis, but federal law does not recognize state law. Suppose that by federal law, cannabis were a decriminalized or legal substance. An entire new world of research could arise and each of its uses would become definitive. Perceptions concerning the use of marijuana would likely be altered. The decriminalization or legalization of marijuana would presumably cause many economical, industrial, and medical adaptations focused towards the benefit of the United States of America. Being an activist plays a key role in the decriminalization of marijuana. Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede or direct social, political, economic, or environmental change. Activists for the legalization of marijuana have made great strides in 20 states to date based upon the supporters of its medical uses. Although Congress classified marijuana as a Schedule 1 substance (a category of drugs not considered legitimate for medical use) in 1970, instantly making it the most widely used drug in the U.S. Many disagree with this and the fight (in the media, courts, and on the streets) raises ethical issues, such as whether or not the government should be allowed to govern what people do in their own homes. In fact, up until the government started imposing restrictions in 1930, physicians still widely prescribed marijuana to their patients for a variety of reasons that are similar to the reasons people use it today (Bostwick, 2012). Marijuana, as most people commonly know it, is actually a plant called hemp, or cannabis sativa. Hemp is any durable plant used since prehistory for many purposes, such as rope, paper, and clothing. The cannabis plant also produces three very important products that other plants do not (in usable form): seed, pulp, and medicine. The cannabis sativa plant grows as weed and cultivated plant all over the world in a variety of climates and soils (Legalizing Hemp 2). Marijuana has been used throughout history; in 6000 B.C. cannabis seeds were used as food in China; in 4000 B.C. the Chinese used textiles made of hemp; the first recorded use of cannabis as medicine in China was in 2727 B.C.; and in 1500 B.C. the Chinese cultivated Cannabis for food and fiber (Legalizing Hemp 2). MEDICAL USES Paul Armentano, Deputy Director of the NORML (The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) Foundation, stated at the beginning of this year that scientists are investigating cannabinoids ability to moderate the pain associated with disorders such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease, as well as the cannabinoids role in the treatment of several neurological disorders including Alzheimers disease and Lou Gehrigs disease (par. 3). The cannabinoids contained in marijuana have the potential to provide therapeutic relief for a multitude of diseases. The potential therapeutic uses of medical marijuana include relief from clinical conditions like gliomas, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimers, ALS, fibromyalgia, tourettes syndrome, dystonia, HIV, hepatitis c, hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, gastrointestinal disorders, pruritis, incontinence, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis (Armentano, par. 8).à ƒâ€šÃ‚ Armentano also stated in his report in the Recent Research on Medical Marijuana: Investigators are currently studying the anti-cancer properties of cannabinoids. A growing body of preclinical and clinical data concludes that cannabinoids can reduce the spread of specific cancer cells via apoptosis (programmed cell death) and by the inhibition of angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels). Arguably, these latter trends represent far broader and more significant applications for cannabinoid therapeutics than researchers could have imagined some thirty or even twenty years ago (par. 4) If cannabis were to be decriminalized, an entirely new domain of medicinal research could possibly be unlocked. The medicinal properties of marijuana including the transient as well as therapeutic relief to a broad list of clinical conditions could be further researched and bestowed upon society. Allen F. St. P ierre states in his article About Marijuana: Modern research suggests that cannabis is a valuable aid in the treatment of a wide range of clinical applications. These include pain relief particularly of neuropathic pain (pain from nerve damage) nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, and movement disorders. Marijuana is also a powerful appetite stimulant specifically for patients suffering from HIV, the AIDS wasting syndrome, or dementia. Emerging research suggests that marijuanas medicinal properties may protect the body against some types of malignant tumors and are neuroprotective. (par. 10) Newer and healthier methods of the application of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) could be researched in order to prevent any negative effects that inhaling the combusted material of cannabis may have on your respiratory system. New branches of research dedicated to showing the positive aspects of marijuana could be possible decriminalization were set in motion. Canada has already benefited tremendously from their nation-wide legalization of marijuana. Andrew D. Hathaway and Kate Rossiter state in their article on Canadas society involving medical marijuana that In 2001, Canada announced it would be the first country to legalize cannabis for therapeutic purposes and earmarked funding for clinical trials. By June, 2007, legal access had been granted to about 1,800 patients with terminal illnesses and serious medical conditions (1). Not only does cannabis have the potential to provide the United States with an extremely broad range of medical application, but this plant also has the potential to provide various industrial applications. INDUSTRIAL USES Hemps uses include but are certainly not limited to: fuel; food (hemp seeds provide an incredible source of protein-not only for people but for birds who seek out hemp seeds which have been mixed with other seeds); paper; textiles, (i.e. canvas, paper, cloth, rope); paint; detergent; varnish; oil; medicine; and building materials. Almost any product that can be made from wood, cotton, or petroleum (including plastics) can be made from hemp. Every year the United States government spends billions of dollars to fund the war on drugs, which is conducted mainly by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). More specifically, the extremely well funded Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program (DCESP) is the portion of the DEA that specifically deals with the enforcement of cannabis laws. In the last 25 years, the enforcement of cannabis prohibition has grown stricter. Despite this, marijuana production in the U.S. has increased ten-fold since 1982 (Crop Report 17). Along with this increased production and DEA enforcement, the cost of the war on marijuana has increased greatly in the last few decades. For example, in 2002 roughly 730,000 people were arrested for state marijuana charges meaning they did not possess enough to get charged federally. The total criminal justice cost of these marijuana arrests was about $7.6 billion, which equates to roughly $10,400 per arrest (NORML 131). The legalization of marijuana would eliminate the need for all these arrests which would result in an economic boost, not to mention save the money required to incarcerate someone for said offense. In addition to reducing the amount of money spent keeping marijuana illegal, the legalization of marijuana would free up much needed space in our already overcrowded jails. U.S. citizens account for about 5% of the worlds population, yet U.S. prison inmates account for 25% of the worlds prisoners (Eitzen 368). By eliminating the need for marijuana related arrests, a great burden would be lifted off of our police force. Our police would be able to focus their energy on the real criminals in our nation as opposed to wasting money charging citizens with minor marijuana offenses. Most importantly, the legalization of marijuana would eliminate all of the crime involved with marijuana such as sale, possession, paraphernalia, and cultivation. The Author of Social Problems, Stanley Eitzen explains the concept behind why the legalization of marijuana would do so: organized crime, which now acquires most of its income from providing illegal goods and services, would no longer be able to hide its investments and profits. Thus, laws against victimless crimes are indirectly responsible for maintaining organized crime (Social Problems 352). By making marijuana legal, it makes it impossible for criminals to conduct crimes involving marijuana. However, the prohibitive laws regarding marijuana provide organized criminals with one of their most lucrative source of income: the sale of illegal marijuana. Legislation against marijuana does not eliminate the demand for it amongst society either. Due to marijuana being illegal, the price of marijuana is much higher than what it would be if legal. This unintended result of the prohibitive laws against marijuana has caused a slight increase in crime revolved around the purchase of the herb. New crimes are being committed to produce money so that users can afford the high prices; though not as severe as a crime directly related to the sale and cultivation of marijuana, any crime eliminated because of legalization helps. The eradication of crime associated with marijuana and the corresponding money earned as a result will only become possible through the regulation and production of marijuana by the U.S. government. These would not be the only benefits legalization would have to offer either; the government could generate substantial contributions to the economy through the taxation and sale of marijuana within our borders. Ultimately, the war on marijuana has failed. Marijuana use and production continue to increase from year to year despite the increased efforts against marijuana. New regulatory policies need to be researched and tried if the government ever wants to have control over one of the biggest issues in the war on drugs. ECONOMIC BENEFITS Today marijuana is the number one cash crop in America, generating over $35 billion in dirty money each year (Crop Report 14). That is $18 billion more than second most generated crop corn. Although the prices of marijuana would decline if legalized, the government could still make enormous amounts of money through the taxation, production and sale of marijuana. Marijuana is the fourth most widely used psychoactive drug in the U.S., following caffeine, nicotine and alcohol (Eitzen 385). Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, are all legal, regulated by the government and all contribute greatly to our economy. Why not do so with cannabis? Tobacco addiction resulting from cigarette smoking kills more Americans than alcohol, cocaine, crack, heroin, homicide, suicide, fires, car accidents, and AIDS combined (Eitzen 389). Yet the government encourages and regulates the sale of cigarettes, this is because the tobacco industry is a major contributor to the U.S. economy. Roughly $158 billion are ge nerated each year by the tobacco industry (Eitzen 389). Aside from the sale of cigarettes, tobacco companies spent $21.2 million professional lobbying firms in 2003, which amounts to more than $127,000 for every day Congress was in session (Eitzen 390). Government intervention in the theoretical cannabis industry could produce monetary gains similar to that of the tobacco industry through essentially the same means. Alcohol, the third most used drug in America, is another example of how government regulation of a drug can be successful. Each year, the government makes billions off of the regulation and sale of alcohol. In addition to the revenues that could be generated through the sale of marijuana, the government could institute a marijuana tax, which would only increase revenues. POLITICAL ASPECT In California On November 2, 2010, Proposition 19 failed at the polls. If it passed, marijuana would have been decriminalized, and the government would have been allowed to regulate and penalize marijuana use and distribution to generate additional revenue (Viswanthan 1). Small groups have risen throughout the United States, primarily in California, advocating for marijuana legalization. One of the most well known groups and Californias largest medical group, the California Medical Association, has also endorsed the legalization of marijuana. But if a similar proposition is proposed, President Barack Obama will not support it. In a press conference in Colombia, Obama said he would engage in a debate regarding legalizing drugs, but elaborated that his administration will not support any bill to legalize them (2). With elections approaching, his stance from 4 years ago has shifted greatly. Presidential GOP candidate Mitt Romney has explicitly expressed his dissension around medicinal marijuana in his campaign. After hearing from an individual with muscular dystrophy about his need for medicinal marijuana to survive, Romney repeated fervently that he was not in favor of legalizing medicinal marijuana. The young man with the degenerative illness expressed his worries to the candidate and showed genuine concern for his survival. Five different doctors had recommended the use of medicinal marijuana for this patient, yet the federal government continues to impose fear by prosecuting those who use and prescribe such treatment. Romney continued to ignore his pleas and ended the conversation by walking away from the wheelchair-bound man (CNN). Potential third party candidates such as Ron Paul and Gary Johnson have voiced their support concerning the legalization of marijuana, and have clearly made it known that if they are elected, they will take measures to legalize the drug nationwide (Viswanthan 2). During his 30 years in the House of Representatives, Paul has authored and co-authored multiple marijuana-friendly bills. Hes proposed laws to decriminalize marijuana, permit industrial hemp farming, and constitutionally delegate to states how to enforce extant medical marijuana (Camia 1). For those who favor the legalization of marijuana, the ideology revolving around the subject is conveyed perfectly by Thomas Szasz, a libertarian, I favor free trade in drugs for the same reason the Founding Fathers favored free trade in ideas. In an open society, it is none of the governments business what idea a man puts into his mind; likewise, it should be none of the governments business what drug he puts into his body (74). Though the federal government did not adopt this ideology, there are other valid reasons that the legalization and regulation of marijuana in the U.S. would provide our nation with significant benefits. The taxation and sale of marijuana alone would provide immense economic contributions. The ending of the war against marijuana would save billions of dollars spent each year hunting down and incarcerating marijuana offenders. The potential that marijuana has to offer as a medicine are all possible results of the legalization of marijuana in the United States. OPPOSING VIEWS Scientific studies may have conflicting results, but overall they link smoking marijuana to heart and lung disease, throat cancer, and a decreased memory capacity. Making marijuana legal would increase the number of people being affected by these diseases. Others point to the staggering amount of drugs that have been seized coming into the United States. They point to how drug use is strongly linked to criminal activity, and predict that legalizing marijuana would lead to an increase in violence and crime (Two Sides of the Conflict Anti-Marijuana). The federal government, which overall is working to keep marijuana illegal, agrees that there is no real benefit to legalizing marijuana. Gil Kerlikowske, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy wrote As a former police chief, I recognize we are not going to arrest our way out of the problem. We also recognize that legalizing marijuana would not provide the answer to any of the health, social, youth education, criminal justice, and community quality of life challenges associated with drug use.(Gane-McCalla) SOLUTIONS One of the main reasons that cannabis has not been legalized in the U.S. is the perceived danger that smoking it presents to its user; the perception that getting high is harmful. Yes, smoking cannabis is bad for you, but smoking anything is bad for you. Most of the negative health effects that cannabis users experience are a result of the act of inhaling smoke into their lungs, not the actual THC present. Cannabis can be consumed in ways that do not involve combustion, such as edibles or the use of a vaporizer. Through healthier consumption, marijuana can be used medically to relieve certain patients of pain and other ailments as well as serve as a basis for newer, more effective cannabinoid drug development. The legalization of marijuana would help capitalize on the medicinal benefits that THC and other cannabinoids present in marijuana have to offer. Though large amounts of THC have been found to disrupt short-term memory and impair motor skills, THC has also been proven to help relieve symptoms of many common health problems (Joy 51). In particular, medical marijuana has had the most significant effect on patients suffering from symptoms such as chronic pain, nausea, appetite loss, muscle spasms, insomnia, and glaucoma (Joy 51). There are plenty of legally prescribed drugs that are often used to treat symptoms like those mentioned above; however many of them can be expensive, cause undesirable side effects, and in several cases can become addictive. For example, Xanax and Vicitin are two of the most widely distributed prescription painkillers on the market today despite their high cost and high risk of dependence. In addition, they are most frequently prescribed to patients experiencing symptoms that THC has been found to alleviate. Not to say that medical marijuana, or THC, will always be better than Xanax or Vicitin or any other prescription drug because there are extreme cases where medical marijuana would not suffice. However, medical marijuana would offer a cheap alternative to expensive prescription drugs without the negative side effects or risk of addiction. Despite popular belief, marijuana has not been proven to be physically addictive. Studies indicate that day-to-day marijuana users will develop a minor physiological addiction to the drug, but no evidence was present of a physical addiction one might face with cocaine, heroin or even caffeine abuse (Joy 92). This trait of THC is but another reason that the developmen t of more advanced cannabinoid based drugs should be looked into if marijuana were legalized. The idea of synthetic THC or a pill form of THC is not a new one. Scientists developed Marinol, the only cannabinoid approved for marketing in the U.S., was introduced in 1985. Although Marinol was not a huge success and is rarely used today, it did lead to the discovery of the neuroprotective qualities cannabinoids possess. Janet Joy, author of Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base, explains neuroprotection: One of the most prominent new applications of cannabinoids is for neuroprotection, the rescue of neurons from cell death associated with trauma, ischemia, and neurological diseases (202). This quality of cannabinoids could prove to be valuable in the development of medicines designed to slow the deterioration of the brain, such as certain types of brain damage and other illnesses causing brain damage. If the use of medical marijuana were legal, people would be provided with a cheaper, and if consumed properly, sometimes healthier alternative to certain ailments they may be experienci ng. Along with the numerous medical uses marijuana already has to offer, the legalization of marijuana would enable scientists to develop state of the art medicines involving cannabinoids. Investigators are currently studying the anti-cancer properties of cannabinoids. A growing body of preclinical and clinical data concludes that cannabinoids can reduce the spread of specific cancer cells via apoptosis (programmed cell death) and by the inhibition of angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels). Arguably, these latter trends represent far broader and more significant applications for cannabinoid therapeutics than researchers could have imagined some thirty or even twenty years ago (par. 4) . If cannabis were to be decriminalized, an entirely new domain of medicinal research could possibly be unlocked. The medicinal properties of marijuana including the transient as well as therapeutic relief to a broad list of clinical conditions could be further researched and bestowed upon society. Allen F. St. Pierre states in his article About Marijuana: Modern research suggests that cannabis is a valuable aid in the treatment of a wide range of clinical applications. These include pain relief particularly of neuropathic pain (pain from nerve damage) nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, and movement disorders. Marijuana is also a powerful appetite stimulant specifically for patients suffering from HIV, the AIDS wasting syndrome, or dementia. Emerging research suggests that marijuanas medicinal properties may protect the body against some types of malignant tumors and are neuroprotective. (par. 10) DISCUSSION There are laws in place making it illegal for anyone under the age of eighteen (in most states) to purchase Nicotine products, and twenty one to purchase alcohol products. Thoughts are that at eighteen/twenty one, one is old enough to have been properly educated and understand what it is they are doing when they purchase these products. Why cant we do this with the legalization of marijuana?  Maybe we should look to European countries for the answer to marijuana legality. Many have made their laws less strict or repealed them entirely, which were fashioned after laws made here in the United States, in favor of the legalization of marijuana. Commander Brain Paddock in a neighborhood of London called Brixton ran a small experiment. Over a six month period, he instructed his officers to warn those caught with small amounts of marijuana rather than arrest them. At the end of those six months, Scotland Yard issued a report that stated more than 2500 hours of manpower was saved by giving warnings (Katz). Not making arrests meant not spending valuable time transporting prisoners and filling out paper work, not to mention court time and costs saved prosecuting those arrested. That time could then be spent on investigating and enforcing other more serious criminal activities. Marijuana use is legal or otherwise overlooked, in many European areas such as Holland. In an article called Europe Loosens Its Pot Laws, written for Rolling Stone Magazine, Gregory Katz wrote that Senior Drug Policy Advisor to the Dutch Minister of Health, Bob Krizer, has said marijuana consumption in Holland has been consistently lower over the past twenty-five years than it has in the United States. During those same twenty-five years, the United States had been waging the War on Drugs, while Holland had been embracing a more liberal policy. Mr. Krizer also states that their rate of harder drug addicts is largely lower than many other countries that have stricter drug policies (Katz). If true, this goes a long way towards proving education is a much better way to get a message across than making laws and arresting people. CONCLUSION Marijuana has the potential to be one of the most useful substances in the world. Even though cannabis prevails as possibly one of the most useful plants on the face of the Earth, it still remains illegal in the United States. With countless uses, whether they be industrial, medical, or economical, it is hard to believe that marijuana still remains a regulated and prohibited substance. It seems as if this harmless flower is considered illegal for no other reason than to be considered illegal. Cannabis is a possible nationwide head start towards the economys stability and withholds the potential to assist in the addressing of some of the United States most pressing issues. The decriminalization of cannabis has the potential to become one of the greatest economical advances in the history of the United States of America. If people took action and the government legalized it today, we will immediately see benefits from this decision. People suffering from illnesses ranging from manic depression to Multiple Sclerosis would be able to experience relief. The government could make billions of dollars off of the taxes it could impose on its sale, and its implementation into the industrial world would create thousands of new jobs for the economy. Also, because of its role in paper making, the rain forests of South America can be saved from their current fate of extinction. No recorded deaths have ever occurred as a result of marijuana use, it is not physically addictive like alcohol or tobacco, and most doctors will agree it is safer to use than those substances. A quote by Abraham Lincoln describes the situation perfectly. Prohibitiongoes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a mans appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded. Marijuana being illegal has no validity at all. Due to all the positive aspects of marijua na it should be legalized in the United States.ÂÂ
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Symbolic Use of Hunger in Literature :: essays research papers
The symbolic use of hunger in literature      Throughout history, both men and women have struggled trying to achieve unattainable goals in the face of close-minded societies. Authors have often used this theme to develop stories of characters that face obstacles and are sometimes unable to overcome the stigma that is attached to them. This inability to rise above prejudice is many times illustrated with the metaphor of hunger. Not only do people suffer from physical hunger, but they also suffer from spiritual hunger: a need to be full of life. When this spiritual hunger is not satisfied, it can destroy a life, just as physical hunger can kill as well. Characters such as Edna Pontellier of Kate Chopin's The Awakening, Hugh Wolfe of Rebecca Harding Davis' Life in the Iron Mills, Jane Eyre of Charlotte Bronte's novel, and the woman being force fed in Djuna Barnes' How It Feels to Be Forcibly Fed all suffer from an insatiable hunger, which, in most cases, ultimately is not fulfilled. Poets such as Anna Wickham also describe the plight of humanity using hunger as a means to illustrate the feeling of deprivation. Although all of these characters come from different walks of life, they share a common struggle. Edna belongs to upper class Creole society, Hugh Wolfe is a poverty-stricken immigrant laborer, and Jane Eyre, an orphan. These characters lived during the middle to the end of the nineteenth century, in completely distinct worlds, yet all had their creativity stifled by society. Similarly, Djuna Barnes poem of the British woman who goes on a hunger strike in an attempt to get the vote and Anna Wickham's poem The Affinity describin g the angst of a deprived wife, both depict women who lived during the early twentieth century and, although different, were both suppressed in some way. Edna Pontellier was a woman who was forced to comply with the rules of Creole society, but, in being reluctant to do so, found herself in a world where she felt trapped. She saw how women were supposed to behave but did not have that behavior instilled in herself. She felt confined by her husband's expectations, and did not want to live out the typical role of wife and mother. When Robert came into her life, she began to feel that she was being 'awakened.'; She was beginning to experience life in a new light and the hunger for change began to emerge.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Stamp Act :: essays research papers
The Stamp Act      The Stamp Act was an important act introduced by the British prime minister George Grenville and it was passed in March 1765 by the British Parliament. It’s purpose was to raise money for the British army stationed in the American colonies. The Stamp Act required tax stamps for public documents such as, newspapers, legal documents, customs documents, licenses, playing cards, deeds, and almanacs. Since Britain was left with a large national debt from the Seven Years’ War, the British government felt that since the colonies benefited that they should contribute to the expenses. The American colonies acted strongly against this matter.      During the Summer of 1765, there were many protests in the colonies. These protests involved everyone from civic leaders to street mobs. In many cities and towns the slogan became â€Å"no taxation without representation.†The Sons of Liberty were a secret organization that often organized these protests. Many acts of violence and a lot of pressure was centered towards the Stamp Agents. By fall almost all stamp agents resigned.      The Virginia Assembly declared that the Stamp Act was unjust and illegal. The assembly passed resolutions against taxation’s by the British Parliament. The Massachusetts House of Representatives invited all of the colonies to send delegates to a general congress. The colonies that accepted the invitation and sent delegates to the general congress were New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Massachusetts.      In October of 1765 in New York City a Stamp Act Congress was held. It represented nine colonies. The Stamp Act Congress declared that stamp taxes could not be collected without the people’s consent and that the colonists’ right to be taxed was only by their own elected representatives. Merchants agreed not to import British goods until the law was repealed. That lead to the British Parliament being bombarded
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Health and Social Care Qcf Lvl 3
Communication and Sensory Loss ( units 301& 393) Explain the methods of communication used by individuals with hearing loss Individuals with hearing loss may use a variety of methods to communicate, depending on their preference. Often individuals may compensate for hearing loss by relying on their sight or responding to cues from others, therefore non verbal and written communication methods can be used. Non verbal methods include the use of eye contact, facial expression, touch, gestures, signs or sign language. Written communication methods include letters, pictures, texts or emails.Individuals may also use communication professionals such as lip speakers to enable them to respond and participate when communicating with others. Explain the methods of communication used by individuals with sight loss Due to sight loss individuals may communication using auditory, verbal and non verbal methods. Verbal methods such as talking face to face or over the phone may be used. Auditory metho ds such as listening and responding to taped information could also be used depending on the individuals preference.Non verbal methods such as touch, gestures and tactile methods including the use of brail could also be used. Depending on the severity of the sight loss other methods such as low vision aids could also enable the individual to respond and communicate with others. Explain the methods of communication used by individuals who are deafblind Depending on the individuals preference, age of onset, strongest sense, education or background, individuals who are deafblind may use a variety or combination of communication methods. Read also: â€Å"Advice About Communication†Sensory methods may be used such as touch, gestures or facial expressions. The use of brail could be used to enable an individual to read and responded to others or alternatively the use of the deaf blind manual alphabet. Other rare methods such as tadoma could also be used. Depending on the onset and nature of the individuals condition, methods such as sign language could also be used if sight has been lost later on. Describe how you could use your environment/setting to make communication more effective with individuals with sensory lossDepending on the nature of an individuals sensory loss, the environment can be adapted effectively to facilitate communication . It is important that background noise and the acoustics of environments are considered, as this could impact on an individuals ability to communicate or interpret information from others. It is therefore important that background noise is kept to a minimum and environments are adapted appropriately as individuals who are blind or partially deaf will be relying on their hearing to engage and interoperate others effectively.Effective use of lighting, visual cues and colour to create contrast between surfaces could be adapted within an environment. This could enable individuals, particularly with partial sight loss to communicate more effectively and feel more engaged within their environment. Taking into consideration the importance of privacy where appropriate is also important, to enable individuals to feel more comfortable and secure within their environment and to facilitate communicate. Explain how effective communication can have a positive impact on the lives of people with sensory lossEffective communication can have a positive impact on the lives of individuals with sensory loss, as it can enable individuals to engage with others and within their environment, therefore facilitating participation and promoting engagement in everyday life. Effec tive communication can also enable individuals to make informed choices about their everyday life and have control over the life choices that they make. Through effective communication individuals can also therefore maintain their dignity and feel more empowered and engaged in their every day tasks.Describe the different things you should think about when you are promoting effective communication When promoting effective communication, it is important to consider different preferences individuals may have regarding communication methods they would like to use. It is important that assumptions are not made regarding communication methods, as different backgrounds, age, cultures or educational backgrounds could influence individuals choice of communication. By taking into considering such components, individuals will be treated in a person centred manner.When promoting effective communication it is also important to consider the impact of stereotyping and discrimination. These factors could impact upon individuals with sensory loss and those who communicate with them. Individuals with sensory loss may be portrayed as lacking capacity or being dependant on others. It is therefore important that when promoting effective communication, independence, access to information and choice is also promoted to help eliminate discrimination and enable individuals to feel more empowered.It is also important to consider physical and environmental barriers which may effect an individuals ability to communicate. In order to promote effective communication it is important to consider such factors as they could impact further on an individuals ability to communicate and access facilities or services. Explain how individuals from different backgrounds may use different communication methods, and may interpret communication in different ways An individuals background may effect their communication methods and also their interpretations of communication.Cultural backgrounds could inf luence how individuals perceive certain gestures or body language as certain gestures are not universal. Different cultures also hold a variety of different values and beliefs which can influence how an individual chooses to communicate and with who. Language differences could also impact on how individuals perceive others and may affect their ability to communicate. Different generations of people may also use communication methods differently and interoperate others in other ways.Older people for example may not feel confident communicating using new technology or may hold certain beliefs about communication which they have internalised over their lives. Explain how and where you would get extra support or services to assist individuals to communicate effectively There are a variety of different services and places to access extra support for individuals, to enable them to communicate effectively. The National Registers of communication professionals can be accessed to find suitab le professionals to assist individuals in communicating effectively.Social services departments can be contacted, as social workers are trained to work with those with visual and hearing impairments to assist them in accessing services or communicating with those involved in the individuals care. Occupational therapists can also be contacted to carry out assessments and provide aids, equipment and adaptations. Such adaptations and equipment can promote independence and enable individuals to communicate more effectively. Other health services such as audiology, eye health clinics and salt can be contacted to provide further assessments and treatment.Opticians can also provide care by monitoring eye health in order for adaptations to be made when needed, to insure that effective communication is maintained. The Royal National Institute for the Blind and Action on Hearing Loss can provide further support for individuals as well as evidenced based information for those in contact with i ndividuals to promote effective communication. Other services such as The British Institute of Learning Disabilities, The Alzheimer’s Society and mental health services can also be accessed through the internet or doctors to provide care and information, depending on the needs of the individual.
Friday, August 16, 2019
An Inspector Calls Essay
The playwright of ‘An Inspector Calls’ John Boynton Priestly was alive between 1894 and 1984, in this time he served in the First World War where in 1916 he was badly injured. It wasn’t until the end of the Second World War in 1945 that he wrote ‘An Inspector Calls’; he chose to set the play thirty years in the past before either wars had happened- in 1912. Priestly was a renowned socialist and highly respected in his time- with his own radio show which around twenty million tuned into each week. Unfortunately, Priestley was seen as too popular- for the conservative government at the time- and taken off air for fear that communities would listen to his left wing ideas more then the prime minister, Winston Churchill. Priestley’s ideas of socialism and morality are a frequent undertone throughout the play and enforce the main theme of the play: responsibility. Because of the timing of the play it is believed that ‘An Inspector Calls’ was supposed to send a clear message to the audience of Britain’s shared responsibility in both wars. In act 1 The Birling family and Gerald are celebrating Gerald and Sheila’s engagement in the dining room. Sheila and Eric are arguing in a not really serious way, while Gerald and Mr. Birling are talking about business, politics mostly about the Titanic. Mr. Birling is on his way to the next social class by getting an knighthood. Lady Croft has a very strong view of social classes; it looks like she isn’t too happy about the fact, that her son is engaged to a girl of a lower class. Just before the ring bells and the inspector arrives, Mr. Birling shows his outlook on life to Gerald and Eric â€Å"a man has to make his own way, has to look after himself and his family†. The inspector enters and tells them about the suicide. He shows a photograph to Mr. Birling. and starts questioning him. It turns out that Eva Smith had been one of Mr. Birlings. employees and later on was discharged because she asked for more money, had been refused and went on a strike along with allot of other employees, and was later fired for being one of the ringleaders. Sheila enters into the dining room and is the next to be questioned. Shiela was also linked to Eva smith, she had been jealous of Eva because she looked better in a specific dress. She went to the manager and told him that this girl had been very impertinent so, indirectly she made Eva lose her job. The inspector goes on and tells that Eva Smith had changed her name into Daisy Renton. Now the inspector links Gerald to the incident, Gerald had an affair with her the previous summer. In Act 2 Mrs Birling is informed that Eric often drinks, Gerald talks about his relationship towards Daisy Renton one of the apparent alias’ of Eva Smith. After that, he went out for a walk. Then inspector turns towards Mrs Birling, she is linked to eva smith because she failed her â€Å"job†as a member of the Brumley Women’s Charity Organization by not helping deserving cases.
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