Wednesday, July 31, 2019
How Different Transitions Affect Child Development
Unit 331 5. 1&5. 2 Explain the different types of transitions can affect children’s development and evaluate the effectiveness of positive relationships during periods of transitions. Transitions are the movement or changes from one position, stage or state to another. These changes can be gradual or sudden, and last for differing periods of time. Transitions can be stressful for young people and this stress can have far reaching effects on children’s emotional wellbeing and academic achievement.Children face many different transitions in their young lives. One of the main transitions is changing schools. This may make them feel anxious and nervous, they may be apprehensive about what their new school is going to be like. They may be sad because they are leaving their friends and familiar security of their previous school. They may experience a sense of loss and even bereavement about losing their friends. The child’s behaviour may change; they may become withdra wn or display extroverted behaviour.The child may show regression academically and communicatively. They may become ill, this maybe a genuine stress related illness or a pretend illness that will delay the change that is upsetting them. Younger children may become clingy and display behaviour of a younger child because they feel vulnerable. Older children may have sleepless nights or nightmares; they may develop mood swings and become grumpy and irritable. They may experience loss of appetite or binge to find comfort. In extreme cases children may self-harm or even think about suicide.These effects of these transitions would impede development emotional, physically, socially and cognitively. Puberty is another transition that all children will experience. The way a child behaves is entirely due to hormones. Puberty is a time of great change. Physically, the body changes and begins to turn into a more adult like body. Puberty and hormones also effects things like friendship, attitude s to others (of both sexes) and to parents change quite dramatically. It can make a child moody, bad-tempered, loose their concentration and tired.The teenager can become self-conscious and worried about the changes that are happening to his body, this could affect all areas of development. There are other transitions that can affect the child such as moving house, moving schools, divorce, and an introduction of a new partner by a parent. This stress can affect the child emotionally, physically, physiologically and intellectually. The child may become physically unwell, their school work may suffer, and they may feel worried, confused and depressed. Children need to have positive relationships during these periods of transition.This could be a parent, teacher or a peer. The child will need someone that they can trust and rely on, someone who they can talk through their fears and concerns with. A positive relationship is essential to help the child cope through transition; someone wh o is there for them and provides support, both practically and emotionally. The psychoanalyst John Bowlby developed the attachment theory which he states that a child needs a supportive, dependable secure relationship with their care giver. This positive relationship helps the child develop and cope with the stresses of the many transitions that they face.Children with the back-up of strong attachments and positive relationships during transitions will be able to cope more efficiently, be more resilient and maintain their self-esteem. If they feel valued and respected their academic, social and emotional development will continue. They will have the self-esteem and self-confidence to explore and embrace the transitions. They will be able to make new relationships and cope with the new situations. If a child experiences successful transitions in early life it will make it easier to cope with subsequent transitions in the future.
Symbolism in Master Harold and the Boys
Because Hally’s father is an alcoholic cripple, Sam takes it upon himself to be a better role model in Hally’s life, which is why the kite is a sign of Sam’s fatherly love for Hally and a lesson to Hally to not judge people that are different.The kite is a clear symbol of Sam’s love for Hally. As a little boy, Hally did not have someone he could look up to because he was ashamed of his father’s behavior. Sam took pity on him and decided to be a good example for Hally. Sam made the kite because he loved Hally and he wanted Hally to have something that he could be proud of. When thinking back to that day, Hally said, â€Å"I was so proud of us! It was the most splendid thing I had ever seen.†Now that Hally is grown, Sam still tries to be a good father figure but he failed to help Hally because Hally is still a rude, judgmental, and racist boy. Sam tries at one final attempt to save Hally when he says, â€Å"Should we try again, Hally? †¦ Fly another kite, I suppose. It worked once, and this time I need it as much as you do.†Even though Hally became a terrible person, Sam never gave up on him because Hally was a son to him.The kite also represents Sam’s lesson to Hally to not judge people, even though that lesson clearly did not pass through Hally’s thick skull. Hally’s first thoughts about Sam making a kite were, â€Å"the sheer audacity of it took my breath away. I mean, seriously, what the hell does a black man know about flying a kite? †¦ I had no hopes for it†and â€Å"Can you remember what the poor thing looked like? †¦ Hell no, that was now only asking for a miracle to happen.†But despite its appearance, Hally said, â€Å"I still can’t believe my eyes†¦ the miracle happened†¦Ã¢â‚¬ when it proved itself by flying high in the wind. Obviously Sam failed once again to make Hally a decent human being, because Hally still proves to be judgmen tal and now very racist as a teenager.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Farewell My Concubine: Self-Identification in Context
Directed by Chen Kaige, a highly acclaimed fifth-generation Chinese film director, Farewell My Concubine has received many international film awards and nominations; among them are the Best Foreign Film and the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1993. In the film, Cheng Dieyi, a Peking Opera actor playing the leading female characters, becomes obsessed with his role as the concubine of the King of Chu and blurs his stage role with the real life he leads. The circumstances in which one grows up in are critical factors in shaping his or her sense of self-identity.This paper attempts to explore the gender identity troubles that Cheng Dieyi has undergone in his self-identification and sexuality in the context of the environment of his upbringing. The story begins when Cheng’s mother takes her son to Master Guan and begs him to take Dieyi (whose nickname was Douzi at the time) into his opera troupe. In order to be a performer in the Peking opera, one must not have any features that are abnormal or that may frighten the audience. Unfortunately, Douzi fails this test because he was born with a sixth finger on one of his hands.His mother was desperate to sell him off and thus cuts off her son’s finger with a cleaver. At this point, Master Guan agrees to accept Douzi as a disciple in his opera troupe. Master Guan notices that Douzi’s â€Å"features were surprisingly delicate; he was almost pretty†, which are perfect for playing female roles. Thus, Douzi is chosen as a dan , or the female lead of the opera troupe. He will play the female roles alongside his best friend, Xiaolou who was chosen to be his sheng, or male lead. Starting from even the earliest scenes of the film, Dieyi’s self-identity has been slowly ripped away from him.Dieyi’s abrupt transition from living in a brothel as a prostitute’s son to becoming a well-disciplined opera singer in the troupe is marked by his mother’s brutal amputati on of his sixth finger. This symbolic castration implies that one must abandon his inherited past in order to seek a new social identity. â€Å"The root of biological determinism has been severed and the subject freed to pursue a place in a symbolic world of gender fluidity†Dieyi’s finger is not the only thing that has been emasculated, but his self-identity has been castrated as well. The film hints at this in the beginning by including the character of Master Ni, a unuch who was physically castrated, losing his male reproductive organs. While Master Ni was physically castrated of his male reproductive organs, Dieyi becomes mentally and emotionally castrated through his harsh upbringing in the opera troupe. Whereas the symbolic castration signifies the possibility of Dieyi’s transition from a biological male to a stereotypical female, the harsh corporal punishment he receives during his training in the opera troupe enforces that transition. Corporal punishment is often used in schools to reinforce the relation between master and student.It instills in students a sense of the power of the social hierarchy and their place within it. Dieyi’s designated â€Å"place†on that hierarchy, sadly, requires that he learns to abandon his male identity. While corporal punishment remakes Dieyi mentally, costume and make up remakes Dieyi physically. As he performs in the long dresses and fancy headdresses, he sees himself capable of reflecting signs of beauty and femininity. He is forced to sing â€Å"I am by nature a girl, not a boy†, and his full transition to femininity went into full motion the moment he mastered this line and accepted it as the truth, that he is by nature a girl, not a boy.Like most of the male dans in the Peking Opera theatre, Cheng Dieyi must be able to create the illusion of a real female that appeals to the male audience, but Cheng’s femininity is apparent not only on stage, but off stage as well. Clearly, Cheng has fully adapted his female roles into his life off stage. He speaks in a low soft voice, his movements are graceful, maintains the delicate hand pose of the Lan huazhi (the artificial feminine hand pose of the male dan), and wears a seductive look that would often be considered a feminine gaze.Most male dans merely imitate these feminine acts on stage, but Cheng Dieyi gradually transforms these â€Å"acts†into an unconscious habit of his. â€Å"The repetition of the stylized female acts embedded in female impersonation and the rigid and violent regulation of these acts eventually bring about Cheng Dieyi’s unconscious identification with Yuji, concubine of the Chu King, constructing in him a feminine sexuality and identity. †Opera performers at the time were expected to play their stage roles for ife. Dieyi’s most notable performance is an epic opera named Farewell My Concubine; it tells the story of the King of Chu (Xiang Yu) and his fa ithful concubine Yuji. Xiang Yu knows that he has lost to his enemy and drinks with Yuji on the last night. Yuji performs a sword dance for him and then cuts her own throat with his sword to express her faithfulness to him. As Dieyi continues to play the role of Yuji into this professional career, he begins to blur the life of Yuji’s character and his own.This becomes very obvious when Dieyi begins to show signs of affection towards his stage partner, Xiaolou, who plays the King of Chu. In multiple times throughout the movie, Dieyi can be seen looking at Xiaolou with a tender, almost romantic gaze and is especially gentle when he helps Xiaolou apply makeup and dress in costume. His romantic feelings for his â€Å"stage brother†are translucent to the audience as he is overcome by jealousy at the news that Xiaolou was getting married to Juxian. He believes that Juxian is robbing him of what was rightfully his.As in the opera when Yu Ji and Xiang Yu swear their love to e ach other, what Dieyi sees is actually he and his stage brother declaring their loyalty to one another. While Cheng Dieyi wholly embodies the female roles he impersonates, the Peking opera stage is essentially the world in which he bases his identity on. As he enters his professional career and makes a name for himself, he thinks that he will always be able to hide behind his feminine charms, and that art will always transcend any situation.For a while, he is proven right. On one occasion, he sings for a Japanese official to help Xiaolou out of jail; in another, he sings for a Chinese official to bail himself out of jail. Duan Xiaolou reminds Dieyi again and again that life is not the stage and he must learn to adjust to the values of the changing times. The film covers a story that spans across 50 years of Chinese history: the rise and fall of the Nationalist Party, the Sino-Japanese War, the rise of the Communist Party, and the Cultural Revolution.As the nation goes through a turb ulent historical period, Cheng simply views it as a backdrop that would never affect his performances. He was never concerned about any of the political upheavals that occurred or the change in regimes. He felt that as long as his art is being appreciated, it does not matter who the political leaders are. When he was put on trial for being a traitor when the Communist Party was in power, he exclaims, â€Å"If the Japanese were still here, Peking Opera would have spread into Japan already,†with no regard to the consequences.The art of Peking opera has always been Cheng’s way of escaping reality, and it is this illusion that he identifies with. However, when the Cultural Revolution started in 1966, the identity he has found for himself has been robbed from him once again. The Cultural Revolution is one that advocates extreme reality, and thus traditional art becomes a target of exploitation for distracting people from reality. When Dieyi and Xiaolou are taken out onto t he streets to be reprimanded, his previous illusion that he and Xiaolou would never betray one another, just as Yu Ji and Xiang Yu would never do so, is shattered.Under the humiliation and physical abuse of the Red Guards, Xiaolou calls Dieyi a traitor to the Chinese and a homosexual. Cheng and Duan then turn on each other and expose incriminating details about each other’s past to the Red Guards. This political movement is in a sense, a rude awakening for Cheng. For the first time, it forces him to abandon the identity that he forged for himself on the opera stage, and accept that he lives in a world where loyalty is not always indestructible. It is because of this revolution that causes Dieyi’s blurred lines between opera and reality to slowly reappear.These lines, however, did not have a lasting effect. When Cheng Dieyi and Duan Xiaolou reunite on the stage many years after the Cultural Revolution, they make their final Farewell My Concubine performance. At the last scene, Dieyi, playing Yuji, takes the sword and slits his throat. Dieyi wanted so desperately to be Yuji his entire life, and he finally fulfilled that wish, or so he thinks, by boldly committing suicide just as Yuji has done so: for his love, and in a dramatic manner, like a stage opera should be.Cheng Dieyi had grown up with violence and abuse, in a society with constant political turmoil and turbulent changes. As a boy who was already an introvert to begin with, the unsettling changes that revolved around him became too overwhelming. He had no choice but to retreat into a world that he knows best: the opera stage. Though the opera stage is but a fictional world, it is the only place in which he is always the hero(ine).Works Cited Cui, Shuqin. â€Å"Engendering Identity: Female Impersonation in Farewell My Concubine . From Poetic Realm to Fictional World: Chinese Theory of Fictional Ontology (1999) Farewell My Concubine. Dir. Chen Kaige. 1993. DVD. Miramax Films, 1999. Goldstein , Joshua (1999). â€Å"Mei Lanfang and the Nationalization of Peking Opera, 1912–1930†East Asian Cultures Critique 7 (2): 377–420. He, Chengzhou. â€Å"Gaze, Performativity and Gender Trouble in Farewell My Concubine. †Nanjing University (2004): n. pag. Web. Poquette, Ryan D. , Critical Essay on Farewell My Concubine, in Novels for Students, Gale, 2004.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Critically evaluate the development and application of the implied Essay
Critically evaluate the development and application of the implied duty of trust and confidence with reference to contracts of employment - Essay Example It would appear from the decided cases, that the primary purpose of the implied duty of trust is to ensure that the employer acts in good faith and does not unfairly or inequitably exercise his/her power under the employment contract.4 This paper explores the emerging concept of the implied duty of trust and confidence in the employment contract and argues that it is a significant development, used for the purpose of regulating and restraining the employer’s conduct in asserting his/her power under the employment contract. The implied duty of trust is a relatively new concept of employment law.5 The duty itself is most likely founded on the fundamental principle of co-operation required of parties to a contract generally.6 It is also part of the history of employment law and its shift away from the underlying tenet of the preexisting master/servant characterization of employment relationships. In this regard, the emerging duty of trust can be detected in Lord Slynn’s judgment in Spring v Guardian Assurance Plc [1995] 2 AC 196 in which Slynn J said: The changes which have taken place in the employer/employee relationship, with far greater duties imposed on the employer than in the past, whether by statute of by judicial decision, to care for the physical, financial and even psychological welfare of the employee.7 The duty of mutual cooperation merely dictated that parties to a contract tailor their conduct so as not to undermine the terms and conditions of the contract.8 In other words the duty of mutual cooperation did not impose upon the parties a positive duty. The implied duty of trust which was developed from the duty of mutual cooperation does impose upon the parties a positive duty to take specific action. For example in Scally v Southern Health and Social Services Board [1992] 1 AC 294 the court held that the implied duty of trust and confidence imposed upon the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Life Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Life Learning - Essay Example Even so, there are some lessons and experiences that one must undergo before becoming a leader. Based on the Kolb-Fry model, one has to undergo an effective learning process that sees one go through the stages of a concrete experience, observation and reflection of the experience, analysis and conclusion, which eventually results in new experiences. Through such experiences, undergoes enough tests to gain leadership traits. While leadership may be inbuilt, at times it involves intensive training before one acquires desired leadership qualities. Through training, one understands the need to inspire and empower others. This lies under psychological leadership in which a person reads the psychology of followers and understands exactly how to direct them to realize organizational objectives. The number of natural born leaders is very few in the current society. I have experienced several leadership mishaps in the organizations I have worked in over the years. To enhance effectiveness in leadership, it is essential for one to train them in lieu to the setting they find themselves at that time. Great leadership is about one’s actions, and not about what they know about leadership. Naturally, I am an outgoing, generous, and carefree person. I am smart can learn anything fast, and have a great memory. I have always had a lot of friends at home, school and work. I have always been a leader and I understa nd how to take on a task and complete with quality. People look up to me at my workplace, and I have been the motivator in the departments I have worked at. Leadership training is at times ineffective. Naturally, leaders are not trained; they are developed. I learnt that it is nearly impossible for a person to tell another on how to lead. Developing a leader is easier and much more effective than training a leader. That is the reason as to why most leadership training programs are ineffective. Sometimes one is just not born
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Social Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Social Issue - Essay Example I. Thank You for Smoking At times, the feelings that sound produces is so compelling that albeit it contradicts we understand to be scientifically true, we hold to it anyhow. Although we understand, for instance, that since space is a vacuum sound cannot be transmitted in it, we are entirely obliged by the sounds of intergalactic battle or only spaceships travelling at perverting speed in almost every space. Conversely the explosion of a gunshot never sound as enjoyably long or loud in actual life as they do in Thank for Smoking Again with the bass cranked way up. Ultimately, in many of those great Hollywood musicals, the greatest songs are not really performed by Audrey Hepburn, but by little known singers like Marnie Nixon, whose faces and statures don’t seem as attractive on-screen a those of the key stars. The director of Thank you for Smoking was keen on resounding applause for Nick Naylor huge sum than the real viewers of extras is able to offer. Thank you for Smoking ha s sound tracks that augment sounds that are not effortlessly available as ambient noise. At times, sounds can be amplified to a film from the annals of sound effects. There is also sound prop, including the floor, which has offered different forms of footfalls. Thank you for Smoking rolls on the screen, and the sound artist has matched the type of sound the filmmaker wanted to the images projected (Leo 1). In some scenes the images changes from solid, sprightly colors that bounce off the screen to a darker, grainer, more dark and dowdy, less colorful appearance when the lead character is away from Loring’s. In general, the contrast works perfectly well, and the image actually appears its best whereas the setting is at the Loring household. The episodes, such like as standard shot of Juno after the start of the movie, appears exceptionally soft. A Reddish tint appears to find its way in at times, noticed frequently in skin tones. All the colors are a bit dreary, certainly on t he end of the spectrum and entirely opposite of Thank You For Smoking. Better yet, it is effectual and establishes the mood of the movie. The lighting Juno however will quite never be reference grade material on Blue ray, the lighting is definitely a plus, and recreates the mood of the movie with a laidback authority (Leo 1). The editing of the film Thank for Smoking has both its strong and weak points. But the continuity editing errors seem to surpass the editing strong points. For instance, in the last dinner meeting of the Merchants of Death, the gun lobbyist gets a share of pie with cheese on it. He takes a small bite; consequently the alcohol lobbyist assaults it with her fork for a bite, hauling all the cheese off and tumbling the little American flag in it. The next continuity mistake is shown in the subsequent shot; a lock up of the dessert, all the cheese is back on it and the flag is vertical again. Finally when they are editing their last dinner, the cheese atop the apple pie becomes unmelted and then melted continuously between shots. The other editing error that is seen in the movie is during the Subcommittee Hearing episode. The person slumped on the seat comfortably behind Nick Naylor, on the left, transforms repeatedly between scenes. Right before he is requested to come forward, the seat is taken by a certain lady
Friday, July 26, 2019
The Life of Christ Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Life of Christ - Research Paper Example In the verse of evangelist we are not told that the angelic songs were heard by any other group except the shepherd that was grazing that night. The saviors’ ancestress, Ruth was in the same field where the same shepherds were guarding their flock from wild animals, she was sick at heart among the foreign corn (Farrar 1). David, the youngest son of a large family had followed the sheep and suddenly hears of the great news about the Christ Jesus being born amongst the irrelevance of a world lifeless of its liberation there was angel’s assembly of heavenly host praising God and saying Glory to God and there be peace on earth among men of good will. It might have been expected that Christian goodness could protect the rude grotto of shepherds in the minds of the church but instead the chapel of the herald angel is a â€Å"mere rude tomb†(Farrar 2). The poverty of chapel matches well with the humble toil of those whose happy vision is intended to remember. In the te mple, only four of our lords beginning are narrated by gospel, the circumcision, and the presentation in the temple, the visit of magicians and the flight into the Egypt. Fist two occurs in St. Mathew and no single particular can be pointed out in which the two narratives are necessary contradictory. Its only since in the dawn of Christian children are surrounded with romance. The exact order of the eighth day after the birth of (Luke i.59; 21) the purification was thirty-three days after the circumcision (Lev xii 4) The narrative of the visit of magician recorded in the second chapter of St. Mathew is of the deepest interest in the history of Christianity. The facts of the gospel are brought together with Jewish believes. This furnishes us with the new confirmation of our faith. After the wise had offered their gifts they would naturally have returned to Herod but being warned they returned to their own land another way. We don’t find further traces of their existence but th eir visit led to very memorable events (Farrar 5). Physical geographical of Palestine is perhaps more distinctly marked than that of any other country in the world the country character from north to south may be represented by four parallel bands, the Sea-board, the Hill country, the Jordan valley, and the Trans-Jordanian range. The country hill, which thus occupies the space between the low maritime plain and the deep Jordan valley, falls into two great masses, the continuity of the low mountain-range being broken by the plain of Jezreel (Farrar 6). Even as there is one hemisphere of the lunar surface on which, in its entirety, no human eye has ever gazed, while at the same time the moon's freedoms enable us the estimation of its general character and appearance. This is therefore is one large portion of our the Lord's life of which there is no full record; yet such suggestions are, as it were, given to us of its outer edge, and from this, we are able to understand the nature of t he whole. Again, when the moon is in arched, a few bright points are visible through the telescope upon its illuminated part; those bright points are mountain peaks, so lofty that they catch the sunlight. One such point of glory and majesty is revealed to us in the otherwise unknown region of Christ's youthful years, and it is sufficient to provide us with a real vision into that entire portion of His life. In modern language we should call it a story of the Savior's confirmation (Farrar
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Supply chain or operational challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Supply chain or operational challenges - Essay Example Companies have opted to relocate their manufacturing to low-cost countries across the world in order to respond to the customer’s satisfactions and demands on price expectations. The relocation is done to reduce the indirect and direct costs at the same time minimizing taxes. Global suppliers contribute to the problems that come with delivery time that is extended. In the emerging markets, customers not only want products of lower prices but also timely delivery of their products. Global chain of supply is complex. Adding this to the ever-changing feature makes the challenge greater. The customers immediately put pressure to the company to come up with something big next time after the release of the product. Innovation is, therefore, an important element in today’s market. To enhance their products, companies are forced to redesign their products so that they can meet the market demand. The demand of the customers in the modern market is more demanding than ever. Companies are trying hard to expand their distribution towards the emerging market to increase the growth in their revenues and market shares. Several companies are working had to expand both foreign and home markets. The introduction of new markets possesses difficulties from government policies, fees and trading policies. Companies have responded positively with global networks, expansion of markets and innovation of products. Several companies, today, rely on supply chain managers to optimize on the value chains so that they can remain competitive in the market (Shankar et al., pg.
Why Human Resource Is Dead Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Why Human Resource Is Dead - Article Example The idea of thinking of employees as capital assets is antiquated but for many, it’s not enough to simply talk about how HR is changing and what the new role of HR is. Companies are dropping the term â€Å"human resources†altogether and are shifting towards more â€Å"people-centric†terms. Titles such as chief people officer, VP of people operations, head of talent, chief talent officer, and others are becoming more commonplace and titles such as Chief Human Resource Officer are starting to fade away. This isn’t a new thing, some companies have had these titles and departments for several years already but now that the conversation around the future of work has taken center stage, I’ve seen this transition accelerate dramatically. It might sound superficial, after all, simply calling the same function something else doesn’t mean anything will change. Consider Cisco’s recent change of their Chief Human Resources Officer Francine Katso udas to Chief People Officer. Many other examples of this change exist at companies all over the world, here are a few: Laszlo Bock is SVP of People Operations at Google, Susan Chambers is EVP of the Global People Division at Walmart, Pat Wadors is the SVP of the Global Talent Organization at Linkedin, Anne Byerlein is the Chief People Officer at Yum! Brands and the list go on and on. I don’t view renaming the department as any kind of solution but I do see it as the first stepping stone for an organization to commit to making the change.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
2.4 Consumer Behaviour & Holidays Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
2.4 Consumer Behaviour & Holidays - Case Study Example be able to plan for a holiday successfully since every time they do so, other more important activities come in between and make them think otherwise about having a holiday. This makes holiday to be categorized under the fourth quadrant of self-satisfaction. In this quadrant, the holiday consumer would be having information about a holiday place, they haven’t been to that place before, they haven’t planned to go there but the thought to do so might have just been an impulse one which just came immediately the thought to go for a holiday rung in their minds. They then visit the place, they might feel the place is really refreshing and good for a holiday, after that, they will decide to treat themselves in the holiday place and have some good time. Therefore this is the model of Do-feel-learn. This may contrast a bit with the CBDP model where the holiday consumer will have to recognize the need for the holiday first, they then go on an information search about the best or appropriate place they would want to go to for a holiday, they would then evaluate and analyze the various alternatives they just found from the search to decide on the best and appropriate holiday purchase, they then make the decision to make the appropriate purchase which is making the decision to visit the place of choice, and finally have a post-purchase evaluation on whether the holiday place of choice was the best or failed to meet the expectations (Schiffman, Kanuk, & Hansen.H, 2008). The consumers who use the CBDP model therefore seem to be those consumers who are keen about what they purchase before they do the purchase. They most of the time work on a budget and would choose what will fit in their budget. This therefore is a more appropriate way to do a holiday purchase than to just carry out a blind purchase on something you have no idea about. Consumers normally carry out information search for all the products before they make the purchases. The information search on these
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Toys and Electronics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Toys and Electronics - Essay Example In most cases, children may feel that their bodies do not meet the perfection of the society image. There is some evidence that plastic toys are muscle-bound and young men are abusing anabolic steroids to have such bodies. Advertising is one of the most powerful medium, which is portraying unrealistic body types. Marketers attract attention for their goods by using muscular men and thin women. With the improved techniques of renovating images, models’ bodies are improved by computers, providing the viewers with unrealistic sense of how natural body should look like. The internet also offers young people an opportunity to find information about how to improve their bodies. One of the recent developments is the pro-bulimia and pro-anorexia, which encourages children to use unhealthy behaviors to increase their muscularity and lower their weight (Angier). This paper discusses how children body image is influenced by images such as toys, pictures, movies, video and game. Young girls always believe that Barbie has a perfect body and that is how a woman should look like. Their perception is that a woman should have no fat anywhere and should have big breasts. Young girls always wish that they could have bodies that resemble that of Barbie. Girls who have lots of fats in their bodies and small breast have a low self-esteem. Female characters in cartoons are frequently shown revealing girls in skimpy clothes. Sixty percent of middle and high school girls say that images in publications such as Sassy, Jet, Seventeen and Glamour affect their idea of the perfect body, and almost all of the girls are dissatisfied with their weights. Most of them say that they worry too much about getting fat and as result they starting dieting when still young. At a young age, girls start having eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia as doctors are treating who are as young as five years old (Angier). . Young men have an impression
Monday, July 22, 2019
4 Actual Concepts In American Society Essay Example for Free
4 Actual Concepts In American Society Essay Explain at least 4 actual concepts that you see in our American Society today that were mentioned in 1984.            Orwell’s groundbreaking dystopian novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, may or may not have been composed as a futuristic novel, portending political and sociological phenomena. Whether or not Orwell intended his novel to predict future trends or simply illuminate existing realities, a number of the political concepts portrayed in the novel have real-life connotations even in a democratic society.            In Nineteen Eighty-Four, telescreens exist in every household and also in public areas. Additionally, hidden microphones and cameras are spread out through the public and private domains to catch any potential enemies of the state. In contemporary America, video cameras have been installed in public areas: notably in inner-cities and also in the suburbs.  An article by Lynn Marotta examines the ver-increasing number of public surveillance and the seemingly public ambivalence about such tactics: What started as a simple way to monitor security around the perimeter of public places has evolved to a point where anyone can install a hidden video camera and monitor that video from anywhere in the world directly over the Internet. In addition, the integration of traffic cameras, and face recognition software give law enforcement the ability to track and identify virtually anyone without us even knowing it. See more: Beowulf essay essay                                                                        (Marotta).            Orwell also posits the concept of â€Å"doublethink†in Nineteen Eighty-Four. â€Å"Doublethink†is the ability to hold contradictory beliefs simultaneously, to forget facts which contradict this ability. â€Å"Doublethink†is one of many examples in Nineteen Eighty-Four which demonstrate the power language has over thought and belief systems. American culture is rife with examples of â€Å"doublethink;†perhaps the most notable contemporary example is the widespread and contradictory beliefs in America’s military power, with the nation’s population able to â€Å"believe†simultaneously that America is the world’s greatest iltarty power, worthy of invading and occupying foreign countries and policing the world, and ye we are told again and again how vulnerable we are and how dangerous are our enemies: North korea, Iran, and radical Islam to name a few.            Another Orwellian concept: â€Å"the Two Minute Hate†showed the enemies of the Party on a huge video screen with all manner of perversion and aggression, set to inspire terror among the population of Oceania. The American counterpart to the â€Å"two Minute Hate†can witnessed on any channel’s nightly news when individuals such as the Iranian President or the â€Å"insurgent leader†Al Sadr are shown as menacing threats to the American way of life and also as the progenitors of the Iraqi war, when it was actually the U.S. who invaded and has brought terror and ruin to the Iraqi state and population. Nineteen Eighty-Four posits language as a key aspect of thought manipulation. Nowhere is this idea more explicit than in Orwell’s concept of â€Å"newspeak.†This is language reduced to remove any sense of liberation or specificity in speech or thought. An example of newspeak at work in contemporary America is the sue of the term â€Å"collateral; damage†to describe the killing of thousands of civilians during the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 2) Oedipus was doomed from birth. Trace backe this fate of Oedipus to the origin of the tragedy and arrive at the ulimate end to the family tragedy in Antigone. The fact the Oedipus was born illegitimately – that he was a bastard – forms the central theme for the ultimate tragedy in Oedipus Rex. When Oedipus begins his quest to the Oracle of English Delphi to confirm his parentage, the Oracle relates a same prophecy: that Oedipus will kill his father and marry his mother. Later, when Oedipus kills an unarmed man who demands that Oedipus give way of the road, this man is in fact King Laius, Oedipus father.            After Oedipus dispatches the Sphinx he is given the throne of Thebes and weds Jocasta, a widow who is in fact his mother. Shortly afterward, Thebes falls into a state of pollution and degeneracy. A soothsayer tells oedipus that he is the cause of the city’s misfortunes. When oedipus finally realizes that origins of his birth: that he is the son of Laius and Jocasta, his world comes tumbling down. Jocasta, his mother and wife hangs herself in the closet, in the chamber where they had been sexually intimate. In response, Oedipus blinds himself by forcing her brooch pins into his eyes. The origin of the tragedy is in Oedipus seeking the truth of his birth; the origin of tragedy is in his illegitimacy. ((3) Macbeth was only as evil as his motivating forces. Explain fully the fate and the two most important motivating forces of Macbeth and his downfall            The most important motivating factors for Macbeth’s downfall emerge from his will to power and his attempt to twist fate into a direction he chooses. Specifically, the will to power is embodied by his wife, lady Macbeth, and fate is embodied by the three witches who prophesied both his rise and fall to and from the throne.            With his wife’s intrigue and cajoling, as well as the prophecy of the three witches, Macbeth believes himself fated to occupy the throne of Scotland. However, in order to embrace what he believes is his good-fate, Macbeth must commit murder.            When Lady Macbeth approaches Macbeth with her intent to kill King Duncan, Macbeth displays some trepidation about doing so; however his wife’s persuasiveness enables him to go through with what he realizes is an immoral act. After the murder, when Macbeth’s conscience plagues him, Lady Macbeth enjoins him to act normally and lay his conscience aside as she has done. Macbeth’s ultimate downfall rises from his own conscience and his ambivalent embracing of his newly stolen powers as King.                        As Macbeth’s sanity splinters, Lady Macbeth also begins to be haunted by her own conscience.. She hallucinates spots of blood on her hands and washes them, saying, out, out damn spot. Macbeth’s downfall is spurred by the deterioration of his wife’s sanity as it was Lady Macbeth’s hitherto resolve which empowered Macbeth to act so rashly in the first place. Macbeth’s fall is due directly to his pursuit of ambition and power, which are given birth by the witches’ prophecy and his wife’s explicit ambitions.            Only at the end does Macbeth realize his true mistake as he struts and frets his hour upon the stage.†Here, he acknowledges that he has been at best an actor of fate’s script, and at worse, a mere puppet to his wife’s ambitions or a kind of â€Å"prop†for fate itself to play out a never-ending lesson of morality.            Macbeth’s true life has bene put aside to enact this ‘role†which occasioned murder and insanity an the downfall of Kings. His ambitions and the commission of murder have caught up with and surpassed his original vision of fate; now, as the play reaches its tragic conclusion, the true purpose of his ambitions and crimes are shown, not as a will to power, but as a will toward learning the lessons of ambition and crime. Rather than a King, his life and ambitions are show to be a mere pawn in fate’s endless drama.  Work Cited Marotta, Lynn Surveillance cameras and privacy concerns is the invasion of public privacy worth it?    Video Surveillance Guide, 2006.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Kerala Model Of Development Economics Essay
The Kerala Model Of Development Economics Essay Sustainable development is a pattern of resourses use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for the future generation (WCED, 1987, p.43). Introduction Kerala has become a model for social development with limiting improvement in an industrialisation sector. Furthermore, Kerala has undermined the broadly accepted idea that the improvement in the standard of living of people can only be achieved after the successful, rapid and steady economic development. Kerala Model of Development took on the theory that economic growth is the only way to meet basic needs of people in poverty, to raise them above poverty, and generate employment. (World development vol.29, no  ², pp.601-617,2001 The new kerala model: lessons for sustainable development rene veron). Whats more, Kerala Model of Development improved and extended basic education, introduced better health care and land reform, as well as access to better social security in terms of pension and employment rights. These achievements come without huge investments in economic growth. Kerala has 33 millions populations and is consider as one of the poorest countries in the world. The gross domestic product per capita is just $1,000 a year -some $200 less than the Indian average. Yet life expectancy in Kerala is 72 years, which is closer to the American average of 76 and above the Indian average of 61. Keralas infant-mortality rate is among the lowest in the developing world. It is estimates that the infant mortality rate in 1999 was 17 per thousand against an Indian average of 79 per thousand, and around half of in China, and lowers than that in far richer countries such as Argentina. Population is too under control in Kerala. The fertility rate is just 1.7 births per woman lower than in Sweden. The fact is that Kerala is also socially and politically different from the rest of India. While the other states in India refashioning itself in the image of western lifestyle and economy, Kerala remains a communist state with very strong influence of trade unions, and more or less centralize politics. Also Muslim and Christian minorities co-exist peacefully with Hindus, wh ich make this state outstanding of all India. On the other hand despite large capacity of natural resources, Kerala suffers from lack of the industrial investment from international and Indian companies, mostly for fear of the states difficult trade unions, pro-union courts, and high minimum wages. As a consequence Kerala has the highest unemployment rates among Indians state. It is estimates that in 2003 unemployment were as high as 25 percent ( K. C Zachriah 2005 p.21). In addition, Kerala has large budget deficits. According to Karalas budget report from 2005 country debt was Rs.41, 878 crore, which was 39.1 percent of the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) One of the main successful stories of Keralas development is education. Kerala has been able to reduce the regional and gender gaps in education, literacy and enrolment at all level of education. More than 94 percent of the rural population has access to primary schools within a distance of one kilometre, while 98 per cent of population has got one school within a distance of two kilometres. Furthermore 96 percent of the population is served by an upper primary school within a travel distance of 3 kilometres and one-fourth by a secondary school within 2 kilometers. Nearly 98 percent of the rural population has the facility for secondary education within 6 to 8 km (Najith Kumar, K.K. George, 2009, p. 55). Also facilities of higher education and technical education are accessible to rural students in reasonable distance. Another aspect of Keralas education system is presents of the non-formal education institutions, which are offering courses. Interesting fact is that Keralas students counts on one- fifth of the whole population. Also the education system employs 18 percent of the population. The number of teachers is equivalent to about 50 per cent of the total number of workers in the registered factories. The reasons laid on the government no- fees policy for primary and secondary education, as well as low fees for the higher education and technical education institutions. Additionally, easy and highly subsidised transport system for students, especially from rural areas, makes the education more affordable. In addition Kerala has been able to achieve gender equity in education system. Nearly half of the students in lower primary classes are girls. The female literacy in Kerala at 86 per cent is far above the all-India rate of 39 percent, and as high as in many developed countries. For example in China the female literacy is 93 percent placing Kerala in close position considering the country population. On the other hand, rural female literacy rate in Kerala is higher than every individual province in China (Amartya Sen, 1994T 2.pdf). Furthermore, the number of girls entering education, except technical and professional education, is much higher than the boys (p.38 2pdf). Education contributes in many ways to Kerala development. Particularly womens education has played important role in declining the mortality rates. Educated women are better able to take charge of their lives. For example, the typical Keralas woman gets married at the 22 age, compared to 18 in the rest of India. On an average, women with at least an elementary education give a birth to two children less than uneducated women. Whats more, they also want a good education for their children, particularly their daughters. On the other hand, despite progress in gender equality in education, violence against women increases particularly domestic violence. A study conducted by INCLEN and ICRW on domestic violence in Kerala found that as high as 62.,3 percent of the women in Kerala are subjected to physical torture and mental harassment as compared to 37 percent and 35.5 percent at the national India level. (ICRW 2002). There are increasing reports of dowry related violence, rape and other abuse against women in Kerala (Womens Commission, 1999). This is fallow by reports of poor mental health with increase of the cases of depression found among the women. The other notable aspect of Keralas gender equality is little participation and representation women in politics, political parties and the trade union. Out of 144 seats in the State assembly, the number of women has never been more than 13, what is 10 percent of the all sates. (Sakhi women resource centre, The situation of women in the state: the gender paradox). Questions are being raised whether public and private expenditure to sustain educational activity on such a massive scale has really generated returns in terms of economic development and employment generation. Definitely it generated in human development. The fact is that service sector including education is the fastest growing sector in Kerala economy. Its share improved steadily from 36.4 percent in 1980- 81 to 40.1 percent in 1990-91 and further to 45.4 percent 1997-98 (EPW Research Foundation, 2003). Second, the biggest achievement of Kerala Model of Development is control of the population growth. In the seventies, the growth rate in population declined from 2.33 percent in the sixties to 1.76 percent. In the eighties the growth rate in population comes down to 1.34 percent. In the nineties it was just 0.91 percent. Birth rate had come down from 25.0 during 1974-80 to 20.3 during 1984-90 and to 17.1 during 1994-2001. S Irudaya accented that the Total Fertility Rate declined from 2.9 to 2.0 and to 1.7 during this period (S.Irudaya Rajan and Sabu Aliyar, 2004). It had impact on family transition, the number of children in a household. The two-child family is the social norm here now, said M.N. Sivaram, the Trivandrumcapital of Keralarepresentative of the International Family Planning Association. Even among illiterate women we find its true. When we send our surveyors out, people are embarrassed to say if they have more than two kids. Seven or eight years ago, the norm was three c hildren and we thought we were doing pretty well. Now its two, and among the most educated people, its one. (Dynamics of Change in Keralas Education System:The Socio-economic and Political Dimensions K.K.George Parvathy Sunaina Working paper No.12 ). Also according to current data, the expectation of life at birth of males is 71.2 years, against an Indian average of 59.1 years, and the expectation of life at birth of females is 73.7 years, against an Indian average of 60.4 years. Keralas access to affordable health care and education has huge impact on birth and mortality rate of the population. Birth control is wildly accessible. There is a dispensary every few kilometres where IUDs and other forms of birth control are freely available. The health clinics provide cheap health care for children, programs for mothers like breast-feeding, and a state-supported nutrition program for pregnant and new mothers. For example, more than 95% of Keralite births are hospital-delivered what place Kerala among developed countries. Kearla Model of Development shows also improvement in living conditions. According to K. R Nayar 47 per cent of the rural population and 74 per cent of the urban population are covered by protected water supply. The dependence on surface water for drinking is less than one per cent in the state. More than four- fifth of the people have access to water supply within their own premises. The share of people who have to travel for more than half a kilometre for drinking water is just 1.7 per cent in the rural areas and 0.4 per cent in the urban areas (K.R.Nayar, 1997). Important factor to Keralas social development was land reform, which completely transformed landownership system, and ended janmi system. It also protected tenants, and ended system of rack-renting. It shifted house and land ownership to poor families. Furthermore, in 1989 the government initiated the group-farming program, which provides families with financial and technical assistance. The program was expected to be a key to reduction of production costs and raise efficiency of paddy cultivation. But despite this it seems that Keralas agriculture is today neither a life activity of the families nor a important economic activity, except for a limited number of plantation crops, and rubber. The radical changes in Keralas agrarian economy have also led to transformations in the nature of agricultural activities, employment, and lifestyles. Firstly, today the average farmer in Kerala is not engaged personally in most agricultural activities. Secondly, a substantial number of farming f amilies have non-agricultural sources of income. Instead the income comes mainly from abroad remittance or employment in Keralas highly occupied service sector, like education, public sector, etc. Secondly, agricultural, traditional economic activities, like small fishing businesses, are no longer seen as an economically virtual provider of income, an adequate return of investment. Thirdly, the existence of labour shortages together with high unemployment raised the perception that these jobs are economically worthless. Final and probably more important aspect is the low status of irksome jobs, which it seems to be no longer culturally desirable option for a young and educated generation. As a consequence land in Kerala doesnt have value for an agricultural use, but only for residential needs and as an indicator of social position, as well as a resource of the safe investment. It seems Kerala agriculture does not contributing in major way to the country economy. The share of agricul ture in NSDP has come down from 39.1percent in 1980-81 to 35.7 percent in 1990-91. It came down further to 30.6 percent in 1997-98 and still dropping down (Pillai N. India 05 p. 28 -31). The state is heavily dependent on imports for meeting its food requirements in addition some traditional occupation in agriculture is disappearing due to lack of interest and market competition. For example an occupation of coconut-picking is abounded from agriculture. Rashied, whose family was living from this profession from generation, said Not one of my sons or my brothers sons or my sisters sons has taken up the occupation of coconut-picking. In fact, there is not a single family in our community (caste) which has a son in this occupation. After all, climbing trees and picking coconuts requires hard physical work, not the game of tricking and hoodwinking, to which the new generation in Kerala has now become accustomed. An elderly coconut picker and a life-long activist in the Communist Party of India commenting on the severe shortage of coconut pickers. (Interview with the author, 1994). The Perils of Social Development without Economic Growth: The Development Debacle of Kerala, India By Joseph Tharamangalam In termes of development infrastructure like transport, telephone line banking system Kerala made the leading place among Indian states. The banking system, particularly growths study mostly thanks to Gulf remittance. Between 2000 and 2001 Kerala had 9,8 banks per 100-sq km of area, much above all India 2.1 per 100-sq km. Investment in communication system brought Kerala to the leading state in India. In 2002, Keralas telephone concentration was 85 per 1000 population, within 71 in the rural areas. In addition, Keralas transport, which has huge impact on population accessibility to education and health care, shows impressive growth. On the other hand, power sector suffers on improvement. For egzample, in 2001 only 70,2 percent of rural household had complete electrification (Pillai N. India 05 p. 28 -31). The fact is that Kerala Model of Development have not improvement or little in others development indicators. For example, Keralas Model is failing in creating job Market. Unemployment is very high. Though there was growth in NSDP during the nineties, it was actually a jobless growth. The employment stretch for Kerala for the period 1993-94 to 1999-00 was the lowest among the major states in India. While the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of the State grew by 5.5 percent per annum during this period, employment grew by just 0.7 percent. As a result, unemployment rate of Kerala increased from 15.5 percent in 1993-94 to 21.0 percent in 1999-2000. The rate of unemployment in Kerala was almost three times the all India rate. (The Economic Survey, 2003-04). Unemployment problem in Kerala is largely a problem of the educated population More than one-fourth of the rural educated and one-fifth of the urban educated were unemployed in the State. Unemployment rate among the educated perso ns above fifteen years was much higher than the rate for the general population in this age group. The problem was much more acute among educated women. Nearly half of the educated women in the rural areas were unemployed. In the urban areas, more than 40 percent of the educated women were unemployed (B.A.Prakash and M.P.Abraham, 2004). Also work seekers in 80 percent had qualifications of SSLC and above. The proportion of this category of work seekers was increasing in the nineties (Economic Review, 2003). Among the professional and technical work seekers, the largest group was that of ITI certificate holders (68.5 percent). The next significant group was that of diploma holders in engineering and technology (23.9 percent). The growth in unemployment among the educated is not surprising as the employment in the organized sector grew only by 7.7 percent between 1990 and 2002. The public sector employment showed only marginal increase during the above period (1.6 percent). Though gro wth in private sector employment (15.3 percent) was relatively high, it was inadequate to offset the near stagnation in public sector employment The increasing unemployment of the educated group rises the question if is any point in government spending more funds on education, which leads only to higher unemployment. Instead Kerala government should spend more investment on creating for them job market and create education structure according to the market needs. On the other hand, despite large scale unemployment particularly among the educated population, the private demand for higher education has been increasing. It seems that high unemployment and competition among qualified population looking for jobs has led to the upgrading qualifications standards. Higher skills and qualifications, or even escalation of qualifications, are see as a securing future job. Easy access to the higher educational institutions, affordable school fee and the low transportation cost made it possible. Another factor that increases the demand for higher education, despite low rate of employment among educated people, is the relatively lower waiting period and higher compensation for better-qualified candidates (E.T.Mathew, 1995). Even though Kerala has a large unemployment, this region is still an economic migration for many unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled labours, mostly from neighbouring states like Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Orissa or West Bengal. The migrants are replacing Keralas own leaving population on a hunt for work abroad. The way, which Kerala deals with the unemployment and lack of industrialisation is economical migration it population. According to K, C.Zachariah Migration has provided the single most dynamic factor in the other wise dismal scenario of Kerala in the last quarter of the 20th Century. It is one of the positive outcomes of the Kerala Model of Development. In Kerala, migration must have contributed more to poverty alleviation than any other factor including agrarian reforms, trade union activities and social welfare legislation (K.C.Zachariah, E.T.Mathew and S.Irudaya Rajan, 2000). The number of Kerala emigrants to other countries looking for a job increased from 230,740 in 1982 to 637,103 in 1992 and to 1844,023 in 2003. The annual remittances from the emigrants increased from Rs.13, 652 crores in 1999 to Rs.18, 465 crores in 2003 and still reasing. the remittances to Kerala from its emigrants to other countries alone were equivalent to 22-25 percent of NSDP (K.C.Zachariah and S.Iruda ya Rajan, 2004).The remittances had made tremendous impact on income distribution among regions, communities and religious groups, as well as made impact on poverty reduction. Today Keralas economy is linked more to countries outside particularly to the Gulf countries than to some of the regions within the country. Both the labor markets abroad and the remittances of the emigrants have influenced on Kerala income. Average annual remittances ranged from Rs. 536 crores during 1980-85 to Rs. 10,835 crores during 1995-2000. As a percentage of the State Domestic Product (SDP) remittances constituted, on an average, around 11 percent since early eighties to the early nineties (till the end of the fixed exchange rate system). During the nineties it increased to around 21 per cent (K P Kannan, K S Hari 2000). Today Kerala economy structure relay mostly on remintence. The share of agriculture in NSDP has come down from 39.1percent in 1980-81 to 35.7 percent in 1990-91. It came down further to 30.6 percent in 1997-98. The share of industry also came down, though only marginally. Its share came down from 24.5 percent to 24.2 percent and further to 24.0 percent during the period. Service sector was the fastest growing sector in Kerala economy. Its share improved steadily from 36.4 percent in 1980- 81 to 40.1 percent in 1990-91 and further to 45.4 percent 1997-98 (EPW Research Foundation, 2003). Conclusion Keralas development Achived majore success in human developmen like mnimum social security, food security, minimum gender differences in education, as well as easy and affordable access to health care. Also significantly, Kerala distributed all the achievements relatively equally across urban-rural areas, between man and women, and low caste-high caste populations. In this respect Kerala does better than the rest of India, and some of developed countries. The existence of subsidised education has provided a fair degree for all social groups. On the economic front too, there has been great achievements in laying out transport and communication, banking system. On the other hand, Kerala Model is failing in providing equality between women and man in terms of jobs and wage rate. But the biggest flaw in this model is creating high unemployment, especially among educated population. Investing only in education sector without creating job market placed Kerala among country of great risk of floating high skills population out of the country. The increasing unemployment of the educated rises the question if is any point in government spending more funds on education, which leads only to higher unemployment. Instead Karalla government should spend more on investment at economy, agriculture, and industrialisation. Especially that economic migration to Gulf, high source of the state romances, facing the major competition from much cheaper labour from others poor Asian countries. Until now the remittances contribute to inflation, but do not help to resolve the fiscal problems. Furthermore it seems the human development could raise duo to Keralas history, and also mainly staying on the communist road of the politics. Communist government put more investments on social sectors like education and health neglecting mostly industry, and except land reform, agriculture. Another aspect of the success of the model is the Kerala economy exists and functions as an integral part of t he Indian economy and politics. Next aspect which should Karalla government deal with is that in a changing India, doing business is increasingly important and strong union and lack of flexibility makes impossible to invest by international corporation. As economic liberalization takes place in other states of India and tariffs are being lowered, as well as subsidized economy ended by turning to free-market enterprise and wooing multinational industries Kerala seems to be less attractive for potential investors. Kaerala does suffer from great fiscal deficitperhaps the problem laid down to a generous minimum wage; one of the best distribution systems in the country, leading to a network of shops that sell everything from rice to batteries at subsidized prices; and a land-reform program. Definitely Karela has been transforming itself from extremely poor state, ridden with caste and class conflicts and burdened by high birth, infant-mortality, and population grow rates into social- democratic state with low birth, and high leve of litratucy. But in terms of present economical situation the social development could be challenging to sustain steady. . There is a high road of development where it is possible to have growth with poverty reduction through job creation, reduced in-equality including gender in-equality and sustainable social development. The possibility of success of this growth depends on the kinds of jobs one creates. It also depends upon making, strengthening and improving policies based on gender equality for social developments. Sri Lanka has not done very well in this path, by way of growth. It is seen that in this path there is growing inequality, worsening gender indicators, and the potential for worsening social development. if social development does not generate growth and employment opportunities, what will be the major implication of such a situation which can even create an explosive situation. The development experience of Kerala poses many challenges for the development of Kerala in the new millennium. (jacket) That social development becomes un- sustainable with out economic growth, and over time can limits whatever further improvements may be possible. Strong social development by itself does not lead to high economic growth. Poor economic growth may limit whatever social development Kerala have achieved and whatever future social development could be necessary T high social development can actually limit the further capacity for poverty eradication and growth. This is because the focus is on social development with out adequate attention to the issues of economic growth and there is the inability to use the resources effectively by paying sufficient attention to the requirements- inability because you are not paying attention to the requirements and possibilities of economic growth itself. There is no attention being paid to the possibilities created by the social development itself and the resources thus created. For example, Kerala is relatively slow in recognizing the potentials of a relatively highly educated labor force beyond sending them out as migrants. Another example may be really to recognize or to take advantage of the fact that Kerala is one of Indias major places of Ayurveda, which is becoming a major global industry in the context of biotechnology. So the inability to see Keralas own resources, potentials, possibilities as w ell as the risks of not paying attention to the situations comes from an approach which does not sufficiently pay attention to the problems of economic growth. Bibliografia ( Unemployment in Kerala at the turn of the century insights from CDS gulf migration studies K. C. Zachariah S. Irudaya Rajan August 2005 working paper 374 p. 21). S E P T E M B E R  1 9 9 8 Development and quality of life cant always be measured purely in economic terms. The Indian state of Kerala is a case in point Akash Kapur September 1998 Poor but Prosperous 324 pdf) ( Unemployment in Kerala at the turn of the century insights from CDS gulf migration studies K. C. Zachariah S. Irudaya Rajan August 2005 working paper 374 p. 21) ) Keralas education system: from inclusion to exclusion, Economic and Political Weekly, 10 October 2009, VOL XLIV, NO 41, page 55 ) (Amartya Sen, 1994T 2.pdf Sakhi women resource centre, The situation of women in the state: the gender paradox. Dynamics of Change in Keralas Education System:The Socio-economic and Political Dimensions K.K.George Parvathy Sunaina Working paper No.12 (K.R.Nayar, 1997 Nayar K.R, Housing Amenities and Health Improvement: SomeFindings, Economic and Political Weekly, May 31- June 6, ). KERALA THE LAND OF DEVELOPMENT PARADOXES K.K.George and N.Ajith Kumar Working Paper No.2 November 1997 (INFRASTRUCTURE, GROWTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN KERALA Pillai N., Vijayamohanan Centre for Development Studies, Prasanth Nagar, Ulloor, Trivandrum, Kerala, India 05 p. 28 -31). KERALAS GULF CONNECTION Emigration, Remittances and their Macroeconomic Impact 1972-2000 K. P. Kannan K. S. Hari Working Paper No. 328
Definition Of Generic Pharmaceutical Company Business Model Economics Essay
Definition Of Generic Pharmaceutical Company Business Model Economics Essay This is an essay to identify CIPLA a generic Pharmaceutical companys business model and to explain the reasons why the company has to change its existing business model. This is done by first identifying the term business model and then using the definition to explain the business model adopted by the company, also determining the inherent changes in world policies and economic environment that prompt the change of the present business model. The second part of the essay addresses the issue of the conflict between the big ethical pharmaceutical companies and the relatively smaller generic pharmaceutical companies business models. This is addressed by highlighting the big pharmaceutical companies business model and comparing the two models (which will reveal the nature of their competitive relationship) there by identifying if there seems to be a convergence in their models and they are both becoming competitors in the same market or companies producing the same products but competing in different markets or companies where a symbiotic relationship has become inevitable for their survival in this present economic situation. Conceptualization of a Business Model. A definition of a business model is required to highlight the context to which CIPLAs (a generic pharmaceutical company) business model can be identified. During my research I encountered various concepts of a business model such as the definition given by Chesbrough and Rosenbloom (2002) a coherent framework that takes technological characteristics and potentials as inputs, and converts them through customers and markets into economic outputs (p.532), comparatively, Rayport and Jaworski (2001 cited in Wimmer 2004) defined a business model as the four choices of (1) a value proposition or a value cluster for targeted customers (2) a market space offering which could be products, services, information or all three (3) a unique dependable resource system and (4) a financial model. However Shafer, Smith et al (2005) suggests that a representation of a firms underlying core logic and strategic choices for creating and capturing value (p.202); is a design or creation, not an accident; wha t structures are in place to ensure firms capture value. Factually no sole definition can adequately cover all aspects of the term business model; I will endeavour to use a combination of all the stated business model definitions to better recognize the Generic pharmaceutical companys business model. I focused on the definition of this model first as most generic companies including CIPLA initially followed this business model before the need for change in 2005. The focus on India is also due to the fact that CIPLA originated from there. Definition of Generic Pharmaceutical company business model. Generic pharmaceutical company business model in India is characterised by the production and selling of copy cat pharmaceutical drugs discovered and developed by the big ethical pharmaceutical companies such as GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), this was achieve through the reverse engineering of the drugs invented by the big ethical Pharmaceutical companies and sold at lower costs. This was made possible in India due to the availability of cheap labour in the country, the favourable environment encouraged by the Indian government at the time which allowed low restriction on process patent and little or no conformity with WTO regulations. This was confirmed by Greene (2007) who wrote that government policy culminated in various actions including: the abolition of product patents on food, chemicals, and drugs; the institution of process patents; the limitation of multinational equity share in India pharmaceutical companies, and the imposition of price controls on certain formulations and bulk dr ugs. He also highlighted that India has garnered a worldwide reputation for producing high quality, low cost generic drugs. Financial evaluation of CIPLAs business model Using the Profit and loss account for 2000-2010, sales turnover steady increases from 2000-2004 but in 2005 there is a decline of about 10% which can be attributed to the implementation of the WTO law that affected the number of drugs available for replication. This also affected the earnings per share which dropped from about 51 to about 13 in 2005. Investment and debt also showed a steep decline of over 100% from 2004-2005, this corresponds to the change in business environment which can infer a reduction of debt incurred for drug production. However the excise duty showed steady from 2000-2005 indicating company focus on domestic market but in 2006 there is a steady decline in excise duties paid and this can be as a result of increased exportation of drugs following a change in business model. Change in CIPLAs Business Model The era of this type of business model however draws to an end as various changes in the economic situation and world policy will threaten the very successful model in which the generics pharmaceutical companies in India have been thriving. In 2005 Indian government changed its law concerning patent drugs and fell in line with World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Related Intellectual Property Agreement (TRIPs) this limited the production of certain drugs that was filed as a patent from January 1, 1995(Greene 2007). Another important point is that the rate at which ethical pharmaceutical companies are coming up with new blockbuster drugs is slowing down, with a shift from Research and development (RD) to marketing. This is as a result of the enormous cost to bring to the market a new drug ranging between 802million 1billion over a period of 10-15 years (Mogalian, Myrdal 2004). As inferred by Martinez and Goldstein (2007) statement that the century-old approach of finding chemicals to treat diseases is producing fewer and fewer drugs. Yusuf Hamied (CEO of CIPLA) stated that the World Trade Organization regulations, which since 2005 have prevented Indian generic drug firms from copying patented drugs, signifies that Indian generic companies have to change their business model or risk being swallowed up by multinational firms. (Livemint, 5th January 2010). Most generic companies in India adapted to this setback in their business model by transferring focus from domestic market in India and increase export of generic drugs to the United States and Western Europe, entering into RD agreements, mergers and acquisitions of foreign drug companies and developing alliances with foreign pharmaceutical firms. CIPLA however chose a slightly different approach than most pharmaceuticals by focusing on organic growth in India and only seldom indulging in strategic business alliances, technological services (such as knowhow transfer, plant supply etc) and in licensing with big pharmaceuticals. CIPLA also increased their export of generic drugs to the United States and Western Europe. Some points in CIPLAs corporate presentation in August 2009 highlight the companys focus: Business model based on international strategic alliances- Business focuses on organic growth and leads to reduced capital commitment and regulatory/litigation risks. RD targeted at ensuring efficient utilization of resources and focused at developing and launching niche products. The graph below shows a steady increase in the value of Indias pharmaceutical RD expenditure from 2001-2006 as a result of a shift in business model. Source: William Greene, US Trade Commission (2007) The emergence of Indias pharmaceutical industry and implications for the US generic drug market, US Office of Economics Working Paper 2007-05-A Business models of Big, Ethical pharmaceutical companies and the consequent reason for change of model. The big pharmaceutical company business model is the traditional pharmaceuticals company business model which comprises of large scale Research and Development departments which discover new drugs for diseases and the sale of those drugs to consumers .This is a rudimentary definition of their business model as it also entails many more components than those mentioned above for instance in recent times we see a shift of emphasis from the research and development to sales and marketing campaigns due to the competitive nature of the environment. A branded drug product is originally discovered and developed by a pharmaceutical company. In order for the company to market and sell their product they must first gain approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by submitting a New Drug Application. In this documentation the company submits data to establish a drugs clinical safety and efficacy. Other studies determine the characteristics of the drug dosage form, including the manufacturing process, drug stability, purity, strength, and how it dissolves. Once the drug receives FDA approval, the innovator company can then exclusively market and sell this brand-name product for as long as the company has patent protection. (Mogalian, Myrdal 2004) However a new external threat has evolved apart from the usual competition of rival companies in the form of Generics pharmaceutical companies. These companies as mentioned in prior section of the essay have used the process of reverse engineering to create cheaper replicas of the drugs produced by these big pharmaceutical companies and selling the drugs at cheaper costs to consumers. This has been of great profit to the generics companies as they had to indulge in little or no cost consuming research and development to come up with the drugs in the first place and the availability of low cost of production was just an added advantage to their business model. Martinez and Goldstein (2007) noted however that the rise of generics wouldnt matter so much if research labs were creating a stream of new hits. But that isnt happening. Though the industry doubled its investment from 2002 till 2006 in RD it yielded 43% less than it had in five years during the 1990s of chemical-based drugs. There is a change in the business environment for generic companies in India however with the 2005 adherence to WTO laws. They generics companies are focused on RD to produce their own patent drugs and generic drugs have become more accepted in Western countries over the years, with the rising costs of healthcare these governments are looking to cut costs and are therefore encouraging the adoption generic drug prescriptions to patients. Another major factor affecting the big pharmaceutical companies is the problem of expired patents. Companies like Pfizer that had a blockbuster drug called Lipitor a cholesterol lowering drug will be coming off patent in 2010 and this will allow the generics companies to bring in a cheaper replica of the drug which will reduce the sales of the company drastically. Patent expirations are a big problem. Drugs are granted 20 years of patent protection, Although companies often fail to get a product to market before half of that period has elapsed. Once it hits the market, however, the patent-protected drug is highly profitable: Typical gross margins are 90% to 95%. When patents expire, generic makers offer the products at a price much closer to the cost of production (Martinez and Goldstein 2007). *Sales data is from IMS World Review (except for China and Poland) ** Patented/generic split is from ESPICOM. Generic defined as a drug whose patent has expired ***2001 values for China; 2000 values for Poland; 2003 values for Brazil reflects patented/unpatented (unpatented includes branded unpatented, generics, similar) Sources: IMS; ESPICOM; Factiva; EGA; Mckinsey team Analysis This development will result in the increased encroachment on the market share of the big pharmaceutical companies, though we can see from the chart that countries like China, Brazil, India and Poland have higher percentage of generic drug usage than US, Japan, Germany, France and UK the problem of the global recession may cause an increase in the use of the generic drugs in these countries as well since developed countries like UK are hoping to cut costs on public expenditure like healthcare costs. Definition of relationships Based on these new developments in the business environment of pharmaceuticals companies and my research I begin to recognize a trend where big pharmaceuticals and generics have increasingly instances of working together in order to thrive in the new environment. This aids me in my definition of in tension asked in the question, I identify this as the type of relationship generating between the big pharmaceutical and the generics companies and we can see that it if morphing from a completely competitive one to a more competitive-collaborative relationship, where we can even see a convergence in their business models in some cases. We see big pharmaceutical companies are begin to return to India after the 2005 law passed by the government protecting their drugs, so they can benefit from the availability of cheap labor and low cost of innovative talent, they are even cooperating with the generics companies for Research and Development, in licensing and use of their distribution lines to transport their drugs to underdeveloped countries formally catered to by mainly generics companies. AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline and Bristol-Myers Squibb have also recently suggested they will outsource at least some of their manufacturing. There are lots of people in India, China and Eastern Europe who can make products of the same quality as ours but at significantly less cost, says Bristol-Myers Squibb CEO James Cornelius (Martinez and Goldstein 2007). However though we see them working together big ethical pharmaceuticals companies still have some strategies to compete with generics pharmaceutical companies. Some defensive strategies of the big pharmaceutical companies are to develop new generic subsidiaries of their organization so as to be able to better compete with generics companies. By having their own licensed generic companies, they are able to limit the rate at which generics encroach on their market share for drugs that are off patents, they accomplish this by allowing their licensed patents to release generic copies of their blockbuster drugs into the market just before they are off patent thereby gaining market share before the other generic companies release theirs. In first nine months of this year, Novartiss generics unit, Sandoz, grew roughly three times as fast as its branded-drugs business and accounted for nearly 20% of overall revenue. The balance is changing, says Novartis CEO Dr. Vasella. In the coming quarte rs, we will continue to see a faster growth opportunity in generics. (Martinez and Goldstein 2007) Competitive strategies of the big pharmaceutical companies include investment in biotechnology and diversification. Biotechnology is of great appeal because of the inability for generics companies to create copies of the drugs as of now. Diversification on the other hand will allow the company to expand the range of services it offers its customers and allow it to get alternative sources of income. CONCLUSION In conclusion we make-out CIPLA business model to be the production of copycat drugs by reverse engineering of branded drugs and the sale of the generic drugs at cheaper prices to the India and any other country where the big pharmaceutical drugs do not have patent rights, however a change in the business model became inevitable in 2005 because of the Indian government adoption of WTO laws and caused a shift of the business model of CIPLA to focus more on RD for the production of its own Branded drugs and strategic alliances which entail cooperation with Big Ethical pharmaceutical companies through in-licensing and know how transfer. Another point to note is the change in relationship between the generic company and the big pharmaceutical where we see a competitive symbiotic relationship brewing, with increased dealings between the two types of firms where big pharmaceutical companies benefit from the cheaper cost of production and access to generic companies distribution pipelines a nd generics gain from the in licensing agreements where they share profits with the bug pharmaceutical companies. However big pharmaceutical companies still maintain development of competitive strategies to combat the generic companies by creation of their own generic companies and increased investment in both diversification and biotechnology. Biblography Rayport, J.F. , Jaworski, B.J.(2001). e-commerce, New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin. Wimmer M.A., Knowledge management in electronic governance. 5th ed. IFIP international. William Greene, The Emergence of Indias Pharmaceutical Industry and Implications for the U.S. Generic Drug Market (2007) CIPLA Corporate presentation August 2009 CIPLA Pharmaceuticals Yusuf Hamied: I Am Not Against Patents I Am Against Monopolies Published: May 07, 2009 in India [emailprotected] Pharmacist Erik Mogalian, Assistant professor Paul Myrdal of the University of Arizonas College Whats the difference between brand-name and generic prescription drugs? December 13, 2004Â Big Pharma Faces Grim Prognosis Industry Fails to Find New Drugs to Replace Wonders Like Lipitor By BARBARA MARTINEZ and JACOB GOLDSTEIN December 6, 2007; Page A1
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Essay --
Stephanie LaGrua Professor Nichols Art and Human Needs Final Exam 13 December 2013 Part One: Shelter The Villa Rotonda is a house built by Andrea Palladio from 1566 to 1571. The Villa Rotonda is located on top of a low hill in Vincenza, Italy. Built during the Renaissance era, this 16th Century Italian house has showed influence to many other architects throughout the world. The Villa Rotonda is the most urbanized structure Andrea Palladio has constructed. The floor plan was a square floor plan roofed by a dome. The structure has four entrances with each having steps leading up to a columned portico, porch like area. It has been said that the columned porticos give the building a Roman Temple look. The Villa Rotonda only has livable rooms on the first floor while the second floor is strictly state rooms. Andrea Palladio designed the Villa Rotonda with mathematical precision and symmetrical proportions. Fertility/Sexuality The Venus of Willendorf, or also called, The Woman of Willendorf, is a statue of a female that is 10.8 cm high. Johann Veran had found the statue is 1908 in a village called Willendorf in lower Austria close to the city of Krems. Which is how it has gotten its name. The statue is now held in the Naturhistorishes Museum located in Vienna, Austria. The figurine was carved between 28,000 BCE and 25,000 BCE. This time period was the Paleolithic Period, also more commonly known as the â€Å"Old Stone Age.†The statue is made of a type of limestone that is not known to be produced in the surrounding area it was found in, along with a reddish tint of red ochre. The figurine does not have a way to stand on its own due to the fact it does not have feet. The statue also does not have a face but does have what it seems to b... her face. She looks off into the distance not knowing what is going to happen and despair in her eyes. The wrinkles and creases on her face show worry and sadness. There are two children almost hiding behind her as she slouches forward cradling a baby that seems sound asleep. Her shirt is unbuttoned, her clothes along with the children’s clothes are dirty and worn out. The Migrant Mother communicates emotions of fear, uncertainty, pain and depression that many American families felt during this period. The photograph portrays what life was like for America’s families suffering during this depression. The fact that this in an actual photograph and not a painting makes it more compelling and relatable because it is a realistic view of a human being in pain. A painting would just be a replica therefore the affect it would have on people would not be as significant.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Rushdie, Postmodernism & Postcolonialism :: Essays Papers
Rushdie, Postmodernism & Postcolonialism Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children, published in 1980, was perhaps the seminal text in conceiving opinions as to interplay of post-modern and post-colonial theory. The title of the novel refers to the birth of Saleem Sinai, the novel’s principal narrator, who is born at midnight August 15th 1947, the precise date of Indian independence. From this remarkable coincidence we are immediately drawn to the conclusion that the novel’s concerns are of the new India, and how someone born into this new state of the ‘Midnight’s child’, if you will, interacts with this post-colonial state. To characterise the novel as one merely concerned with post-colonial India, and its various machinations, is however a reductive practice. While the novel does at various times deal with what it is to be Indian, both pre and post 1947, it is a much more layered and interesting piece of work. Midnight’s Children’s popularity is such that it was to be vote d 25th in a poll conducted by the Guardian, listing the 100 best books of the last century, and was also to receive the Booker Prize in 1981 and the coveted ‘Booker of Bookers’ in 1993. Why Midnight’s Children is much more than of interest to the reader interested in post-colonialism, is possibly due to its strong elements of magic realism, a literary device that goes hand in hand with postmodernism. Perhaps the most notable exponent of magic realism in literature is the Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, whose One Hundred Years of Solitude written in 1967 came to be seen as the standard bearer for the genre. Marquez was an undoubted influence on Rushdie’s work and in Midnight’s Children in particular, which was to adopt many of the surrealist ‘flights of fancy’ which characterise One Hundred Years of Solitude. The term was first used in a wider post-colonialist context in an essay by Jacques Stephen Alexis, of the ‘Magical Realism of the Haitians’ (Alexis 1956), although the term itself had been in circulation since Franz Roh the German art critic coined it in 1925. Yet the term only became popularised when it was employed to characterise the work of South American writers such as Marquez. More recently the term has come to refer to the inclusion of any mythic material from local written or oral culture used in contemporary narrative. The material is often used to examine the assumptions of Western narrative, which is usually categorised by its rationality and strict linearity.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
The Problems With Affirmative Action Essay -- affirmative action argum
The Problems With Affirmative Action Tim was working as a college professor for many years at an ivy-league school. Tim was a very well liked by the students and by the administration. Tim's qualifications were hard to beat, with a book and many other writings to his credit. One day he went to work and found out that he had been replaced by a woman that had less experience and fewer credentials (McElroy). The definition of affirmative action is as follows: Affirmative action means taking positive steps to recruit, hire, train, and promote individuals from groups that have traditionally been discriminated against on the basis of race, sex, disability, or other characteristics. In this sense, affirmative action goes beyond equal employment opportunity, which requires employers to eliminate discriminatory conditions, whether inadvertent or intentional, and to treat all employees equally in the workplace ( What ... action? ). Tim lost his job to a procedure that had the main purpose to make the process of hiring workers and accepting people to colleges equal for the minorities and women. However, the process, affirmative action, does not make it equal and it gives minorities and women extra rights. Affirmative action is a procedure that is unfair and unjust to the majority of the people. It is not ethical to cure discrimination of minority's and women with another form of discrimination when the majority is discriminated against. Discrimination is hard to correct, but if laws are for discrimination of any kind, it will never be corrected. Plous argued against this and said, "the most effective way to cure society of exclusionary practices is to make special efforts at inclusion." In the statement, the word "special"...>. Jorgensen, Eric T. "Affirmative Action is Not So Bad." The Back Page. 4 Sept. 1998. 21 Oct. 2003 <>. McElroy, Wendy. "What does Affirmative Action Affirm." 24 Oct. 2003 <>. Plous, S. "Ten myths about affirmative action." Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination. 2003. 21 Oct. 2003 <>. Smith, Peter J. "Affirmative action can hurt qualifited whites." The State News: Michigan State University's Independent Voice. 15 Sept. 1998. 21 Oct. 2003 <>. "What is affirmative action?" 2003. 21 Oct. 2003 <>.
Real Friendship
Real Friendship Friendship is really hard to find in our lives today, especially in this world because according to us nowadays it is known as the quality or condition of being friends or just simply having a friendly relationship. A friend isn’t someone you randomly meet and know them just for who they are. My belief of a real friend comes as fate. If it is meant to be then it will happen because a true friendship lasts forever through good times and bad times. A friend is someone who is honest and dependable when is needed in certain consequences. That is why I believe in Cicero’s theories of friendship because a friend is someone who: . Thinks alike. 2. Is honest. 3. And understanding. This essay of real friendship focuses on these three main ideas. Thinks alike. I have a friend who is known to be my best friend since kindergarten. She is humorously been my friend for fourteen years and I hope it continues through out life. But the thing about her is that she is very much like me although our lives are very different according to our families and I am very thankful that she has been able to control her life on her own. Cicero says â€Å"A friend is, as it were, a second self†(Cicero, 1971). I consider Cicero’s theory to be right because according to other friends that I have had in the past have never been even close to what I have with my best friend. The ethical idea or the golden rule, â€Å"Do to others as you would have them do to you†(Fieser & Pojman, 2009). Applies to my friend and me because we always treat each other with respect and we don’t talk behind each other’s backs. We treat each other like if we were sisters. Is honest. Being honest is the quality of truthfulness. Honesty is something that should be required in a friendship because you are able to express yourself about anything. I am certain that most people can not accomplish any problems without being honest because if you are not, it just brings more problems into your life. â€Å"Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief†(Cicero, 1971). This quote is very important and meaningful to me considering that my best friend is there for me when I need advice and she is honest with me about it. I would not like for her to be dishonest, due to the choices I can make with her advice, and then she would not be a real friend because I will be making bad choices. In the Core Morality, rule number three is do not lie or deceive. â€Å"Language itself depends on a general and implicit commitment to the principle of truth telling. Accuracy of expression is a primitive form of truthfulness†(Fieser & Pojman, 2009). Honesty exists in my friendship and I really appreciate it now that I know what real true friendship is especially because we are moral to each other. Understanding. To know something or someone you must understand it or them. Just like how I know my best friend, she knows me and therefore we understand each other. I treasure our friendship for the reason that it has last so long and how we are uncomplicated. We rarely have any problems with each other, but when we do have problems we fix them as soon as possible. We do not like to let problems pass by because we do not like to fight or make bigger consequences. We come to an agreement until we understand each other. I really like how we can always settle our disputes unlike other relationships that I had who were so called my friends. â€Å"Friendship is the only thing in this world, the usefulness of which all mankind are in agreement†(Cicero, 1971). Any action taken into our friendship has always been our words and we always depend on the right act. â€Å"A right act that is permissible for you to do. It may be either obligatory or optional†(Fieser & Pojman, 2009). I think we have constantly picked obligatory because it is moral rather than optional. As a result I am happy we are still friends, through thick and thin. In completion, Cicero’s philosophy on friendship is very convincing and true because I never really paid attention to it. It makes you realize a lot about who your real friends are and who are not.
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