Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Supplemental Application Essays
Supplemental Application Essays For example, don’t write about wanting to be part of a program only for grad students; save this for your graduate school application. A college application essay may be as short as 150 words, but those words can mean the difference between a “maybe†and a “yes†when it comes to getting admitted. The essays tell the admissions committee how and why one student is different from all the others. The Office of Admission offers merit-based scholarships to incoming first year students who distinguish themselves academically and personally within our highly competitive group of admitted students. While we assume that if you’re reading this, you’ve written hundreds of papers and essays before, writing an admissions essay can pose different challenges. Wondering why exactly you should buy admissions essays online from Ultius? After having written tens of thousands of 100% plagiarism-free academic papers, we began completing admissions essays for students as well. These essays are no easy task; it is a common misconception that they can be written quickly without much insight into a person’s past accomplishments. Our competitors may succeed in promising students cheap prices, but the quality of work many of their writers produce is pitiful. These scholarships are based solely on merit and financial need is not taken into consideration. About 20% of admitted students are offered a merit scholarship each year. Students awarded a merit-based scholarship will be notified at the time of admission. Check out our detailed breakdown of exactly how personal statements work in an application, some suggestions on what to avoid when writing your essay, and our guide to writing about your extracurricular activities. This connection of past experience to current maturity and self-knowledge is a key element in all successful personal essays. Colleges are very much looking for mature, self-aware applicants. These are the qualities of successful college students, who will be able to navigate the independence college classes require and the responsibility and quasi-adulthood of college life. Facing a blank page, wondering what to write in an essay that can change your life can paralyze even the most confident of applicants. When I started middle school, my mom went back to college. Dr. Maggie Wray is an academic life coach who helps high school and college students develop the mindset, motivation, organization, and time management skills they need to be successful in school. For most students, it takes about 10 hours to write a good college essay. If you’re applying to schools that request supplemental essays or do not accept the Common Application, you may have several different essays to write. She emigrated from Venezuela and worked in her own convenience store for 17 years. When she started college, I took on the role of helping her edit her essays. In my essay, I wrote about asking for help and how she inspires me to ask for help, because she had the courage to ask her young daughter for help. The first time I asked my mom to read it, I freaked out because she said she didn’t know if she liked it. Sample essays can provide you with some great inspiration, and valuable insights into how to write a great essay. However, be careful not to get so caught up reading other peoples’ essays that you neglect to start your own. It’s also easy to fall into the comparison trap and begin worrying that your essays will never be as good as these examples. Remember that the sample essays colleges are posting are the BEST essays from among the thousands of students they admit. So, most accepted students’ essays are not this exceptional. If you’re asked to write why you want to attend a certain college or program, do your research. Colleges will see if you just read the first paragraph of a webpage or if you really looked. When citing a desire to participate in a certain club or program, make sure you can actually participate in it. And of course, it goes without saying that you should NEVER copy or imitate someone else’s essay. If you try to make your essay sound like someone else’s, it will end up sounding fake and awkward, and will NOT work to your advantage. After outlining your topic and making it as personal as possible, next comes the actual writing. Don’t get taken advantage of by these fraudulent institutions. Instead, let Ultius write your next admissions essay and save the headache of worrying about whether or not you will even receive your work on time. Writing an essay is something students learn to do in school from a fairly young age, but it is a skill that must be perfected over a number of years.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Assistance On College Admissions Essays
Assistance On College Admissions Essays In addition to making sure that all of these things are included, you should also be aware of HOW you write your essay. Admissions committees want essays to be concise â€" you want to make your point in about 700 words or less. You should also make sure that your essay is coherent â€" that your ideas flow and your arguments make sense. Follow this structure of a college admission essay for your college application and you will be looked upon favorably by the college admission boards to whom you are applying. You need to provide three to five pieces of evidence that support your thesis statement that you will be a great addition to the student body of the college to which you are applying. The appeal of the example structure essay is that it enables a writer to focus on discussing situations that reinforce their thesis. Once you have written your thesis statement you then need to provide the supporting evidence for your thesis. Map out all essay prompts for UC applications and all regular decisions schools. Consider setting a time limit for this part of the process, or a limit for the number of sample essays you will read, and then set the examples aside and move on to creating your own masterpiece. Edit thoroughly and ask for feedback.While it can be excruciating, it’s extremely important to edit your essay to make sure it’s in tip-top shape. Take a day-long break after your initial edit, then read it again with fresh eyes, out loud, to spot any spelling and grammar errors you may have missed. The Common Application and the UCA are used by many US universities and colleges, and you’ll find that if you can write an essay for one of these, you’ll have no problems with any other individual applications. Attempting to craft an essay to impress your particular vision of an admissions officer is foolhardy. It may actually undermine your chances of getting into a particular school. By employing a “holistic†approach to the process, admissions officers are able to separate students with very similar academic credentials. Don’t be afraid to show off your writing skills, but don’t do anything that takes away from your core message. This video explains the importance of your college admissions essay. In that essay, colleges expect you to reveal your writing ability and, just as important, the real You, with a capital Y. At this point, your paper doubles as a creative writing assignment. Because your story is a narrative, you have more creative freedom than you do with other types of essays. The other benefit is that there is no pressure to do research, other than to come in knowing how and why your past experience helped develop your character. It’s hard to put your words into the right tone and framework to have your college application essay be effective. That’s why your admission essays are so well written. , not everybody else, and certainly not some imaginary admissions officerâ€"honestly do care about. Think of this not as an exercise designed to impress colleges, but as a piece of writing as sincere as a love letter. Some experts suggest that you start your 500 word college application essay with a brief personal story and then draw a “moral†from it that expresses your values. These days, most colleges require that your application essay be no more than 500 words. It’s even harder to have the writing be persuasive. Not many people are good at selling themselves because it’s not intuitive for most people to be a great marketer. It helps to ask a friend, parent and/or teacher for feedback to make sure you effectively get your points across. Institutions that set their own essays may offer more words than this, but it’s best to check the application form or their website first. The overall workload here is really dependent on your college list, so if your list isn’t as ambitious, some of the timelines above might not apply to you. The main point here is that getting a head start and planning your essay workload is essential to limiting how stressful the college application process needs to be. Make sure to get these done early so that you give yourself a lot of time to work on the remaining regular decision supplemental essays. If you chose your essay prompts correctly, hopefully you can use an essay or two from here for some of your remaining school essays. Your thesis statement will be the admission boards GPS system that will tell them what you plan to disclose to them about yourself and how you will accomplish this task. The structure of this particular essay has three parts. Your admission essay writing is done by people who truly enjoy writing.
Sample Personal Statement Essay For College Applications
Sample Personal Statement Essay For College Applications Given what he shared in his essay, we can imagine Jerry being an active participant both in and out of the classroom. These selections represent just a few examples of essays we found impressive and helpful during the past admissions cycle. At this point, you’ve come up with more ideas than you can possibly fit into one essay. Madison’s fun writing style left the admissions committee entertained, but more importantly gave us insight into her outlook and personality. The essay illustrates her joy in trying new things and having diverse interests. This helps us understand how Madison would thrive in a liberal arts academic setting with lots of flexibility where she can find the unique cross-sections of her interests. Jerry’s essay helped the admissions committee understand his background and how he persevered and grew through debate. Although we had already learned about Jerry’s enthusiasm for debate in other parts of his application, this essay gave so much more depth into why this activity is meaningful for him. I strongly recommend that you talk to the financial aid office at the college you’d like to attend, and tell them what you told me. 100% percent of students admitted to the business school are considered for merit-based scholarships. Brandeis students and alumni are not required to submit an application fee. Consider how you want to communicate it to Anderson. For instance, the essays are an ideal way to describe a change in your goals, mindset, or leadership experiences. On the other hand, if your changes are more quantitative, the application will be sufficient. If you choose to write this essay for your UCLA MBA application, be clear and concise. LSAC believes that in order to create a truly just world in which equality exists for all, the law must mirror the diversity of the society it serves. The first application I completed with her I received a scholarship. She helped me find the scholarships and complete all the essays. If your test score will expire prior to the start of the program, you must submit your official test score prior to its expiration date. An official transcript of the applicant’s high school record must be filed in the Office of Admissions & Records before an application for admission will be considered. Your journey to becoming a NC Bulldog student starts here! An unofficial test score should be submitted as part of the online application. Official test scores are required only if you accept an offer of admission. TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo English Test and PTE Academic scores are valid for up to two years. Test score must be valid at the time your application is submitted. Finally, focus on explanations rather than excuses. There is no need to respond if you don’t have any special circumstances. For example, reasons to write this essay include gaps in work experience, poor grades, or no recommendation from a current manager. The Excelsior Scholarship, in combination with other student financial aid programs, allows students to attend a SUNY or CUNY college tuition-free. FAFSA ( Free Application. For Federal Student Aid) form can be used to apply for financial aid for college or graduate school. By utilizing the example of struggling to cook well in the kitchen, the writer is able to effectively relate to readers of all ages and backgrounds. We believe that Rocio’s sense of perseverance will translate to her college experience as well. If you choose to submit a GMAT or GRE score, an unofficial test score should be submitted as part of the online application. GMAT and GRE scores are valid for up to five years. Test scores must be valid at the time of the application is submitted. Now you need to focus your goals to only three or four ideas â€" the ones that will make you the most attractive to the college admissions board. No matter what the prompt asks, you want to ensure you include those three or four ideas in your college admissions essay. For decades, studies have consistently shown that students of color, students living with a disability, and LGBTQ+ students are underrepresented in most law schools. As a consequence, smaller percentages of persons who represent these groups are graduating from law school and entering the legal profession.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Where Can I Find A List Of College Admissions Essay Questions?
Where Can I Find A List Of College Admissions Essay Questions? Your journey to becoming a NC Bulldog student starts here! The best part of Navarro…we require no essay and no application fees. These selections represent just a few examples of essays we found impressive and helpful during the past admissions cycle. At this point, you’ve come up with more ideas than you can possibly fit into one essay. Now you need to focus your goals to only three or four ideas â€" the ones that will make you the most attractive to the college admissions board. No matter what the prompt asks, you want to ensure you include those three or four ideas in your college admissions essay. For decades, studies have consistently shown that students of color, students living with a disability, and LGBTQ+ students are underrepresented in most law schools. See below for all deadlines and details regarding documentation required for admission. If you are applying from high school or with equivalent high school requirements, you will apply as a First-Year Applicant. Be sure to see the requirements on the International Applicants page. As a consequence, smaller percentages of persons who represent these groups are graduating from law school and entering the legal profession. LSAC believes that in order to create a truly just world in which equality exists for all, the law must mirror the diversity of the society it serves. Beyond the classroom, our students go on to do extraordinary work in their respective fields. Apply to Gustavus by submitting the Common Application. Apply to Gustavus online or by submitting the Common Application. There all kinds of ways to write a college essay and there is no perfect form as long as your piece is engaging, logical, revealing … and answers the prompt. 93% of students are employed or are engaged in post graduate activities such as graduate school, military, or Peace Corps within six months of graduation. For students currently enrolled in law school looking to transfer. More broadly, there are hundreds of strategies that work in admissions. We know because when we were on the inside, we have seen them turn the heads of admissions committees time and time again. Our job is to take your unique talents and experience and translate these so that you rise to the top of the applicant pool. At 29 of the top 30 law schools, our 2018 clients exceeded or greatly exceeded the admissions rate of each school. Palm Beach State College is an equal access, equal opportunity institution. The College complies with all state and federal laws granting rights to applicants for employment or admission to the College, employees, and students. In addition to the federal reporting requirements, the public school system in Florida uses social security number as a student identifier (section 1008.386, F.S.). in Corsicana, Waxahachie, Midlothian, Mexia, and eLearning (online/distance) campuses. For other questions about applying to the CSU and the admissions process, read the Cal State Apply FAQ or Contact us. Apply to Gustavus by submitting the Transfer Application or Common Application. All application formats ask for personal details, a list of accomplishments and experiences, and a writing sample. International students are eligible for the Count Folke Bernadotte International Student Scholarship, as well as talent-based scholarships that require a separate application. All social security numbers are protected by federal regulations and are never released to unauthorized parties. Federal legislation relating to the Hope Tax Credit requires that all postsecondary institutions report the social security number of all postsecondary students to the Internal Revenue Service . This IRS requirement makes it necessary for community colleges to collect the social security number of every student. A student may refuse to disclose his or her social security number to the College for this purpose, but the College is authorized by IRS to fine the student $50. Students must complete the essay portion of either application to be considered for admission. Freshman admissions decisions are based on the strength of your high school curriculum, SAT or ACT scores, extra-curricular activities and one letter of recommendation. This essay, unlike the first one, focuses on a student’s future and how an MBA from GSB will help students achieve their goals. Matt Symonds, co-founder and director of Fortuna Admissions, recently discussed what kind of applicants Stanford GSB looks for and how applicants can write strong essays. An official transcript of the applicant’s high school record must be filed in the Office of Admissions & Records before an application for admission will be considered.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Five Examples Of Transfer Apply Texas Essay A Statement Of Purpose
Five Examples Of Transfer Apply Texas Essay A Statement Of Purpose Besides, the prompt gives your piece backbone and direction; it’s a useful structuring tool. Danny’s core focus is on helping young people get the best advice, and be the best students they can be. EssayFreelanceWriters.Com is a highly respected company that is recognized based on the quality of the admission essays that it provides to its clients. EssayFreelanceWriters.Com is the leading company largely recognized for the highly proficient admission essay writing services. Admission essays are very important because they determine your rejection or acceptance by the university/college of your choice. Graduating high school is an accomplishment, always filled with additional successes along the way. You worked hard, now is the time to showcase your hard-won talents and wins. Our application essay help service values reviews and honest feedback. We encourage our customers to tell us what their experience was like. We also always do our very best to take constructive feedback into consideration and improve the quality of our work for our future customers to enjoy the process of cooperating with us. Trying to “cheat†the prompt by quickly writing about what was asked of you, and then going on to write about what you really want to say is not going to help you in the long run. So do yourself a favor and stick to that promptâ€"it’s what the college wants to know about you. That is why you can trust our writers and be sure that all of our essays come out unique and custom-made. This means that you are going to have to do more than throw in a few SAT words to impress them. Log into your admissions application account to verify the status of your application. If there is anything else you feel we should know about you that has not been covered in this application, please add a personal statement following your essay. Many of our students broadly explore the connections across WashU’s five undergraduate divisions and three graduate schools and engage with the community before declaring a major. In case you have any feedback about your experience with our writing service - feel free to share it with us. You’ve received your admission letter, checked out your major and started celebrating with family and friends. To make enrollment official, check out information for newly admitted students to get everything you need to start your academic career at UMD. Students who have been out of school for several years or who have a personal circumstance that affected performance, may wish to address that situation in their essay. Like the Honor Scholar Program itself, these essays address a variety of topics and represent different kinds of opportunities for thought. His team of professionals are also personal coaches, and great people, driven by the same passion for helping people. A good story has a beginning, a middle and an end. On your college application essay, use the first paragraph as an introduction, and the last paragraph as your conclusion that wraps everything up. Let the story build and flow to its natural conclusion. FLEX is a premier college prep company with more than 18 years of history helping families and students to achieve their college dreams. The key to writing an essay worth reading is writing an essay that has not been written before. It needs to be your own story, not the story you think they want to hear. It’s a service that helps you write an admission essay when you want to get enrolled at a higher institution. Writing an admission essay can be challenging; that’s why having a team of experienced writers can be very handy if you want to secure a place at your chosen institution. That isn’t to say you should be cocky or boastful, however. All the same, if you campaigned hard and worked to get policies changed in your time as class president, talk about it! If you practiced extra hours to shave a few seconds off of your personal swimming record, talk about it! If you formed a club, if you were the lead in a school play, if you got a 4.0, if you won the school talent showâ€"this is your time to showcase it. First and foremost, write what they want you to write. This cheap essay writing service is created for people who are dreaming to improve their academic performance. For those who have a desire to receive only high marks and praises of their teachers. If this sounds familiar to you, you are welcomed to make your first order and get your admission essay help. Our support team checks each and every essay written by our writers for plagiarism, so all of our works are unique, and there's no plagiarism in there.
4 Common Types Of Essays You
4 Common Types Of Essays You You can contact me for samples as I collect great essays from the students with whom I work. Most, if not all, high school and college standardized tests include a writing portion. Students are provided a writing prompt and must then write an essay on the topic. Writing for standardized tests can strike fear in the hearts and minds of students of all ages, but it doesn’t have to. If you know what to expect and understand how to write a five paragraph essay, you will be prepared to tackle any essay writing prompt. Prompt’s Essay Specialists reviewed 13,000 admissions essays in 2018, helping thousands of students submit their applications with confidence. A great essay tells a a unique story that communicates key qualities you can offer the college. That is why a great college essay is personal.This great essay is very visual and helps make you become 3-D for the reader. It starts right away with a specific story from running a marathon in the rain to spilling water on customersâ€"twiceâ€" and keeps us engaged from the first word to the last. there are different stages for the admissions process. normally essay does not read more than one person unless the vote must proceed and admission counselors decided to work hard for the students they like the most. This is a tough question to answer as there is no way to know for sure. At a smaller school, it is more likely that the admissions officers will have the time to look at each essay, whereas at huge universities it would seem less likely. Often they are read in committee where several officers might look at one essay. If you want to know how you will be assessed at any given school, you should feel free to ask the admissions office. Based on my experience, we read every essay at the institutions were I served. Typically, applications received two reads and a third if the decisions were split. Sit down with your folks and talk about your family and your “growing-up†years. Make sure when you write your essay that you don’t just ramble on and on. Follow the five-paragraph or a modified version of that format. A great college essay grabs your attention from the first sentence. It takes readers into, through, and beyond the story in 500 words or less. You will need a catchy introduction where you pull in your reader, supportive examples, and then a wonderful conclusion where you pull everything together and leave the reader with a smile, a tear, or a wow. The essay really gives you an opportunity to be creative. Allow yourself time and don’t throw it together right at the end. With all the competition trying to get into the good schools, your essay could make the difference. when admissions season started, it is not easy to read hundreds of essay during a short period of time. in the mean time, between 5-10 min is actually reasonable for a good read. In terms of how many officers read each essay, that also varies from school to school. Some read regionally which means that one officer reads all the applications from all the high schools in a certain geographic region. She took the reader through the stages of loving, hating, being disappointed, ashamed and finally acceptance, understanding and again loving while “Dad†was going through treatment. She allowed herself to be vulnerable which made the essay dynamite. Another student talked about the struggles of having learning disabilities and the pain that he experienced during his educational career. You might think, “I don’t have anything like that.†All of us have experiences that have impacted our lives.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
How To Write An Effective College Admission Essay
How To Write An Effective College Admission Essay The prompt for this essay was “Discuss a book that has particular significance for you. What effect does it have on what you think or how you think? †Every bit of art, knowledge, thought, and opinion has value and can change a person. If you really care about ideas, explaining why one is important is almost impossible because every idea intersects with and plays off of other ideas. For every book I read I find myself adding at least three more to my reading list, whether they inspired the author or were inspired by him. Being overtly anti-war could cause you and your message to be immediately dismissed by those that view an anti-war stance as anti-troop or anti-patriotic. The poor pay the price while the rich reap the benefit. By using satire to infiltrate the minds that would not be receptive to direct anti-war messages, we allow the anti-war messages to form in the readers’ own heads. Unhealthy diets and alcohol-fueled accidents are leading causes of death. We let talking heads and sound bites guide our politics, our philosophy, and our way of life. Whether it is a Republican or a Democrat, a talking head is a talking head, and a blind decision is a blind decision, no matter what choice you make. Surreal Numbers by Knuth helped me put what numbers are into more perspective. It is a rather slim book, yet because of its density it takes awhile to read in order to understand what it says. In Plato’s Meno (thanks for sending!), Socrates posed an ingenious question to his student about how to double the area of a square. The student intuited that one would simply double the side lengths of the square but in reality that would quadruple the area of the square. Lewis, Rowling summons foreign phrases, literary devices, and language jokes, and transfigures them into clever names for her characters, objects, and places. The works of Tolkien and Lewis reflect their authors’ knowledge of philology, but can veer into pretentiousness. Rowling seems to want as many readers as possible to share in the fun -- slogging through ancient Gobbledegook epics is not required. As a result of reading this book and the Meno, I have a much different perspective on how knowledge comes into being and how it is communicated, or in the case of my public education, not communicated. Despite this, there is a calm joy in her independence, and her adventures to faraway places seem to fill her life with meaning. I have longed for this freedom all my life, and it has been my ultimate goal in pursuing colleges, careers, mentors, and even social circles. The narrator is a niece, so Miss Rumphius had to have had a sibling, but the young Alice speaks only of her aunt, and so was born my dreams of being an inspirational aunt myself. Miss Rumphius was patient and listened to herself, and so could find her place by the sea. My mother read me Miss Rumphius regularly before bed and from the redheaded heroine’s delicate tale, I crafted not only my goals in life, but my approach to adulthood as well. Like other fantasy writers who go by initials, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. I can’t help but think that if more people read Descartes, Plato, and maybe even the U.S. Constitution, we’d have a higher level of political discourse and a better government. This may not have hit me with the same depth at age five as it does now, but looking back at Miss Rumphius, I can see the sowing of my current thought processes. The most beautiful things in the world are ideas, constantly changing, altered by experience and learning. I am unable to say that any one book is important to me, all I can say is that Catch-22 is important to me today and hope to discover the book that will be important to me tomorrow. I invite St. John’s to help me find that book, and perhaps I will be able to help someone else find their’s. War Satire as a sub-genre is of particular importance. The seriousness of war, literally life and death, makes it a subject people tend to develop core values around. The main character is the narrator’s great aunt, not her mother or grandmother. There is no mention of her being involved romantically, marrying, or even considering a family - she is unapologetically independent. I find it very intriguing that with the right story and progression, anyone can be led to not only a deeper understanding of a subject but also a greater appreciation for one. We use these building blocks of math and numbers all of the time and yet we do not truly stop to think about what they are or why they work the way they do. I was one of those very people and I would be lying if I said that I fully appreciate math for what it is. Only through my own curiosity and self-motivated research have I learned to appreciate more than I had before.
Monday, August 10, 2020
How Many Paragraphs In An Essay?
How Many Paragraphs In An Essay? No matter how many times we organize, a week after the last effort I’ll come across a scientific cookbook next to a German-English dictionary (Cassell’s) and Isaac Asimov’sGuide to Shakespeare. The only bookcase in my house I can reliably locate things on contains my Doctor Who novels, whatever Shakespeare plays I haven’t taken out, and a selection of classic sci-fi. The biggest moment of clarity that occurred through a book came from my ethics class. We read David Hume’Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals.In it, Hume argues that sentiment is the principle of morality and not reason. This was the complete opposite anything I had seen argued before. Then, why this way is or isn’t working or linked causes me to ponder continuously. For me, the process of learning is full of wonderful and surprising events. As I go with the flow of thinking, I often find myself at far-off place from where I originally started. Sometimes pieces of thought which seem to be completely irrelevant to one another, before I know become connected and make one amazing, completed puzzle of my own making. These unexpected enlightenments, which I call my “Ah-ha†moments, give me butterflies and make my heart flutter. These moments mean so much more to me than memorizing other people’s ideas for exam results. Therefore, the “Ah-ha†moment that gets me excited cannot be overridden by artificial number in my report which my school thinks is so important. Lack of love causes loneliness, and I think the reason I have been lonely in pursuit of learning is because of a lack of love from the people who love what “I loveâ€. On a Saturday halfway into my first semester at Smith, my friend and I went in search of a study room. We visited three academic buildings that afternoon. Although there are no majors or concentrations in St. John’s, I feel that the Great Books curriculum was created to perfectly suit my interestsâ€"approaching the social sciences with a philosophical lens. Not more than two years later my literature teacher gave me as an extra reading the book Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder. The book accomplished its objective and, with ease and short chapters of many philosophers, introduced me to the world of the big questions and the pursuit of truth. At some point, after reading it, I felt like Sophie as I wondered about my beliefs and values and about the world. In my St. John’s story, we are not only discovering adventure, but we are uncovering meanings, dimensions, countless wonders, questions, and even some answers. The night is young, the tea is still warm, the interest is fresh. I considered feelings something to be controlled by reason. Yet here was Hume, acting like reason didn’t matter. Describe your reading habits and discuss an aspect of a particular book that has been important in shaping your thoughts. Whenever I encounter something new, as my math teacher said, I have a habit of viewing it with the suspicious eyes. Almost without exception, every room we peeked into was packed with those little chairs that Will Ferrell squeezes himself into in Elf, the ones with the little writing shelf attached. On a philosophical basis, I chafe against the competitive, individualistic approach to learning that these desks represent. On a physical basis, at six-foot-two, I can barely fit behind them. St. John’s college not only interests me, but draws me in very strongly because it combines in the most natural way, the study of politics and philosophy. Plato and Thomas Aquinas, for instance, had both made reason and integral part of morality. Aquinas’s view is known as Moral Rationalism for a reason. When we read Plato in class, I had agreed with him. I am excited about being able to break down and analyze the great philosophers and scientific minds of history, and I believe St. John’s will give me the best opportunity to do just that. Now, I keep my library card thin and toned, exercising it regularly. The workers at our local bookstores know me by name, and I keep business booming all the time. My house has always been full of books, from P.D. Eastman and Dr. Seuss to an ‘80s edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica my parents rescued from a sidewalk and the entire Great Books collection we inherited from my grandmother. When a book is read, a bond forms between author and reader. The author speaks, and the reader listens as they weave together the holes the author leaves them to fill. While the author’s words may be constant, the reader is the true variable. When you have more than one reader together, you have each dimension they bring to the book . Later that night, we will still be there, night old, tea cold, but the interest will never fade. The night is loudest when at its quietest, and as I lay there, closing the last page of the book, I will fall asleep knowing tomorrow is a new day, a new adventure.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Essay Questions
Essay Questions Keep your sentences short and should explain the meaning perfectly. Along with linking words, your focus should be on vocabulary as well. Make sure that you are using correct proverbs, words etc. in your essay. If your information is from reliable sources, your chances of getting excellence will get high. It would be safe to assume you need at least one paragraph for each of these. Of course, if there is a lot of information to cover in order to explore each area, you may need more. In most cases, an essay like this will also require you to address main points which may oppose your stand on an issue or topic. We have one narrative essay template in EssayJack, Short Narrative, which you can use to practice getting the flow of a good story. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. I look forward to your feedback and continued support. You have a limit over the word count, therefore, using excessively long speech doesn’t make a sense in a short essay. If it’s the most important aspect informing your conclusion, you can spend a little more time on that particular point. It could run into several paragraphs rather than just one or two. When you are planning your essay, you will think of or research the main elements that are needed in the body text. Ideas which you will present in the essay should be logical, and there should be an easy flow. It is to check for any grammatical or other logical errors. As a short essay is determined by its length, it should have maximum of 3 body paragraphs. Each paragraph can represent one point but, there should be a flow between those paragraphs. The introductory paragraph must introduce the idea which will be discussed in the essay. The first sentence itself should claim the urgency of the topic which becomes worth reading. The statement can be debatable so that opponents will want to argue on your issue. Your introduction should build up the interest of the audience, and it should be clear that what is the topic. The main parts that build up a short essay are introduction, body and a conclusion. This is a rule of thumb, which means it won’t always work quite that way, but it’s handy all the same. In academic work, your paragraphs are likely to be a bit longer than most of the ones you see in this blog post. On average, there are usually 100 to 200 words in a paragraph. So if you’d like a guesstimate, you can assume that a 1,000-word essay will have between five and ten paragraphs. or secondary sources) to back up the points you want to present. Try to go for the websites that end with .edu or .gov. For example, if you are writing on any journalism topic, then go for BBC or other well-known news websites. Always avoid the least reliable sources, such as blogs or random articles. The three paragraphs in the body part should support the thesis statement. As for the conclusion part, it should not only sum up the argument, but it should also lift up the idea presented in the essay. You’re trying to get an A instead of writing something that’s actually good. You’re trying to write something your teacher or professor will like. Also, you can write a transition sentence for each paragraph so it would be faster to structure and band all arguments. However, if you need to submit it to a professor for a review, use sentences. It will help him understand the arguments and evidence you are going to use in your essay. An alphanumeric outline is the most common one, but you are welcome to use a decimal outline structure if it seems clearer and more comfortable for you. Also, feel free to use complete sentences or just brief phrases for each section of your essay outline. Depending on that, you’ll understand what arguments might work for your essay. It will also help you decide on resources to use for research and evidence to choose for your arguments. Consider credible sources such as Google Scholar or Oxford Academic to find references for your essay; take notes of them to use in your outline. As a rule, the only detail bothering those asking how to make an outline for an essay is the process itself. Students understand that an essay outline needs to specify all the main points and arguments of their future paper, but they still find it challenging to create. Restate your thesis and summarize the goal of your paper. To avoid getting tangled up in one aspect of the discussion, you’ll have to decide how long it should be.
What If My College Admissions Essay Is Too Short?
What If My College Admissions Essay Is Too Short? Participating in such a large study from start to finish has validated my interest in academic research as a profession. In order to pay for school and continue being active in the community, I enlisted in the Texas Army National Guard as a Medic. Due to the increased deployment schedule and demands placed on all branches of the military after September 11, my attendance in school has necessarily come second to my commitment to the military. My military commitment ends this July and will no longer complicate my academic pursuits. I come from a small, economically depressed town in Northern Wisconson. There are various semesters where, due to this demand, I attended school less than full time. Despite taking a long time and the difficulty in carving separate time for school with such occupational requirements, I remained persistent aiming towards attending school as my schedule would allow. Get the latest insider tips, news, deadlines, for your target schools. Profiles submitted by applicants to leading MBA programs, providing a platform where applicants can seek input from the Clear Admit community on their target schools. After completing her bachelor of fine arts in theater at the University of Southern California, she dabbled in several industries, including higher education, health care, law, marketing and public relations. It was through this exploration that she identified her core business values that focus on coaching and mentoring, managing people and relationships and influencing people through language and ideas. Ruthie oversees the admission, recruitment, reporting, financial services and talent acquisition divisions for Olin’s graduate programs. SCHOOL PROFILESIn-depth, independent profiles of every leading business school. Please note that this is just materials for your essay. I’ve read and accept the Clear Admit Terms of Use Agreement, Privacy Policy, and Community Guidelines. Please send me the Clear Admit Newsletter as well as information from Clear Admit on schools, employers and partners that may be of interest to me. Ruthie completed her masters in communication management with an emphasis in corporate and strategic communication at the University of Southern California and eventually returned to higher education. We are particularly interested in hearing about how you have grown professionally and personally. Please provide any information you would like to add to your application that you have not otherwise included. BYU-Idaho values suggestions and ideas that can improve the university. Many people in this former mining town do not graduate high school and for them college is an idealistic concept, not a reality. Feelings of being trapped in a stagnant environment permeated my mind, and yet I knew I had to graduate high school; I had to get out. Although most of my friends and family did not understand my ambitions, I knew I wanted to make a difference and used their doubt as motivation to press through. Four days after I graduated high school, I joined the U.S. Profiles and school selections in real-time by applicants to leading MBA programs, providing a continuously updated feed of who is choosing which schools based on their options. The MBA degree provides candidates with the tools, skills, networks and opportunities to advance their current career or switch their career path in a new direction. For those looking to use the degree to expand their career opportunities, understanding which business school programs provide the greatest access to which careers is critical. She has worked as an admission professional serving undergraduate and graduate populations for almost 18 years. Prior to joining the Olin family, she held the role of director of graduate admission, recruitment & financial services at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Ruthie has been a proactive member of the Graduate Management Admission Council and currently serves as past chair on the business advisory board for the Educational Testing Service . Ruthie spent the first 18 years of her life and career taking on a variety of roles in the entertainment industry and traveling extensively throughout Europe and Asia. Receive advice on which teachers should write the recommendations and how to ask for their help. How have you strengthened your candidacy since your last application?
College Admission Essay Writing
College Admission Essay Writing Perhaps if we all learned more about each other's lifestyles, the world would be more empathetic and integrated. On the outside, I look like any smart phone, but when you open my settings and explore my abilities, you will find I have many unique features. After experiencing many twists and turns in my life, I’m finally at a good spot. I know what I want to do with my life, and I know how I’m going to get there. I felt so stupid, I knew I was capable, I could solve a Rubik’s cube in 25 seconds and write poetry, but I felt broken. I was lost, I couldn’t see myself, so stuck on my mother that I fell into an ‘It will never get better’ mindset. On August 30th, 2018 my mom passed away unexpectedly. My favorite person, the one who helped me become the man I am today, ripped away from me, leaving a giant hole in my heart and in my life. The most important factor in my transition was my mom’s support. Even though I had friends, writing, and therapy, my strongest support was my mother. I was six when I first refused/rejected girl’s clothing, eight when I only wore boy’s clothing, and fifteen when I realized why. When gifted dresses I was told to “smile and say thank you†while Spiderman shirts took no prompting from me, I’d throw my arms around the giver and thank them. My whole life has been others invading my gender with their questions, tears signed by my body, and a war against my closet. Fifteen years and I finally realized why, this was a girl’s body, and I am a boy. As our Christmas Dinner squabbles suggest, seemingly insurmountable impasses can be resolved through respect and dialogue, even producing delicious results! This vocation may come in the form of political leadership that truly respects all perspectives and philosophies, or perhaps as diplomacy facilitating unity between the various nations of the world. The rollout plan for the iTaylor is to introduce it to the theater market. My goal is to use performance and storytelling to expose audiences to different cultures, religions, and points of view. Finally, after an additional seventy-two hours, the time comes to try it. I crack the seal on the bottle, leaning over to smell what I assume will be a tangy, fruity, delicious pomegranate solution. The insufferable stench fills my nostrils and crushes my confidence. I'm momentarily taken aback, unable to understand how I went wrong when I followed the recipe perfectly. Most importantly, my family has taught me an integral life lesson. Since then, I’ve launched a sports medicine program to provide care to the 500-person choir program. Laughter fills the show choir room as my teammates and I pass the time by telling bad jokes and breaking out in random bursts of movement. Overtired, we don’t even realize we’re entering the fourth hour of rehearsal. This same sense of camaraderie follows us onstage, where we become so invested in the story we are portraying we lose track of time. I realize I choreograph not for recognition, but to help sixty of my best friends find their footing. Our family’s ethnic diversity has meant that virtually each person adheres to a different position on the political spectrum. This has naturally triggered many discussions, ranging from the merits of European single-payer healthcare to those of America’s gun laws, that have often animated our meals. These exact conversations drove me to learn more about what my parents, grandparents, and other relatives were debating with a polite and considerate passion. This ongoing discourse on current events not only initiated my interests in politics and history, but also prepared me greatly for my time as a state-champion debater for Regis’s Public Forum team. Learning how to wake up without my mom every morning became routine. Nothing felt right, a constant numbness to everything, and fog brain was my kryptonite. I paid attention in class, I did the work, but nothing stuck. She scheduled me an appointment with a gender therapist, let me donate my female clothes, and helped build a masculine wardrobe. With her help, I went on hormones five months after coming out and got surgery a year later. I finally found myself, and my mom fought for me, her love was endless. She had just fallen while performing, and I could relate to the pain and fear in her eyes. The chaos of the show becomes distant, and I devote my time to bringing her relief, no matter how long it may take. I find what I need to treat her injury in the sports medicine training room. I didn’t realize she would be the first of many patients I would tend to in this training room.
The Rise Of The Outsourced Admissions Essay
The Rise Of The Outsourced Admissions Essay This Student Workbook was developed to help students link responsible financial habits and future success. Students meeting Kennesaw State’s GPA admissions standards who are applying to the summer or fall 2020 semesters will be able to do so without submitting SAT or ACT test scores. Admissions offices are honed to know if the essay is portraying a person in an authentic way. If it rings false, your chances of getting admitted have fallen. The passion in your writing comes through when its true to you. Those classified as Florida residents pay less in fees per credit hour than do those classified as non-Florida residents. Current FGCU students, classified as non-Florida residents, who seek reclassification must contact the Office of the Registrar. From admissions counselor office hours to campus tours and more, we have created a variety of virtual opportunities. We are committed to providing you with the best possible resources and information, so be sure to check back as new resources become available. Treat your college essay as though you were preparing a resume for a well paying job. After you have finished your essay's final revision and you're satisfied that it can't get much better, reread it one more time. Look for one or two key aspects that you may be able to work into a title. As I got to know him better through our frequent email exchanges, I soon discovered that he had a great sense of humor, in addition to genuine sensitivity. When we began discussing ideas for essays, I encouraged him to choose a seemingly mundane event from his everyday life and develop it using his unique humor. You must provide evidence of high school graduation or in the process of graduating from high school or completing GED certificate. Applicants with a GED must submit official GED test scores. Universities love to showcase achievers in their promos and alumni newsletters as this is a way to attract more enrollments. Speaking of Mike's essay title, be aware that titles can lend real impact to an essay if they are carefully thought out. Explore Virtual Admissions ResourcesAs the situation continues to develop, we will post updates to our website For answers to admissions questions regarding COVID-19, please visit the Student Resources page. In addition, we invite you to connect with Clemson University admissions from the safety of your home by engaging with us online. Besides, this is the exciting part about writing the essay, you get to really let yourself shine. You will find yourself surrounded by some of the country’s best students, and you’ll learn from faculty who are both leaders in their fields and dedicated to the art of teaching. Meeting minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission. Admissions decisions are selective and competitive. If a student does not meet our desired GPA and test score levels we may place them in a hold decision status. Tuition and fees at each institution within the State University System of Florida are set by the Florida Legislature upon recommendation by the State Board of Governors. Enrolled students are charged tuition and fees based on their residency classification as either Florida resident or non-Florida resident. They must also have at least a SAT total of 1070 or an ACT composite score of 21. The sub-scores of each test must be above the minimum admission requirements. Financial education curriculum by Washington State Employees Credit Union. You must work on selling yourself even if you are not comfortable doing so. If you do not, someone else will and your dreams could be shattered. Please provide concrete examples on how and where you demonstrated abilities to lead a pack or have stood out in a crowd with exemplary performance.
Application Essays
Application Essays Instead, carefully think through how each area will help you fill in the necessary pieces of the puzzle. Finally, be sure to show an understanding of Booth’s culture. Our clients have been accepted to all top schools globally with a 96% success rate. They received $5.5M in total scholarships last year. Chicago Booth is pivoting from its previous focus on choices, which included a combination of personal and professional context. Contact the respective college to request your transcript. Official transcripts are prepared by a college bearing their official seal and provided in a sealed envelope. If the envelope is opened by anyone other than an official at the receiving college, it is no longer considered official. NVCC offers over 100+ degrees, certificates and work-force ready programs. Choose one of theseevaluation servicesto assist you with the process. An official college transcript is required to assess if your courses are eligible for transfer towards your NVCC degree or certificate. This year, Chicago Booth challenges applicants to think about personal aspects of their profile. Next, think about your skills gaps and how a Booth MBA will help you to close these gaps. Be specific here and take the time to do your research. Detail the classes, programs, or clubs you hope to take advantage of on-campus and how they will help you to achieve your goals. These artificial structures we invent to fill applications hinder the development of genuine interest and commitment. Young people become less authors of their own fate than soldiers enacting the battle plans of their parents. Devotion to one or two activitiesâ€"not severalâ€"advances you. Competition to get into college has metastasized into a race where more is better. We have sacrificed the productive ideal of nurturing excellence in one thing for the mad rush to submit a résumé of too many things. The ancient myth of Prometheus is more honest; the gods do not give Prometheus the flameâ€"he steals it. Here, you canexplore MIT, learn how to apply, plan a visit, read the blogs, or get helpfrom our staff. For this question, you will want to discuss your specific short-term and long-term goals. Be sure to explain a bit of your thinking behind these goals, allowing the reader to understand both how you developed them and what your higher-level aspirations are. We’re more than 150 top colleges and universities committed to improving access to higher education. Use our free, college-planning tools to learn about, prepare for, and apply to college. If your college credits were earned overseas, you must get your transcripts professionally evaluated in order for transfer credits to be considered. Contact the respective college to request your official transcript or to transfer AP credits. Transcripts are only considered official when received in the original sealed envelope. Transcripts may be sent from the college directly to the Admissions Office. Unofficial college transcripts may be submitted to waive placement testing and prerequisite requirements. Scott Edinburghis a Wharton MBA and MIT Sloan BS graduate and founded Personal MBA Coach 13 years ago with the goal of providing customized one-on-one support. Scott also serves on the Board of Directors for AIGAC, the Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants, and is invited to speak at MBA Admissions events globally. Finding great teachers and insisting on learning from them is a form of resistance. One of the most misleading things we say in education is that a good school will “give you an excellent education.†A great education is never givenâ€"it is taken.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
7 Effective Application Essay Tips To Take Your Essay From Meh To Amazing
7 Effective Application Essay Tips To Take Your Essay From Meh To Amazing Your encouragement, ideas and overall support can go a long way in helping your students write their essays. Emphasize to students the importance of writing an informed essay. Page and word limits are mentioned for a reason and you must be able to organize your submission by following the rules. Staring at a blank screen and frantically gulping coffee won’t materialize an admissions essay. Only those students who have more than 20 college preparatory courses may have the Office of the Registrar consider for Rice credit their college courses taken in high school. For more information about the transfer credit process, please visit the Transfer Credit page. For more information about the AP transfer credit process, please visit the Advanced Placement Credit page. As is consistent with our holistic review, students will be given full consideration with the information they have provided regardless of their decision to submit their test scores. Early Decision is a binding decision plan designed for students who have selected Rice as their first choice. The theme of the essay can range from personal achievements to political controversies. This means you can adjust your writing style to fit the message of the prompt. This guide will explain how to write a 500-word scholarship essay. Many schools have a strong commitment to a holistic review of each application and sometimes have two or three readers for each file. A really good essay can be a strong addition to the application file. Another noteworthy difference from Europe is that women have traditionally written in Japan, though the more formal, Chinese-influenced writings of male writers were more prized at the time. Whether your essay is 200 words or 5,000 words long, introspection will always be the most important aspect of your college application essay. Only by examining how you reflect on your qualities can college admissions officers gain an understanding of how well you think critically and how well you can present an argument. During your scholarship applications, you may need to submit a 500-word essay answering a specific question. They also want to know something about the personality of the student. College admissions officers will read essays that are too long but may consider them to be rambling, unfocused, or poorly-edited. At some point, you will file your college admissions application. With these tips, and your determined intellect, you have an excellent chance of being accepted to an American university. You should also remove any slang or casual diction; the university is not interested in casual language in their admissions essays. When students are deciding where to apply to college, or whether to accept an offer of admission, we want them to know that Brown is an affordable choice. Transfer credit will not be awarded for courses included on a student’s high school transcript and used to satisfy high school graduation requirements, i.e. dual credit courses. For example, they should not write about a fantasy meeting with a famous artist and get the titles of the artist’s paintings wrong. College admission officers look to the essay for evidence that a student can write well and support ideas with logical arguments. Remember that your essay is one of many and your readers will wonder why yours is longer when it doesn't need to be. If everything from 250 to 650 words is fair game, what length is best? Some counselors advise students to keep their essays on the shorter end, but not all colleges place the most value in succinctness. Dr. Allen Grove is an Alfred University English professor and a college admissions expert with 20 years of experience helping students transition to college. If you don’t follow the application essay guidelines, the admissions officer may assume that you won’t be able to follow the directions of the university’s program. Hiring a professional, rather than fumbling the task yourself, lets you drastically improve your chances of admission. Madison’s fun writing style left the admissions committee entertained, but more importantly gave us insight into her outlook and personality. The essay illustrates her joy in trying new things and having diverse interests. This helps us understand how Madison would thrive in a liberal arts academic setting with lots of flexibility where she can find the unique cross-sections of her interests. Other schools might be so overwhelmed by the sheer number of applications that they make their admit decisions based strictly on statistical requirements. You can often find out how a file is reviewed by attending an information session at the schools on your college list.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Application Essays
Application Essays Instead, carefully think through how each area will help you fill in the necessary pieces of the puzzle. Finally, be sure to show an understanding of Booth’s culture. Our clients have been accepted to all top schools globally with a 96% success rate. They received $5.5M in total scholarships last year. Chicago Booth is pivoting from its previous focus on choices, which included a combination of personal and professional context. Contact the respective college to request your transcript. Official transcripts are prepared by a college bearing their official seal and provided in a sealed envelope. If the envelope is opened by anyone other than an official at the receiving college, it is no longer considered official. NVCC offers over 100+ degrees, certificates and work-force ready programs. Choose one of theseevaluation servicesto assist you with the process. An official college transcript is required to assess if your courses are eligible for transfer towards your NVCC degree or certificate. This year, Chicago Booth challenges applicants to think about personal aspects of their profile. Next, think about your skills gaps and how a Booth MBA will help you to close these gaps. Be specific here and take the time to do your research. Detail the classes, programs, or clubs you hope to take advantage of on-campus and how they will help you to achieve your goals. These artificial structures we invent to fill applications hinder the development of genuine interest and commitment. Young people become less authors of their own fate than soldiers enacting the battle plans of their parents. Devotion to one or two activitiesâ€"not severalâ€"advances you. Competition to get into college has metastasized into a race where more is better. We have sacrificed the productive ideal of nurturing excellence in one thing for the mad rush to submit a résumé of too many things. The ancient myth of Prometheus is more honest; the gods do not give Prometheus the flameâ€"he steals it. Here, you canexplore MIT, learn how to apply, plan a visit, read the blogs, or get helpfrom our staff. For this question, you will want to discuss your specific short-term and long-term goals. Be sure to explain a bit of your thinking behind these goals, allowing the reader to understand both how you developed them and what your higher-level aspirations are. We’re more than 150 top colleges and universities committed to improving access to higher education. Use our free, college-planning tools to learn about, prepare for, and apply to college. If your college credits were earned overseas, you must get your transcripts professionally evaluated in order for transfer credits to be considered. Contact the respective college to request your official transcript or to transfer AP credits. Transcripts are only considered official when received in the original sealed envelope. Transcripts may be sent from the college directly to the Admissions Office. Unofficial college transcripts may be submitted to waive placement testing and prerequisite requirements. Scott Edinburghis a Wharton MBA and MIT Sloan BS graduate and founded Personal MBA Coach 13 years ago with the goal of providing customized one-on-one support. Scott also serves on the Board of Directors for AIGAC, the Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants, and is invited to speak at MBA Admissions events globally. Finding great teachers and insisting on learning from them is a form of resistance. One of the most misleading things we say in education is that a good school will “give you an excellent education.†A great education is never givenâ€"it is taken.
Friday, July 31, 2020
43 Phrases You Should Never Use In A College Admission Essay
43 Phrases You Should Never Use In A College Admission Essay Do you still need a little extra help with your essay. Below are some books I recommend for your college admission essays. One of the pieces of the college application is the college admission essay. The college admission essay can play a big role in the college admission decision. Instead, Percy and Annabeth’s learning disabilities were relevant parts of their character without overtaking their entire being. This not only encouraged me on a personal level, but it reminds me to this day the importance of diversity and representation when I write stories. I understand how important it is to see yourself in media for the first time because I experienced it. While these books will forever remain etched in my heart, the book that shapes my thoughts the most today isLes Miserables,by Victor Hugo. Even if nobody told them to do it, the students were eager to learn from each other, spontaneously, even in the hallway, dining room, and outside in the beauty of nature. Students were lying on the grass so peacefully reading a book yet eagerly talking with couple of friends who took same seminar and then going back to reading again. At the actual seminar at night, they sat around the big table and the exploration of ideas started to happen on the heels of each other. Above all, I was amazed how tutors and students were connected with each other. You need to demonstrate a good command of your major and show that you are willing to acknowledge particular skills. Following this further, manage to make your text sound academic by substituting casual words with higher-level ones. You can opt for addressing some college essay writing service to deliver an outstanding paper that meets academic requirements. Finally, abolish using colloquial expressions or slang, it will definitely look inappropriate. I read the way most people breatheâ€"constantly, voraciously, and so naturally that I hardly realize that I’m doing it. The video represented St. John’s College as the director’s opinion of an excellent example of education. Even though I’d already known about the college, seeing video that actually filmed the raw and vivid site of St. John’s College, I was intensely excited. The spectacle of students learning from each other in the seminar free from competition was so beautiful that it made my heart warm with the fire of passion for hope to be there. I have a similar relationship to reading, which is why the questions, “Wait, you read for fun? Reading is an integral part of my lifeâ€"without reading, I would be a completely different person. I like to practice deep yoga breaths before tests, and when I run my breath falls into a nice steady rhythm in time with my feet. But the bottom line is that I breathe constantly because my life quite literally depends on it. By seventh grade, my fictional role models of the moment were Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. The Percy Jackson series was my first introduction to the world of Greek mythology, which would soon become one of my favorite topics, but that wasn’t the only reason I loved the series. Like me, Percy and Annabeth both had learning disabilities and yet, they were brave, smart, and heroic. It was the first time I had read a book about someone like me where they weren’t used solely as a token character or a source of inspiration. Overall, to succeed in writing a winning admission essay, outline your goals and demonstrate a genuine desire to become a design student. Secondly, make sure the paper has no grammar and stylistic mistakes by proofreading the paper or addressing some cheap essay writing service. You will create an outstanding paper if you show your real passion and engagement. Your diction often displays your personality, intelligence, and education in general. The essay is the thing that can set you apart from the crowd. When I readLes Miserablesit changed my entire relationship with reading. I have a very good friend at my high school named Maddie. She is quite possibly the smartest person I know, and she used to constantly critique the way I read. She reads very slowly, often reading three or four books at one time, and even stops halfway through to write about the books she’s reading. Maddie would berate me for bulldozing through books, not paying attention to the themes and nuances, which often forced me to read books twice to fully grasp them. She was shocked that I, a self-professed book lover, had no concept of sub-vocalization. I didn’t even try to hear the words in my head, I just plowed through sentence by sentence, speeding towards the end.
Monday, May 25, 2020
How might sociological concepts be used to explain the rise of extremist groups - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2401 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Sociology Essay Type Critical essay Did you like this example? This essay will attempt to demonstrate how sociological concepts can be used to explain the rise of extremist groups. There are many publications and research papers into the various dimensions of extremism, addressing causation, the process of radicalisation, and consequences. These studies use varying definitions, approaches, epistemologies and theoretical concepts to address the issue of extremism. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How might sociological concepts be used to explain the rise of extremist groups?" essay for you Create order From this collection of differing studies, two approaches will be examined in this essay to use as examples of how sociology has added to the accumulated knowledge in this area. Conflict theory, or more specifically Collins work (1975) on interaction rituals, will be outlined to illustrate how groups form à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" both those groups in the mainstream and outside it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" as well as addressing the way in which these groups can turn violent. Social Movement Theory will provide the second example, looking closely at Framing Theory as a means of understanding the process of radicalisation of individuals into an extremist group. It is important, however, to firstly define what the term extremism actually means. Extremism as a concept is not the easiest to define. It is a subjective term, in that, what is considered extreme by one group or society, may not be considered so by another (Wintrobe, 2006). However, an extremist is generally viewed as someone whose views are outside the mainstream on some issue or dimension (Wintrobe, 2006: 6). Extremists are often people on the extreme left or the extreme right of the political spectrum, or hold radical views in relation to nationalism, religion or any other politically important dimension (Wintrobe, 2006). According to Scrunton, political extremism refers to: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦taking a political idea to its limits, regardless of unfortunate repercussions, impracticalities, arguments, and feelings to the contrary, and with the intention not only to confront, but to eliminate oppositionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Intolerance towards all views other than ones own (1982: 164). Martin (2013: 10-11) explains how both the content of a persons beliefs and the style in which one expresses them are the basic elements for defining extremism. Wilcox summed this up by explaining that style is more important than content when it comes to extremism, as many people can hold views that would be considered radical or unorthodox yet still entertain them in a reasonable, rational manner. In contrast, there are other people who have views a lot closer to the political mainstream but present them in a shrill, uncompromising, bullying, and distinctly authoritarian manner (Wilcox, 1996: 54). As well as those with extremist views, the term extremist can also refer to a person or group that uses extremist methods, for example resorting to violence or terrorism to achieve its goals (Wintrobe, 2006). It worth noting not all extremists are violent or terrorists. However, Martin (2013) argues that behind every act of terrorist violence is a deeply held belief system, which at its c ore is extremist and characterised by intolerance. In light of this, one must question how is it that these groups form and garner support when their views are so far outside the mainstream? Conflict theory can provide a useful theoretical approach that can help to gain insight into how different groups develop, how they grow, and how some groups can turn violent. Conflict theory developed, at least in part, as a reaction against structural functionalism, and has many influences such as Marixism, Weberian theory and Simmels work on social conflict (Ritzer, 2008: 264). Elements of conflict theory can be used to explain the formation of groups à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" for example, extremist groups à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" as well as the reasons why these groups can turn violent. This theoretical approach seeks to explain scientifically, the general delineations of conflict in society; that is, how conflict starts and varies, and the effect of conflict. At the core of conflict theory are the unequal distribution of power and scarce resources. Where power is situated and who uses it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" or does not à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" are fundamental (Allan, 2006). Randal Collins work on c onflict theory represents the most systematic effort undertaken to scientifically explain conflict (Allan, 2006: 233). In his book Conflict Society, Collins (1975) advocates forcefully for a sociology grounded in face-to-face interaction. He argues that micro level encounters among individuals ultimately create and sustain macro-level phenomenon. Or, as Turner (2013: 239) describes it, large and long-term social structures are built from interaction rituals that have been strung together over time. More recently, Collins has refined and extended his original hypothesis of interaction rituals and used this newer view to develop an explanation of interpersonal violence (Turner, 2013). Turner (2013) explains Collins analytical scheme as such: as interaction rituals unfold they build up emotional energy, which acts as the driving force of interaction. Social solidarity increases when positive emotional energy builds up across chains on interaction rituals, leading to the production and reproduction of social structures. The more ecological barriers exist to separate persons from others, the more the individuals will feel co-present; and the more individuals are engaged in common actions or tasks, the more likely they are to have a mutual focus of attention. This makes them more likely to emit stereotypical greeting rituals which generate positive emotions and begin to shape a shared mood, which, in turn increases the common mutual focus of attention (Turner, 2013: 250). Individuals fall into rhythmic synchronisation as interactions progress, which makes them more likely to become emotionally involved in the group (Turner, 2013: 252). As positive emotions are stimulated, the level of group solidarity increases, likewise, the greater the sense of solidarity the more positive emotions are evoked in subsequent interactions. As the level of solidarity increases, they become more likely to have a need to symbolise the group somehow, for example through words, physical objects or certain behaviours. According to Turner: As these chains of interaction continue, members develop particularistic capital, or experiences only shared among group members, and this capital can be used in subsequent interactions to reinforce group symbols and the sense of solidarity (2013: 252). This interaction ritual theory can explain how groups, including extremist groups form and grow. However, Collins goes further to explain how these groups can cross the line into violent behaviour. He explains how violence is not easy for people as it goes against the natural propensity of humans to fall into the phases of interaction rituals that arouse positive emotions (Turner, 2013: 254). Most potentially violent situations actually fail to become violent in the end; posturing and threats of violent are more common. Indeed, Collins provides an important explanation of how individuals as a group overcome this propensity to avoid violence and get involved in collective violent behaviour. For this to happen, interaction rituals are actually used as a force to mobilise individuals to commit violent acts: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the stages of the ritual are unleashed so that individuals gain positive emotional entrainment, effervescence, positive emotional energy, solidarity, group symbols, and particularized culture by engaging in concerted violence against another group (Turner, 2013). Turk (2008) provides a good example of this when he outlines Islamic fundamentalism, which appears to rely on radicalisation through education consisting of religious indoctrination. According to Turk, potential recruits to Islamic extremist groups are sought in Madrassas across the world, through drilling in the most extreme interpretations of Sunni theology, which emphasises the duty of Muslims to engage in Jihad (holy war) against all enemies of true Islam. He notes that The Taliban are a product of this group formation within Madrassas (Turk, 2008). Another theoretical framework which can be applied to the understanding of radicalisation and violent extremism is Social Movements Theory (SMT). SMT began in the 1940s with the idea that movements arose as a result of irrational processes of collective behaviour occurring under strained environmental conditions (Strain Theory), producing a mass feeling of discontent (Borum, 2011: 17). According to this theory, individuals would join a movement because of a passive submission to these overwhelming social forces. However, contemporary SMT has shown that more rational and strategic processes are operating than the SMT understanding of the 1940s (Borum, 2011). The primary task of any organisation or social movement is its own survival. Therefore, to grow it must form mobilization potential; form and motivate recruitment networks; arouse motivation to participate; and remove barriers to participation (Borum, 2011). Members of the movement operate as rational prospectors when they seek to recruit others. So that they are efficient and effective, they look to identify those most likely to agree to act effectively to further the cause. To them, the recruitment process has two stages. Firstly, the rational prospectors use information to find likely targets and secondly, once located, recruiters offer information on participatory opportunities, as well as deploying incentives to persuade recruits to say yes (Borum, 2001:17). According to Borum (2011:17): The strength of social bonds and relationships are central to both tasks, and understanding relationships among potential prospects is therefore, critical to understanding recruitment networks. A more recent development in this area comes from Framing Theory, which focuses on how meanings are constructed, produced and disseminated by movements and social collectives (Borum, 2011). Unlike the structural theories which focus on socio-demographics and their effect on radicalisation, Framing Theory focuses on the process of radicalisation. Based on the work of Erving Goffman, the concept of a frame refers to an individuals worldview or schemata of interpretation, consisting of values (notions about right and wrong) and beliefs (assumptions about the world, attributes of things, and mechanisms of causation). This scheme helps an individual make sense of and organize his or her experience, and guide his or her action (Dalgaard-Nielsen, 2008: 6). The success of a movement therefore, is related to its ability to create and disseminate frames which will attract devotees, Central to its success in mobilising participants, is whether the movements version of reality resonates with pot ential supporters or whether they can manipulate the values and beliefs of potential supporters to a smaller or larger extent (Dalgaard-Nielsen, 2011). Using this theory then, how is it that activists evolve into terrorists?: Framing Theory would emphasize how social and intersubjective processes create the motivation. In other words, Framing Theory would seek to explain violent radicalisation and terrorism through the distinct constructed reality, shared by members of violent groups à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" a constructed reality or world view, which frames problems as not just misfortunes, but injustices, attributes responsibility for these injustices, and constructs an argument for the efficacy and/or moral justification of using violence against civilians to right the perceived wrong (Dalgaard-Nielsen, 2011: 9). Although Critical Theory and Social Movements Theory provide useful frameworks for examining the reasons why extremist groups form and grow, it is important to note that they are only two of a number of theoretical approaches within sociology that can be used to conceptualise this phenomenon. Other approaches include, but are in no way limited to, Gurrs (1970) publication Why Men Rebel, in which he outlines his hypothesis that it is feelings of deprivation and frustration that motivate an individual to engage in collective action; Veugelers research into the rise of right wing extremist groups in France, to test Postmaterialist Theorists assertion that conflict over non-economic values are transforming the political sociology of advanced industrial societies (2000: 19); and a study by Gelfand and LaFree (2013) examining cultural factors and their relationship to prevalence and severity of extremist violence. The study of extremism crosses not only within-discipline parameters, but ha s been widely studied across other disciplines as well such as international relations, politics and psychology. For these reasons, Cable et al feel that (1988: 966): Rather than seek some single model of activist recruitment and commitment, consisting of structural and/or social psychology variablesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦analysts should assume that there are multiple models and then get on with the more useful work of specifying the conditions under which one or more is appropriate. This essay has outlined some ways in which sociological concepts can be used to explain the rise of extremist groups. Extremist groups were taken to mean groups which have views that are considered outside the mainstream of society on particular issues or dimensions. There are many sociological concepts which have been applied to the study of extremism. However, this essay looked at two examples; Conflict Theory, namely Collins (1975) work on interaction rituals and violence, and Social Movements Theory. Collins research has shown how groups form and are given symbolic meaning, which in turn strengthens the group (1975). In applying this to extremism, it sheds some light on how groups of individuals with extremist views become bound together, as well as explaining how these groups can become violent despite the human propensity to avoid violence. Social Movements Theory was used as an example to illustrate how extremist movements grow, as well as outlining the process of radicalisati on. In order for movements to survive, they must form mobilisation potential and recruitment networks, motivate participation, and remove any barriers to participation. The strength of social bonds and relationships within the group is key. The process of radicalisation is explained through the constructed reality or world-view shared by members of extremist groups which, justifies the use of violence as a means to right a perceived wrong. Although these frameworks are useful for examining extremism, they only provide a marginal assessment of the sociological work that has been undertaken on the rise of extremist groups to date. Bibliography: Allan, K. (2006). Conflict and Critical Theories. Retrieved from (Accessed 16/09/2015). Cable, S., Walsh, E.J. and Warland, R. H. (1988) Differential Paths to Political Activism: Comparisons of Four Mobilization Processes after the Three Mile Island Accident. Social Forces 66 (4), pp. 951-969. Collins, R. (1975) Conflict Sociology: Towards an Explanatory Science. New York: Academic Press. Dalgaard-Nielsen, A. (2008) Studying Violent Radicalization in Europe I: The Potential Contribution of Social Movement Theory, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Copenhagen. Retrevied from: (Accessed 15/09/2015). Gelfand, M. and LaFree, G. (2013) Culture and Extremism. Journal of Social Issues 69(3), pp. 495-517. Gurr, T. R (1970) Why Men Rebel. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Martin, G. (2013) Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives, and Issues (4th Ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Ritzer, G. (2008) Sociological Theory (7th Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Sruton, R (1982) A Dictionary of Political Thought. New York: Hill Wang. Turk, A.T. (2008) The Sociology of Terrorism in Matson, R. (Ed.) The Spirit of Sociology: A Reader. Boston: Pearson. Turner, J. H. (2013) Contemporary Sociological Theory. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Veugelers, J.W.P. (2000) Right-Wing Extremism in Contemporary France: A Silent Counterrevolution?. The Sociological Quarterly 41(1), pp. 19-40. Wintrobe, R. (2006) Rational Extremism: The Political Economy of Radicalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wilcox, Laird (1996) What is extremism? Style and Tactics Matter More than Goals in George, J. and Wilcox, L (Eds.) American Extremists: Militias, Supremacists, Klansmen, Communists, Others. Amherst, NY: Prometheus.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee...
Generated by Foxit PDF Creator  © Foxit Software For evaluation only. The Impact of Organizational Culture On Employee Satisfaction and Productivity 1 Generated by Foxit PDF Creator  © Foxit Software For evaluation only. The Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Satisfaction and Productivity Submitted to Emranul Huq Senior Lecturer School of Business United International University Submitted by Emam Hossan Noshin Riaz Shanaz Murshed Naz Abdul Halim Rubayia Rafi 111072049 111072090 111072161 111073090 111072036 Sec: B January, 2009 2 Generated by Foxit PDF Creator  © Foxit Software For evaluation only. Certification†¦show more content†¦..........................10 Sources of Data Limitation ..........................................................................................10 Chapter- 2 Literature Review...............................................................................................11 Definition of Organizational Culture................................................................................12 Organizational Culture.................................................................................................13 Analyzing Organizational Culture....................................................................................15 Organizational Culture Profile .........................................................................................16 Type of Organizational Culture .......................................................................................17 Elements of Organization Culture........................................... .........................................18 Healthy Organizational Culture .......................................................................................20 Organizational Culture Questionnaire ..............................................................................22 What Is A Healthy Organizational Culture?.....................................................................23 Organizational Culture Perspective..................................................................................24 Definition of SocializationShow MoreRelatedDefinition Of Employee Job Satisfaction Essay1400 Words  | 6 PagesReview In management areas there are many definition of employee job satisfaction in different approaches; and there are many studies varied in the defining the term job satisfaction. 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Taking a Look at the Kelloggs Company - 776 Words
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