Wednesday, October 30, 2019
HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ( PLANNING A MEETING ) - Assignment Example These people have been invited as the lack of safety norms are near the factory floor and hence the Manufacturing manager needs to be present. Similarly, my deputy and the admin assistant are invited. Further, the HR manager has to represent the employees and air their grievances. The chief compliance officer is to be invited so that the relevant laws and regulations are explained. The objectives of the meeting would be to ensure that the safety standards are being followed and that the company is not violating any laws that deal with the same. Further, an action plan to address the lack of safety standards and how to redress the same has to be part of the objectives. Assigning responsibilities to the relevant members is a priority item as well. Hence, the agenda would mainly consist of identifying potential areas where the company is found wanting and take steps to address the same. The employee side of the story would have to be discussed with the HR manager and the Manufacturing manager has to install the disabled friendly workspaces on the factory floor. The compliance officer has to report to the regulators on the progress of the action
Monday, October 28, 2019
Term Paper (Climate Change) Essay Example for Free
Term Paper (Climate Change) Essay Acknowledgement It is a great opportunity for me to write about subject like â€Å"Climate Change†. At the time of preparing this term paper I am gone through different books and websites which helps me to get acquired with new topics. I can usually focusing on the topics which are important for us to understand about thus subject easily. I acknowledge my deepest gratitude to our dearest English teacher Sir Benedict Geropn who is always sincere and helpful in making us understand the different system in making a research paper. Introduction Climate Change is changing our economy, health and community in diverse ways. Scientists warn that if we do not aggressively curb climate change now, the result will likely be disastrous. There are many questions that is need to be answer. So that we, humans will make some moves in these problem. Carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutions are collecting in the atmosphere like a thickening blanket, trapping the sun’s heat and causing the planet to warm up. Climate change is a complex phenomenon, and it’s full-scale impacts are hard to predict far in advance. But each year scientists learn more about how climate change is affecting the planet and our communities, and most agree that carbon consequences are likely to occur if current trends continue. In addition to impacting our water resources, energy supply, transportation, agriculture and ecosystems, the United States global change research program concludes that climate change also poses unique challenges to human health such as: * Significant increases in the risk of illness and death related to extreme heat and heat waves are very likely. * Some diseases transmitted by food, water and insects are likely to increase. * Certain groups, including children, the elderly and the poor are most vulnerable to a range of climate related health effects. Climate Change affects our environment and natural resources, and impacts our way of life in many ways these are the examples: * Rising sea levels threaten coastal communities and ecosystems. * Changes in the patterns and amount of rainfall, as well as changes in the timing and amount of stream flow, can affect water supplies and water quality and the production of hydroelectricity changing ecosystems influence geographic ranges of many plants and animal species and the timing of their lifecycle events, such as migration and reproduction. We can prepare for some of the likely change impacts to reduce their effects on ecosystem and human well-being. Making such preparations is known as adaptation. Examples of adaptation include strengthening water conservation programs, upgrading storm water systems, developing early warning systems for extreme heat events and preparing for stronger storms through better emergency preparation and response strategies. We can each play an important role in stopping climate change. It is not too late to have a significant impact on future climate change and its effects on us. With appropriate actions by governments, communities, individuals and businesses, we can reduce the amount of greenhouse gas pollution we release and lower the risk of much greater warming and severe consequences. Many of the actions that we can take to address climate change will have other benefits, such as cleaner, healthier air. In addition, communities can take action to prepare for the changes we know are coming. I. Introduction The world’s climate is changing and the changes will have an enormous impact on our planet’s people, ecosystems, cities and energy use. Average global air temperatures are already 1.4 degrees higher than they were at the start of the 20th century and have risen about 1.1 degree F over just the last 30 years. What is the difference between weather and climate? Climate describe the average or typical conditions of temperature, relative humidity, cloudiness, precipitation, wind speed and direction and other meteorological factors that prevail globally or regionally for extended periods. Weather describes the hourly or daily conditions that people experience each day. Which is why it’s often said that â€Å"Climate is what you expect; weather is what you get.†People expect the weather to change, but have a harder time agreeing exactly how climate is changing. This is because climate change manifests itself differently in different places: because people tend to remember extreme events- such as very hot or cold days of hurricanes and droughts more than subtle changes in trends; and because there have been disagreements between scientists about the magnitude, causes and effects of climate change. What are the solutions for climate change? The first step is admitting that you have a problem. Some of these solutions are Energy conservation, Renewable energy and sequestration. In this research you will know how these things helps in solving climate change. II. What is Weather? Weather is what is going on in the sky and air. Different places can have different kinds of weather at the same time. In one place, there maybe a thunderstorm, in another place there may be snow. In yet another place the weather may ba sunny and warm. Temperature- how hot or cold it is always a part of weather. Rainy Weather when drops of water fall from clouds, the weather is rainy. Sometimes, lots of rain falls, which is collect heavy rain. Other times, only a little rain falls, which is called light rain. â€Å"Rainy†, â€Å"Light Rain†and â€Å"Heavy Rain†all describe the weather. Weather is violent storms, rains, sleet, rail, snow, temperature, wind and much more. It is basically whatever is happening in the air around us. Is the state of atmosphere, to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or starry, clear or cloudy. Most weather phenomena occur in the troposphere, just below the stratosphere. Weather generally refers to day-to-day temperature and precipitation activity, whereas climate is the term for the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used with our qualifications, â€Å"weather†is understood to be the weather of earth. Weather is driven by air pressure differences between one place and another these pressure and temperature differences can occur due to the sun angle at any particular spot, which varies by latitude from the tropics. The strong temperatures contrast between polar and tropical air gives rise to the jet stream. Weather systems in the mid-latitudes, such as extra tropical cyclones, are caused by instabilities of the jet stream flow. Because the Earth’s axis tilted relative to its orbital plane, sunlight is incident a different angles at different times of the year. Surface temperature differences in turn cause pressure differences higher altitudes are cooler than lower altitude due to differences in compression neating. Studying how the weather works on another planet has been helpful in understanding how weather works on earth. On Earth, common weather phenomena include wind, cloud, rain, snow, fog and dust storms. Less common events include natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons and ice storms. Almost all familiar weather phenomena occur in the troposphere. Weather does occur in the stratosphere and can affect weather lower down in the troposphere, but the exact mechanisms are pearly understood. Weather occurs primarily due to air pressure differences between one place to another these differences can occur due to the sun angle at any particular spot, which varies by latitude from the tropics. In other words, the farther from the tropics you lay, the lower the sun angle is, which causes those locations to be cooler due to the indirect sunlight. The strong temperature contrast between polar and tropical air gives rise to the jet stream. Weather Systems in the tropics, such as monsoons or organized thunderstorms systems, are caused by different processes. III. What is Climate? Is weather the same a climate? No, because weather is what happens in one place on a single day, or over a few days or weeks. When it rains or snows, people say, â€Å"The weather is wet.†When it is warm outside people say â€Å"the weather is hot.†Climate on the other hand, is the type of weather a place has over 30 or more years. For example, people say â€Å"Death valley has a desert climate.†Climate is the weather that a place usually has year after year. Scientists study temperature and precipitation records over 30 or more years to determine an areas climate such record show, for example, that Death Valley in California has a desert climate. Climate encompasses that statistics of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological elemental measurements in a given region over long periods. Climate can be contrasted to weather, which is the present condition of these elements and their variations over shorter periods. The climate of a location is affected by its latitude, terrain and altitude, as well as nearby water bodies and their currents. Climate can be classified according ti the average and the typical ranges of different variables, most commonly temperature and precipitation. The most commonly used classification scheme was originally developed by Wladimir Koppen. A region’s climate is generated by the Climate System which has five components Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Cryospher, Land Surface and Biosphere. A. Four Main factors that determine climate are: i. Altitude Altitude refers to the vertical distance between the lowest point and the highest point of an area. People generally compare a land’s altitude by measuring the distance from sea level to the highest point. The koppen climate classification uses altitude to divide the climate regions in to the categories for low, mid and high altitudes. Altitude or height is defined based on the context in which it is used- aviation, geometry, geographical survey, sports and more- As a general definition; attitude is a distance measurement, usually in the vertical or â€Å"up†direction, between a reference datum and a point or object. The reference datum also often varies according to the context. Although the term altitude is commonly used to mean the height above the sea level of a location, in geography the term elevation is often preferred for this usage. Vertical distance measurements in the â€Å"down†direction are commonly referred to us depth. In aviation, the term altitude can have several meanings, and is always qualified by either explicitly adding a modifier or implicitly through the context of the communication. Parties exchanging information must be clear which definition is being used aviation altitude is measured using either Mean Sea Level (MSL) or Local Ground Level (LGL) as the reference datum. The earth’s atmosphere is divided into several altitude regions. The troposphere- surface to 8000 meters (5.0 mi) at the poles- 18000 meter (11 mi) at the equator, ending at the tropo-pause. The stratosphere- troposphere to 50 kilometers (31 mi) The Mesosphere-Stratosphere to 85 kilometers (53 mi). Thermosphere- Mesosphere to 675 kilometers (419 mi) and the exosphere which is from the thermosphere to 1000 kilometers (6200 mi). Relation between the temperature and altitude in Earth’s atmosphere. The Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR), is the rate of decrease of temperature with altitude in the stationary atmosphere of a given time and location. As an average, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) defines an International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) with a temperature lapse rate of 6.49 K (oC)/ 1000 m (3.56oF or 1.98 K(o()/1000 Ft) from sea levels to 11 kilometers (36 000 ft) Effects of high altitude in humans. Medicine recognizes that altitudes above 1 500 meters (4900 ft) start to affect human, and extreme altitude above 5 500- 6 000 meters (18 000- 20 000 ft0 cannot be permanently tolerated by humans by reducing the partial pressure of oxygen. The higher the altitude, the more likely are serious effects. The human body can adopt to high altitude by breathing faster, having a higher heart rate, and adjusting its blood chemistry. It can take two days or weeks to adapt to high altitude. ii. Latitude Latitude the distance of a region is from the equator, to the north or south. A region’s latitude determines how much solar energy it receives from the sun, which in turn factors in to the region’s over all temperature. In geography, latitude is a geographic coordinated that specifies the north-south position of a point on the Earth’s surface. Lines of constant latitude, or parallels, run equator to 90o at the poles. Latitude is used together with longitude to specify the precise location of features in the surface of the Earth. Since the actual physical surface at the Earth is too complex for mathematical analysis, two levels of abstraction are employed in the definition of these coordinates. In the first step the physical surface is modeled by the geoid, a surface which approximates the mean sea level over the oceans and its continuation under the land masses, the second step is to approximate the geoid by a mathematically simple reference surface. The simplest choice for the reference surface is a sphere, but the geoid is more accurately modeled by an ellipsoid. The definitions of altitude and longitude on such reference surfaces are detailed in the following sections. Lines if constant latitude and longitude together constitute gratitude on the reference surface. The latitude of a point on the actual surface is that of the corresponding point on the reference surface which passes through the point on the physical surface, latitude and longitude together with some specification of height constitute a geographic coordinate system as defined in the specification of the ISO 1911 standard. Since there are many different reference ellipsoids the altitude of a feature on the surface is not unique: this is stressed in the ISO standard which states that â€Å"Without the full specification of the coordinate reference system, coordinates are ambiguous, such as GPS, but in common wage, where high accuracy is not required, the reference ellipsoid is not usually stated. Measurement of latitude requires an understanding of the gravitational field of the Earth, either for setting up theodolities or for determining of GPS satellite orbits.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Abortion :: essays research papers
ABORTION This topic has always been a concern between the people and the government. There are approximately 1.6 million abortions. Abortion means â€Å"Induced termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or fetus that is incapable of survival. I think that basically, people can do whatever they want to do, as long as they know what they are doing. What abortion is, is that if a woman has a baby in her stomach, and she does not want to have the baby, she can go through abortion or have the baby and put the baby for adoption. The main reason for aborting a baby is because that they can not handle the responsibility, another one is because they can not afford it. There are three stages in a woman’s pregnancy. The first stage is when the baby is still a small egg kind of growing. The second stage is when it actually gets their feet and hands and a heart. The third stage is when it is actually living off of your body as another human being. think that if you are too youn g to have a baby, and you are pregnant, then I think it should be ok for the person to abort the child. One of the side effects for having an abortion is that you feel the pain and you can get diarrhea, nausea, also it increases chances of getting cancer, anemia, and lung disease. Another effect that has on the women is the psychological effects. About ninety five percent of the women who had an abortion had a negative psychological effect, and ninety seven percent thought they have taken a human’s life. There are many ways to abort a child, most of the time the doctor would just prescribe medication to take. If medication does not work, they will pull it out. Most of the time, the medication would kill the baby and the woman would just have to give birth to a dead baby, or they can make it so that you have a miscarriage. However, if the baby is in its first trimester, a vacuum can suck it and it will have hardly any damage to your body, except for that if a part of a fetus i s left behind, it can infect. The main reason there are debates over this issue is because it is a new life in a stomach, never seen the outside world before.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Samuel Morse Essay
Morse remains as one of the most influential figures of American history because he contributed to society by creating the Inglewood electric telegraph. Samuel Morse was born in Charleston, Massachusetts on April 27,1791. As a young boy, Samuel lived with his parents and two older brothers. Although hi s academic skills were just mediocre, his ability to draw was outstanding. Samuel wanted to pursue a career in art but his father opposed and strongly urged him to focus on school. He graduated from Yale and become a clerk at a local bookstore.Eventually, Samuels father reversed his decision and allowed him to study art. He traveled to England and studied with the renowned artist Benjamin West. After four ears, he went back to America and opened up a studio in Boston. †But when Morse returned to the United States in 1815, Americans did not have a taste for such large history paintings. (Gambling 2). They attracted a lot of attention but nobody would buy them. Samuel wanted to in crease the respect for painters so he founded the National Academy of Design in New York. There, his painting Gallery Of the Louvre was displayed in public.By presenting Americans with a dazzling showcase of great art he would be doing in miniature what domestic art museum, were there one, should do. †, (Stain 5). Samuel expected his dents to study and copy the paintings provided at the Academy. Slowly, the American interest in historical art gradually increased. Without Samuel Morse, the people of the U. S. May have never found the beauty in art. As people began experimenting with different type Of methods to transfer messages, Morse dropped his focus on painting and directed it toward electricity.He was motif dated to create the telegraph due to the delayed and sudden news of his wife's death. Morse was listening to a friend and he talked about electromagnetism. â€Å"l see no reason why intelligence might not be instantaneously transmitted by electricity to NY distance. à ¢â‚¬Å", (Stain). He immediately jotted down notes for a future model. Morsel's final outcome was a singletree telegraph. It used a send, repeater and receiver. The main component of the machine was the use Of Morse Code. Morse Code is a series Of dots and slashes that can be translated into letters, numbers and phrases.A skilled operator can reach Upton forty words per minute. As the invention goes public, many people began to fight for the telegraph patent. â€Å"Morse was immediately involved in legal claims by his partner and by rival inventors. †(Maybe 8). Although the invention was impressive, I do not understand why people are desperate to win prizes. Morsel's main rival was Pain. They attacked each other with lawsuits and accusations. One of the examples was that Pain tried to claim that Morse copied the idea of using dots and slashes from a Swedish person named Swain.Samuel quickly displaced this by saying Swain did not intend to use it as a form of communication. Af ter a while, the electric telegraph patent went to Samuel Morse. Then the Congress funds $30,000 to construct a forty mile telegraph line that connects Washington to Baltimore. Samuel makes a public demonstration and types into the telegraph. What hath God wrought? ‘. These words officially open the first telegraph lines made. The Morse Telegraph quickly spreads around the world, greatly impacting their lives.Australia, Europe and India eventually made their own telegraph lines. Morse became instantly famous and he was rewarded by many nations for his â€Å"acts and contributions to the scientific community†. A submarine telegraph was built and connected Ireland to Newfoundland. The queen of England tested it and also gave him a medal. The whole world was grateful for his invention and it changed how everybody lived. Anybody could send assuages around the world in just a matter Of minutes. But then the telephone was invented a few decades later.As the telegraph rage wen t down, people began to remember Samuel Morse as a painter instead of a inventor. Although he opposed against this, he was still happy and spent his vast amount of money on his house. It overlooked a farm, stream and forest. The rest of his life was mainly quiet and pampered. Morse died in New York City on April 2, 1872. As of today, Samuel Morse is still recognized as the founder and creator of the electric telegraph. It greatly changed the world and slowly evolved to en we know today.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Holden as the Typical Teenager of Today Essay
Holden Caulfield, portrayed in the J.D. Salinger novel Catcher in the Rye as an adolescent struggling to find his own identity, possesses many characteristics that easily link him to the typical teenager living today. The fact that the book was written many years ago clearly exemplifies the timeless nature of this work. Holden’s actions are those that any teenager can clearly relate with. The desire for independence, the sexually related encounters, and the questioning of ones religion are issues that almost all teens have had or will have to deal with in their adolescent years. The novel and its main character’s experiences can easily be related to and will forever link Holden with every member of society, because everyone in the world was or will be a teen sometime in their life. The first and most obvious characteristic found in most teens, including Holden, would be the desire for independence. Throughout the novel, Holden is not once found wishing to have his parents help in any way. He has practically lived his entire life in dorms at prestigious schools, and has learned quite well how to be on his own. This tendency of teenagers took place in even in ancient history, where the freshly developed teen opts to leave the cave and hunt for is own food. Every teenager tries, in his or her own way, to be independent. Instead of admitting to ones parents of a wrongful deed, the teen tries covering up the mistake or avoiding it in hopes that they won’t get in any trouble. They feel that they have enough intelligence to think through a problem without going to their parents for assistance. Read more: Teenagers today essay When Holden hears the news that he has been expelled from Pency, he concludes that his parents would not know of this for a few days. Therefore, he would wait from Saturday all the way to Wednesday, let his parents â€Å"get it and thoroughly digest it†, and then face the consequences, which will more than likely be less severe after his parents calmed down. He states on page fifty-one, â€Å"I didn’t want to be around when they first got it. My mother gets very hysterical. She’s not too bad after she gets something thoroughly digested, though.†In taking the independent route, Holden does not look for sympathy or help from either of his parents. He feels that he can deal with his situation by waiting until the next school year in order to apply himself a little better. Another characteristic of a teenager, usually of the male gender, would be the widespread subject of sex. As everyone knows, during and after puberty, males have a stronger desire to fantasize about and perform sexual acts. Holden is no different. In my mind, I’m the biggest sex maniac you ever saw. Sometimes I can think of very crumby stuff I wouldn’t mind doing if the opportunity came up. (Pg. 62) Although Holden honestly states to the reader that he is a virgin, he still has encounters associated with sexual activity. First and foremost, Holden actually obtains a prostitute during a brief stay at a hotel room. Holden never has sexual intercourse with this woman, but it does show that he is a teenager looking for affection and pleasure. Also, he proclaimed that he had plenty of opportunities to â€Å"give the time†to other woman, but he never quite knew how to do it while on a date. Holden is much like the average teen in this regard. The media and other primary sources in teens lives have taken an interest in sex, and have made it seem like it is the greatest thing known to mankind. Most teenagers find it slightly embarrassing to admit to being chaste, mainly due to the fact that they think everyone is doing it; which is clearly false. Teenagers want to experience and experiment with sex, and even if they choose to not have sex until marriage, they will fantasize about it. This is yet another example of the similarities in which Holden and the typical teen share. Sex and religion almost go hand in hand today amongst the teenage population. Do teens wait for marriage like the Bible insists or should teens defy the rules outlined by the Bible and have pre-marital sex? Although the novel doesn’t quite refer to sex in a religious sense it is a good example of choices teens are forced to make. Teens, along with many other members of society, don’t agree with every guideline that the Bible sets out for them. They have to decide how large of a role religion is going to play in their lives. Holden says that he, in some ways, is â€Å"an atheist.†He sometimes prays to Jesus, and yet other times he feels like he just cannot pray because of his likes, dislikes, and indifferent views of the church. This can be related to many teenagers, for religion is not always an easy subject. Teens sometimes feel that not all information of a particular religion is completely true. Some teens toy with the fact that their faith, if they have one, is actually factual. Holden feels that the information on Jesus is probably true, but the Disciples and other characters from the Bible he’s a little suspicious of. Take the Disciples, for instance. They annoy the hell out of me, if you want to know the truth. They were all right after Jesus was dead and all, but while He was alive, they were about as much use to Him as a hole in the head. (Pg. 99) He has many questions, as does all of society on some contradicting issues concerning religion. As seen in these previous examples, Holden Caulfield truly resembles the typical teen. He has gone through the same situations, encountered many of the same problems, and he also has acted in similar ways as the average teen. Teenage adolescence is a period of transition between childhood and adulthood. In this period, we all experience development both physically and emotionally, including the epitome of all teens, Holden Caulfield.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Logic Gates Essays (789 words) - Logic Gates, Digital Electronics
Logic Gates Essays (789 words) - Logic Gates, Digital Electronics Logic Gates Experiment #1 Title:Logic Gates Objective:To analyze and become familiar with the operation of TTL Logic Gates. Equipment:Digital Trainer AND Gate (7408) NAND Gate (7400) OR Gate (7432) NOR Gate (7402) Procedure: 1) For each gate predict the output for all combinations of inputs. Write the truth table and describe the operation for the circuit. 2) Build each of the logic circuits to determine if it does operate as expected. Record the results. 3) Have it checked by the Instructor of Lab Tech. Diagrams AND Gate (7402) NAND Gate (7400) OR Gate (7432) NOR Gate (7402) Truth Tables AND Gate (7408) ABOUTPUT 00 0 01 0 10 0 10 1 NAND Gate (7400) ABOUTPUT 00 1 01 1 10 1 11 0 OR Gate (7432) ABOUTPUT 00 0 01 1 10 1 11 1 NOR Gate (7402) ABOUTPUT 00 1 01 0 10 0 11 0 Discussion In the experiment for the AND Gate, the red lead from the power pack in connected to pin #14 (Vcc). The black lead from the power pack in connected to pin #7, which is the ground. Both HIGH inputs from the Vcc are connected to pin #1 and pin #2. Output pin #3 is connected to the positive side of the LED, while the other side of the LED is connected to the ground. The LED lights up, because HIGH is present at pin #3 of the AND Gate. The power connections are the same while one of the inputs was connected to LOW. The LED did not light up, signifying a LOW at pin #3, which is the output. In the experiment for the NAND Gate, the red wire from the power pack is connected to pin #14, which is the Vcc. The black wire from the power pack is connected to pin #7, which is the ground. Two HIGH inputs from the Vcc are connected to pin #1 and pin #2. Output pin #3 is connected to the positive side of the LED, while the other pin from the LED is connected to ground. The LED did not light up, because a LOW is present at pin #3 of the NAND Gate. The power wires remain unchanged while one of the inputs was connected to LOW from the ground. The LED did not light up, signifying a HIGH at pin #3. In the experiment for the OR Gate, the red lead from the power pack is connected to pin #14, which is the Vcc. The black lead from the power pack is connected to pin #7, which is the ground. Two LOW inputs are connected to pin #1 and pin #2. Output pin #3 is connected to the positive side of the LED, while the other side of the LED is connected to the ground. The LED did not light up, because a LOW is present at pin #3 of the OR Gate. The power connections have been the same while one of the inputs was connected to HIGH from the Vcc. The LED lights up, because a HIGH is present at pin #3. In the experiment for the NOR Gate, the red lead from the power pack is connected to pin #14, which is the Vcc. The black lead from the power pack is connected to pin #7, which is the ground. Both LOW inputs from the ground are connected to pin #1 and pin #2. Output pin #3 is connected to the positive side of the LED, while the other side of the LED is connected to ground. The LED lights up, because a HIGH is present at pin #3 of the NOR Gate. The power connections are kept unchanged while one of the inputs was connected to HIGH from the ground. The LED did not light up, signifying a LOW at pin #3. Summary In the experiment for the OR Gate, if both inputs are LOW, the output is LOW. Otherwise the output is always HIGH. In the experiment for the AND Gate, when both inputs are HIGH the output is HIGH. Otherwise the output is always LOW. In the experiment for the NOR Gate, when both inputs are LOW, the output is HIGH. Otherwise the output is always LOW. In the experiment for the NAND Gate, when both inputs are HIGH, the output is LOW. Otherwise the output is always HIGH. Conclusion By doing this experiment, I have realized that the outputs of the NOR and OR Gates are opposites of each other as far as output matters. The
Monday, October 21, 2019
Alex the Great essays
Alex the Great essays Alexander The Great was one of the greatest emperors and leaders of the world. In fact, he was the only emperor to be called, "The Great." He had studied under a great Greek Philosopher, Aristotle, who taught Alexander literature, science, medicine, philosophy and to speak and write well. Alexander was the son of Philip of Macedonia. Philip became king of Macedonia in 359 B.C., but died in 336 B.C. He left his kingdom to Alexander. Alexander ruled for only thirteen years but he succeeded far beyond what his father had planned. After his father's death in 336 B.C., Alexander became king of Macedonia. He strengthened his claim of king by quickly stopping revolts by Athens, which tried to break away from Macedonia, by destroying the city of Thebes, and by defeating neighboring lands for breaking away from his rule. Alexander united Greece. In 334 B.C. Alexander led his army into Persia and, after defeating an army of Persians and Greeks, he captured territories in Asia Minor. In 332 B.C., Alexander first conquered Tyre, Gaza and then Egypt in 327 B.C. In 331 B.C. Alexander defeated the main Persian army in Masopotamia. When the Persian king, Darius, was killed by his own soldiers, Alexander declared himself king of Persia Alexander was determined to conquer the whole world. In 327 B.C., Alexander led his armies into India. Soon after that, the Macedonians refused to go further and wanted to return to their homes and families because they had been fighting for six years. Reluctantly, Alexander agreed to turn back. He arrived in Babylon in 323 B.C. but shortly caught a fever and died. He was not yet 33 years old. Alexander the Great admired Athens and the Greek culture so he brought many Greek ideas to the non-Greek people of his empire. He spread Greek civilization throughout wester Asia, and opened the east to Greek trade. Alexander had a very open mind. He adopted ideas and customs from the people he had conquered ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Process of Becoming a Climax Community
Process of Becoming a Climax Community A climax community by is a relatively stable and undisturbed biological community of animals, plants, and fungi that have evolved into a steady state of development which secures the stability of all the collective communities. Through a natural successional process of instability, all individual organism ecosystems simultaneously transition through a series of more stabilizing stages where they all finally maintain their individual positions in the community and where they become stable from egg and seed to maturity. So, all biotic communities on earth engage in a forward-moving evolutionary process that takes place in several major defined steps or stages. Until climax completion, these transitional stages are each called a serial stage or a sere. In other words, a sere is an intermediate stage found in ecological succession in an ecosystem advancing towards a particular organisms climax community. In many cases, there is more than one serial stage to pass through before climax conditions are attained. A serial community is a name given to each group of biota within the succession. A primary succession describes primarily the plant communities that occupy a site that has not previously been vegetated. These plants can also be described as the vegetative pioneer community. Defining Plant Succession To understand a climax plant community, you must first understand plant succession which is simply the replacement of one plant community by another. This can occur when soils and sites are so harsh that few plants can survive and takes a very long time for plants to establish a root-hold to begin the process of succession. When destructive agents like fire, flood and insect epidemic destroy an existing plant community, plant establishment can happen very rapidly. Primary plant succession starts on raw unvegetated land and usually exists as a sand dune, an earth slide, a lava flow, a rock surface or a retreating glacier. It is obvious that these harsh conditions for plants would take eons for this type of exposed earth to decompose to support higher plants (with the exception of the earth slide which would start plant succession fairly quickly). Secondary plant succession generally starts on a site where some disturbance has set back a previous succession. The sere can be continually setback which then lengthens the period to a potential final plant community climax condition. Agricultural practices, periodic logging, pest epidemics, and wildland fire are the most common agents of secondary plant succession setbacks. Can You Define a Climax Forest? A plant community that is dominated by trees representing the last stage of natural succession for that specific locality and environment, to some, is considered a climax forest. The name usually given to any particular climax forest is the name of the primary existing tree species and or its regional location. To be a climax forest, the trees growing within a particular geographic region should remain essentially unchanged in terms of species composition for as long as the site remains undisturbed. But, is this really a climax forest or just another late sere that has avoided disturbance the longest. Do foresters who only manage trees over decades know enough to determine a climax forest and assume it to be the equivalent of late-stage succession? Should speculative ecologists conclude that there can never be a climax forest because cyclical disturbance (both natural and human-caused) will always be a constant in North American forests? The Climax Debate Is Still With Us The first published discussion(s) on the existence of climax communities started nearly a century ago with foundational papers written by two ecologists, Frederick Clements, and Henry Gleason. Their ideas were debated over decades and definitions of a climax changed with a greater understanding of a new science called ecology. Political winds also confused the topic with terms like virgin forests and old-growth forests. Today, most ecologists agree that climax communities are not common in the real world. They also agree that most exist in space and time and can be observed on large time scales of many decades and on wide ranges of an area, from a dozen acres to thousands of acres. Others believe that there can never be a real climax community because of constant disturbance over time. Foresters have adopted a silviculturally practical approach when managing large stable communities of climax tree species. They use and name a climax forest to be the final sere in terms of the stabilization of major tree species. These conditions are observed on a human timescale and can maintain specific tree species and other plants over hundreds of years. Examples of some of these are: The coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest.The wetlands in North America.The redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) forests.Beech-maple of the North American Northeast.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Rodney King Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Rodney King - Research Paper Example It will also review whether the attack was a case of police brutality, racial discrimination etc or on the other hand whether it was a justified action on the part of the law enforcement officials of the City. Relevant statistical data will also be given that justifies either of the stands or viewpoints given above. The Unfolding of the King Story and its Aftermath It could be said that the incident sparked off indignation and disbelief followed by forms of illegal retribution from the minority community in the city. â€Å"On March 03 1991, a bystander videotaped Rodney King, an African-American resident of Los Angeles, being beaten up by four White officers of the Los Angeles Police Department, who used a sten gun on King and repeatedly kicked him and hit him with batons†(Sigelman et al, 777, 1997). The article goes on to explain the (initial) feelings of various individuals who expressed indignation regarding the action of the LA police department. The amateur video segment does show King being overpowered and eventually being brutalized by a superior force, the officers of the City Police Department. ... exited at the Sunland Boulevard off ramp and returned to the freeway to chase the speeding car at speeds of up to 117 miles per hour. King ignored the flashing lights and sped off an exit ramp. He ran a red light, nearly causing an accident, before finally coming to a stop near the entrance to Hansen Dam Park, at the intersection of Osborne Street and Foothill Boulevard. Within seconds, three Los Angeles police cars and a police helicopter arrived at the scene†(Linder 2001). King apparently stopped at a busy neighborhood so that there were possible witnesses as to what would happen to him after his imminent stoppage and possible arrest by the police. But what happened was a scene of brutality that was beyond the any civilized action by a law enforcement agency considering the crime King committed, namely driving under influence (DUI), probation restrictions, exceeding speed limits, and avoiding police action. The cornered car contained three occupants including Kin g. Two of the occupants complied with police demands to lie down on the ground and King did not apparently did not do likewise. The four officers (out of other police personnel) involved brutally attacked an apparently unarmed King. The amateur video taken by George Holliday showed an instance of how police personnel tackle a person accused of breaking the law. King was repeatedly beaten with batons and kicked by the officers involved. It was always reported that other law enforcement officials of the LA police department were silent or passive witnesses to the incident. King was repeatedly beaten and sometimes kicked by the law enforcement officials without any apparent aggressive act by the former. â€Å"Mr. King at first said to have only 'cuts and bruises' received while resisting arrest had his
Ordeal by Fire The Civil War and Reconstruction by James McPherson and Essay
Ordeal by Fire The Civil War and Reconstruction by James McPherson and James Hogue - Essay Example The Free Soil Party argued that unlike in slavery, a free society provided greater moral and economic gains. In light of the clear cut agenda, the party worked to press for a repeal of existing slavery laws in Ohio, and New York among other states (Byrne, 2006). The Wilmot Proviso is one of the key historical developments that led to the American Civil War. The proviso would have outlawed slavery in all the new areas annexed from Mexico or from any other place later on. However, conservatism elements were eventually pitted against the advocates for a free society during the American Civil War. The Compromise of 1850 comprised a set of legislation endorsed by Congress in an effort to resolve slavery, which threatened to divide the country (Byrne, 2006). Despite the incorporation of controversial clauses in it, it was successfully passed by Congress and immediately united the country on slavery (Mitchell, 2001). The law kept the Union stronger by stemming cases of an imminent split, thus delaying the eruption of the Civil War by a decade. The Kansas–Nebraska Act, enacted in 1854 established Kansas and Nebraska states. This expanded the American territory for civilian occupation and effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise, which had been adopted three decades earlier. The new law granted people the authority to decide slavery issues. As a result, pro-slavery settlers came from Missouri to Kansas to exercise this right. Their political clout in territorial polls was usually boosted by Missourians who made their way into Kansas mainly to take part in the polls. They created strong movements such as the Blue Lodges. Eventually, abolitionist settlers arrived in Kansas from the East with the sole aim of freeing the state of slavery.
Friday, October 18, 2019
To identify an innovative human resource management practice or Essay
To identify an innovative human resource management practice or program - Essay Example The work that follows highlights problems solved by giving compensation and benefits to employees and its importance. Issues addressed by compensation and benefits Benefits and compensation are some of the important methods of motivating workers in an organization or a company. Due to high competition in the job market, employers seek to maintain their employees (Grobler 24). The award of benefits and compensation by employers to their employees saves them a number of problems. First, it saves the organization loss of employees because an employee cannot go for another job (Sims 458). A company that lacks good motivation to its employees will always look for more employees to replace those that have left the company due to unfavorable working conditions. An employee will always admire to work under better terms of service. Secondly, it saves poor production. This is because there will be enough workforce for the particular fields in the organization. Poor production will only result in an organization where there is no recognition on the importance of the work done by employees (Kleynhans 59). It is only that organization that gives motivation to its workers through giving benefits and compensation that will succeed it solving this problem. Poor production leads to poor achievement or profits. Poor quality of the products will always lead to poor sales in the market. This also leads to high losses incurred by the organization due to lack of recovery of the expenses incurred in the production process after sales (WorldatWork 451). Thirdly, it reduces competition on the company’s products (Kleynhans 35). If the employees leave and have the ability to start their own companies, they will, and this will give competition to the organization from which formerly employed them. If the employees are unable to start their companies, they will look for employment in other companies in the same field, which offer better terms of service. Due to the increased demand for labor force, the workers prefer the company that offers fair terms (Grobler 85). This promotes production due to enough workforce and motivated workers. Compensation and benefits saves a company of bad reputation. For example if an organization abruptly terminates a worker’s employment is and there is no compensation, definitely, the worker would not be happy with the treat given. This tarnishes the organization’s name, and as long as employers still flock the market looking for employment, they will not wish to work in an organization that treats workers unfairly. Reputation is a virtue that is very vital in the business line. If the is spoilt, the organization goes on low production due to lack of workers (Kleynhans 237). Compensations also save a company from court cases. Court cases emerge for instance when an injury occurs to an employee in the line of duty and no compensation. The worker may look for a personal lawyer and sue the company to court (Grobler 88) . On the contrary, if the company awards compensation to workers incase of emergencies like these, the program will save the company time, because of all the processes undergone in processing the cases and pursuing them in court and saves finances accompanying the court cases. Suing a company in court leads to decline in the production progress, as many activities will slow down due to lack of the personnel involved in the process, and the finances used in processing the
Preschoolers grow their brains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Preschoolers grow their brains - Essay Example It helps in doing away with the ‘I cannot do it’ attitude that is among the beliefs that makes most people fail to achieve their goals. It also leads to the children becoming more independent in making choices and also thinking of ways that they can solve future problems. The children become more responsible and view ways of solving issues instead of becoming escapist. The model of thinking helps children become more creative and enhance their critical thinking abilities that take them along the way in their entire lifetime (Shelby and Christie 33). The article is also paramount for the adults as according to the article; the teachers explain that they are also able to think more and grow in their skills. It has also particularly influenced me as I have realized that there are simple, but practical way of coming up with solutions without conflicting in a negative way (Shelby and Christie 32). In a nutshell, the article emphasizes more on developing problem solvers and children that are prepared to solve challenges even in their adulthood. The concept of coming up with children who can think critically to solve problems, communicate effectively, collaborate with others and those with creative and innovative skills should be highly embraced and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
International marketing - PowerPoint Presentation
International marketing - - PowerPoint Presentation Example Product strategy is an important part of marketing strategy. It discusses the methodology regarding launching and presentation of a product in some specific market. It also concentrates which population should be the target consumers and how these products can be reached to these consumers. "Product Strategy is perhaps the most important function of a company. It must take in account the capabilities in terms of engineering, of production, of distribution (sales) existing in the company or of time to acquire them (by hiring or by mergers)." ( Furthermore, product strategy discusses how the consumers can be motivated for using a specific product dropping the products of competitors and rival companies. â€Å"Marketing plan for a product based on the characteristics of the target market, market share objectives, desired product positioning within the market, and profit objectives. Strategic plans for a product are based on decisions regarding the four ps (product, place, pr ice, and promotion), financial targets and budgets, and tactical plans.†( Since the world has turned into a global village, the great companies have started launching their products at international markets. The Nike Women is also one among such great brands. The company focuses on the following points while making product strategy regarding overseas markets: The products are made and launched to fill the gap in the market as well as provide the consumers with the variety of products all over the globe. The contemporary global market offers the consumers variety of choice in all products. Being the marketing leader of women attire products, Nike Women presents its products in different varieties and for various age groups. The Company always sticks to high quality product while preparing its commodities. It does not make any compromise on high quality, which is the sign of its
Liberalism - Why do liberalists place so much emphasis on democracy Essay
Liberalism - Why do liberalists place so much emphasis on democracy Does that make sense How important is democracy in international relations. Use examples - Essay Example Decision making in a democracy is based on majority rule and the rights of the minorities are protected. A democratic government guarantees equality of all citizens, freedom of speech, assembly and religion, among others. Liberal states are not necessarily democratic (Bobbio 2006: 1). Liberalists strongly emphasize on democracy. The concentration of power and wealth among few people in the society is not good as it brings about many social evils. Democracy has various benefits. It ensures that all citizens are treated equally before the law. It also gives every citizen the right to power. Therefore, anyone can seek an elective post in government. Democracy helps in distributing power to the people. It allows disgruntled voters to vote to change the leadership. A few years ago, democracy used to exist in Western Europe and Northern America only while the other states were not democratic or liberal. However, today many states are democratic. Democracy is the basis for economic and social development. It enhances the development of a nation by making leaders accountable, and therefore helps in fighting vices like corruption. Inefficient leaders are voted out by the electorate and if the leaders who replace them wish to stay in power, they have to meet the expectatio ns of the public. Failure to perform will lead to ouster from office in the next election. Democracy also helps in the even distribution of wealth (Bobbio 2006: 38). The wealthy conservatives in power dislike democracy because they see it as a way to help the poor to rob the rich. However, liberalists maintain that without democracy, the poor are exploited by the rich. Liberalism is concerned with limiting the powers of the government. Democracy considers the opinion of the majority as the only criteria to ensure that the government powers are legitimate. Liberalists strongly advocate the strengthening of democratic institutions. They advocate national referendums, compulsory voting, comprehensive
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
International marketing - PowerPoint Presentation
International marketing - - PowerPoint Presentation Example Product strategy is an important part of marketing strategy. It discusses the methodology regarding launching and presentation of a product in some specific market. It also concentrates which population should be the target consumers and how these products can be reached to these consumers. "Product Strategy is perhaps the most important function of a company. It must take in account the capabilities in terms of engineering, of production, of distribution (sales) existing in the company or of time to acquire them (by hiring or by mergers)." ( Furthermore, product strategy discusses how the consumers can be motivated for using a specific product dropping the products of competitors and rival companies. â€Å"Marketing plan for a product based on the characteristics of the target market, market share objectives, desired product positioning within the market, and profit objectives. Strategic plans for a product are based on decisions regarding the four ps (product, place, pr ice, and promotion), financial targets and budgets, and tactical plans.†( Since the world has turned into a global village, the great companies have started launching their products at international markets. The Nike Women is also one among such great brands. The company focuses on the following points while making product strategy regarding overseas markets: The products are made and launched to fill the gap in the market as well as provide the consumers with the variety of products all over the globe. The contemporary global market offers the consumers variety of choice in all products. Being the marketing leader of women attire products, Nike Women presents its products in different varieties and for various age groups. The Company always sticks to high quality product while preparing its commodities. It does not make any compromise on high quality, which is the sign of its
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 55
Reflection - Essay Example Language is important resource which also serves as critical tool for disseminating information. Effectiveness of teaching and learning is indeed a constant effort which teachers apply by testing new approaches with learners. Thus methods of teaching need to be looked from new perspective of bonding with learners which can address their learning capabilities and make teaching and learning effective. I strongly agree with the writer that ELT has gradually lost its relevance as the basic purpose of ELT has been overridden by the researchers who believe that semantics of the language is more important. Language is important tool of communication and ELT becomes relevant for foreign students in English speaking nations. The fundamental aim of ELT was to ensure that foreign students were better equipped to assimilate within mainstream population and communicate effectively. But now ELT has evolved into important method of teaching to foreign students and become controversial as its theoretical aspects obstruct learners’ ability to communicate in the real world which actually defeats the very purpose of the language! Theories become effective only when their efficacy is tested in real world. Consequently, practice should be the basis of evolving theories. (words:
Monday, October 14, 2019
English As A Second Language Program Essay Example for Free
English As A Second Language Program Essay An ESL or English as a second Language program, as the name suggests is for students or people in general who do not speak English as their first language and have an interest in learning this language for certain reasons which may range from applying to a college or university in United states or elsewhere or they would want to get accustomed to this language for the purpose of conducting business overseas, for communication with peers at work or it can be for the simple reason of communicating with people at different situations. In this article we are going to focus on ESL programs for students at a school district, comparing and contrasting on the ways they are executed and the ways they should be executed. English as a Second Language programs for students are offered to students by either scheduling classes in between their regular course classes or they can be undertaken as a separate programs by certain individuals who are accommodated in the vicinity of the university. Today, since the ratio of international students is increasing at an alarming rate in United States or Canada, offering an ESL program is more of a legal requirement for most districts so that all students are taken forward together at university or when they enroll into one in future. It is also due to this very fact that a lot of emphasis is given to ESL programs at elementary and middle school levels to prepare students to use English as a channel of communication in future. The execution and the effectiveness of these programs however, vary with different school districts depending upon trained teacher, the program and the dedication of the students themselves. The duration and intensity of an ESL program varies with the individual or university requirement and can be full time or part time, ranging from a couple of weeks to even a year. These details as mentioned do differ, so for example the ESL program offered at the Greenwich public school which aims at providing students academic and communication skills In order for them to succeed in U.S universities as effectively as possible. The elementary school offers this program for an average 2- 4 years with one to eight hours of instruction every week depending upon the grade and language individual needs of students. The school also focuses on very small groups and emphasizes individual attention to students to better understand their weaknesses and fill I the gaps. The Greenwich Public School district has been offering ESL programs for the past 28 years and has seen an influx in the number of ESL students over the years. In the year 2004-05 approximately 731 students enrolled in the program altogether from 54 countries. The elementary school curriculum includes a variety of materials according to student needs such as work books, songs, CD’s, learning of poems, class presentations etc. this program is more content based and strong emphasis is give on the reading aspect in this program. The program is organized around themes and aims at teaching critical thinking along with language skills to enable success in mainstream class rooms. In more specific terms this ESL program for elementary students includes Theme based English series which includes work books, posters etc. Group activities (theme based) which tend to explore literature along with songs, activities, TPR games etc. Miami Linguistics, which are designed for ESL beginners in a sequential reading manner. In Greenwich Public School, after completing the elementary school program after reaching grade 2 or grade 3, ESL students are expected to formulate questions, read outside of class, compare materials in a text and also contrast them. They are also able to express a story in their own words with proper understanding and expressions, write small paragraphs and initiate conversations. After completing the basic ESL program for elementary school, students can decide to move out of the program or advance to higher level middle school ESL program, which has its own curriculum and particular hours to be covered aimed at developing proficiency in English language. Placement in this program is based on entry tests and educational history. After looking at the details of different ESL programs offered by various institutes, if one actually compares them with reality, one can say that ESL programs put students under a lot of stress as they try to achive excellence in a second language, therefore recreational facilities should be made affordable, also the students should be encouraged to mingle with American students in order to culturally adjust with them and pur into practice all the theories they have learnt in class. Also one of the most important things which teachers for this program need to understand is that students enrolled in an ESL program come from very different backgrounds and cultures, therefore the same methodoligies cannot be applied across the board for teachin purposes. Students must be carefully monitered and encouraged to use their strengths to achive succcess in the course. (Currie, 2003) If one compares the ESL program offered by greemwich Public School with other ESL programs offered, we can say that most ESL programs are similar in conducting theme based activities, which can be selected by asking students what they want to say, moulding the curiculum in children’s interest. Also at this stage most ESL programs are content based, songs are also one of the important keys to success in most ESL progrms. One of the methods which can contribute towards the improvement of an ESL program at Greenwich is that revision of matrial is very important before every new leson taught, this can be best achived with the help of songs before proceeding forward. Each lesson should be broken down into three to four parts, starting with warm up and revision of previous material, then teaching new lesson, for example new vocabulary words etc, the third part should incorporate games or activities t practice the new lesson and the ending of a esson sholud be on a happy thankful note, referably a song. This approach has been teted at ther ESL program and has proved to be very succesful. Different approaches to learning can be adressed thorough ESL games, making learning lessions fun and more effective. Depending on the students theses ESl games can vary from auditorylearnig style in which games involve more listening through peoms or repitation etc. Visual ESL styles ca be used for students who are more comfortable with videos of games involving flash cards etc and finally tactile learnig styles can be used in which â€Å"touch†are used. (Vernon) In conclusion, if the current ESL program in a School district is evaluated in terms of the comparisons and details mentioned above, I would say that diverse approach towards the students is missing and teachers are adopting a homogenous method towards all students. In my opinion more effort needs to be diverted in this angle where different games and teaching styles are used after analysing the capabilities of students and more emphasis should be place on practical learning.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Great Divorce Essay examples -- essays research papers
This book is delightfully insightful in it is content. Lewis is the narrator of his story, which begins in Hell, a dreary town full of empty streets. Lewis uses a dream as the vehicle to carry his ideas. Lewis boards a bus for Heaven with other ghosts from the town. It is not until the last chapter of the book that the reader finds out that Lewis is actually having a dream. Lewis finds himself in a dark and dreary place, where the houses are gray and empty, a dismal rain never stops, and time is eternally stuck in the bleak period just before sunset. Walking through this abominable town, he happens to find a bus stop, which takes inhabitants out of this gloomy place and into a much brighter happier world. Slightly bewildered, Lewis boards the bus and begins a journey out of a city named Hell and into another city called Heaven. When he arrives at his destination, Lewis discovers that Hell’s inhabitants do not enjoy the beauty of this new land. In heaven, these people become ghosts because they are not strong enough to endure the substantive things of this world. The grass and water cut through their feet and even the tiniest object is to heavy for the ghosts to pick up. The rain would penetrate them like bullets would from a machine gun. The concept of Heaven being incredibly large and Hell being considerably small, smaller than a grain of sand is quite a comparison. The ghosts refused any help from the residents of heaven. One of the major mistakes the ghosts made was trying to conquer their struggles with their own powers. Time and again, Lewis sees the ghosts fail, but they still will not let go of what is holding them back. While Lewis is walking he meets George MacDonald who aids him in his journey through heaven. MacDonald tells Lewis that this journey is a dream, which will make clear to him that souls have a choice between Heaven and Hell and what that choice is. Lewis, at first, is unable to understand why the lost souls must be damned. However, he is finally persuaded that Hell is the only merciful solution for the lost souls. Passing by many sad spectacles of people from Hell, Lewis begins to understand, with the help of MacDonald, that these people must throw away everything and commit their lives to Christ. Whether a warning to or a reflection on society, the book stimulates thought and forces the reader to look inward at his or her own... ...ce too? Should not Christians weep over the lost? Should not we ask the Lord of the field to send laborers into His harvest (Luke 10:2)? Certainly! Lewis gives the reader a vivid account of how Heaven and Hell look like and what will happen once souls get there. I believe Lewis, through this book, was trying to show that people have a choice in whether or not they go to Heaven or Hell. People don't choose Hell with a full understanding of what they are doing. They don't have a clear picture of the eternal happiness they will miss or the everlasting separation and darkness they will endure. According to the Bible, Hell is a place of choice. As a result, the Bible repeatedly appeals to its readers to choose the way of life rather than the path of death and judgment. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul (Mark 8:36,37)? So, what must one do in order to get to heaven? Jesus says in order to go to Heaven you must be born again (John 3:7). Lewis never comes out directly and tells them you must be saved. He does it in a way that leaves the reader thinking the only way is through Jesus Christ.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Pros and Cons of NAFTA Essay -- The North American Free Trade Ag
Introduction The North American Free Trade Agreement, commonly known as the NAFTA, is a trade agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico launched to enable North America to become more competitive in the global marketplace (Amadeo, 2011). The NAFTA is regarded as â€Å"one of the most successful trade agreements in history†for its impact on increases in agricultural trade and investment among the three contracting nations (North American Free Trade Agreement, 2011). Supporters and opponents of the NAFTA have argued the effects of the agreement on participating nations since its inception; yet, close examination proves that NAFTA has had a relatively positive impact on the economies of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Although the NAFTA is not without problems, the trade agreement has leveled the playing field for the three participating nations and increased cross-border trade, positively contributing to globalization. The success or failure of the NAFTA impacts level of employment, the economy, and the environment of the three contracting nations. With the implementation of trade agreements such as the NAFTA, the world has become more interconnected, and citizens must be aware of the affects such trade agreements have on their living standards and job security. Features of the NAFTA The NAFTA was implemented on January 1, 1994 to remove tariff trade barriers between the United States, Canada, and Mexico by providing duty-free trade in multiple classes of goods (Barufaldi, 2008). The NAFTA creates a free trade area where all barriers to trade between member countries are removed. Many of the tariffs affecting agricultural trade among the participating nations were eliminated at the inception of the agreeme... ...ttp:// North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). (n.d.). USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). Retrieved September 15, 2011, from North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). (n.d.). Public Citizen. Retrieved September 16, 2011, from Teslik, L. H. (2009, July 7). NAFTA's Economic Impact. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved September 13, 2011, from USTR- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) | Office of the United States Trade Representative. (n.d.). (2011). Office of the United States Trade Representative. Retrieved September 16, 2011, from
Friday, October 11, 2019
Dracula Essay
Good vs. Evil has long been expressed through movies and books throughout history. Batman beating the Joker, Spiderman banishing the Green Goblin, and Arthur and the guys defeating Dracula are all examples of literature based on the theme Good vs. Evil. In Bram Stokers, Dracula, Jonathan Harker represents the good, while the vampire, Dracula, represents the evil antagonist. One thing these four pieces share is that evil never fully overcomes good. They all start off as regular human beings, or on the good side, until their spirit and soul becomes taken over by a sense of evil. Gothic elements, such as, an atmosphere of mystery and suspense, supernatural events, gloom and horror, the tyrannical male, and the woman in distress are all present in these stories. The movie Interview with a Vampire, The Singing Springing Lark, and the story Interview with a Vampire can relate to Dracula because of their themes and gothic elements. The movie Interview with a Vampire is very similar to the story Dracula. It starts off in a dark night scene filled with dull and heavy music. Also, during the fight scene, the setting included thunderstorms and pouring rain. This shows metonymy because the dark and heavy music represents death and terror and the thunderstorms and rain were used to create a setting of darkness and fear. Other gothic elements shown in this movie were Lucy’s pale skin, the castle setting, and the exchanging of blood. In the Lindauer 2 story Dracula, Lucy’s skin starts to become very pale because she has been bitten by Dracula, which is what happened in the movie. This represents the gothic element tyrannical male, because of Dracula’s presentation of overpowering the other characters, more specifically Mina and Lucy. This directly relates to the gothic element women in distress because the women in both stories were treated poorly and were taken advantage of due to their weaknesses. In the story, The Singing Springing Lark, there are also many similarities to Dracula. For example, as in Interview with a Vampire also, most of the scenes take place in a castle. This shows the gothic element setting in a castle. As in most stories, a castle usually represents evil spirits and terror, which Dracula and the Beast both represent. Another gothic element shown is an atmosphere of mystery and suspense. In the story, the prince was hesitant to meet the girl’s family because â€Å"for if a ray from a burning light were to fall on him there, he would be transformed into a dove, and would have to fly with doves for seven years.†This is an important quote because in the story Dracula, the boys had figured out that Dracula’s evil spirit was weakest during the times of sunrise and sunset. If they didn’t get to him before the sun set, his powers were going to be restored. In other words, the change from dark to light represents a change from evil to good. In the story Interview with a Vampire, the plot line is almost exactly the same. For example, â€Å"The mere sight of a bared throat could bring about in me such a taste of arousal that I became like an animal, incapable of language or restraint.†This quote shows tyrannical male because it compares how Armand and Dracula are both similar in the way they kill their prey. They both attack where the blood is rich just like animals do and dominate their prey. It also Lindauer 3 shows a sexual side because the mere fact of killing got both of these characters aroused. For example, â€Å"With his left hand he held both Mrs. Harker’s hands, keeping them away with her arms at full tension; his right hand gripped her by the back of the neck, forcing her face down on his bosom. Her white nightdress was smeared with blood, and a thin stream trickled down the man’s bare breast which was shown by his torn-open dress.†(Stoker 283) This quote shows women in distress because it describes how Mina, in a sense, was raped. Just Armand, Dracula finds pleasure in killing, and transforming good into evil. One thing that all of these pieces share is that evil never overcomes good. Although evil makes its presence known and dominates at first, good prevails in the end. The movie Interview with a Vampire, The Singing Springing Lark, and the story Interview with a Vampire can relate to Dracula because of their themes and gothic elements. As Theodore Roosevelt’s once said, â€Å"The forces that tend for evil are great and terrible, but the forces of truth and love and courage and honesty and generosity and sympathy are stronger than any before.â€
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Learning and Good Manager Essay
Good managers are born, not made. Discuss this idea whilst exploring key characteristics of an effective manager. For a long time, many people have questioned whether a good manager is born naturally, or they can learn and train to become a good manager. For people who think that a good manager is born, they believe that an effective manager is born with some specific skills and characteristics that ordinary people do not have. â€Å"Charisma and trait are qualities which are generated from inside a person†(Junaid 2010). However, a stronger believes in nobody born with perfect competence. In fact, it is rarely to find people who just naturally good at anything. Achievement in life requires hard work, experience, and skills (Lash, J. 2007). Everyone can develop by learning and training to become better. They can change their attitude and acquire appropriate capability and attribute that required for a good manager. It is ambiguous in the aspect of good managers are born, not made, because there are many evidences and researches that explain how ordinary people can become a good manager. First and foremost, people who support the first reason that nature select a specific group of people to be a good manager by giving charisma and trait. According to Weber (1947) as cited by Raktabutr (2007), supernatural and particular forces grant charisma which is a precise quality of a personality to extraordinary person. Charisma and trait are the main factors that can make anyone become a well manager. For example, motivation is one of the key characteristic of an effective manager which is generate from inside, this type of characteristic is difficult to learn and understand. In such circumstance a proficient manager can considered as a leader, they have to know how to motivate other people in workplace. As Edward Deci (n. d. ) as cited by Llewellyn and Holt (n. d. ) write in why we do what we do: Understanding self-motivation. A place that feels connected, independent, and authorized is lead people to be self-motivated. Failure is a part of process that managers have to concede, because they have to encourage risk-taking and creativity. Effective managers have to build up the dynamic atmosphere in workplace to ensure that his co-worker and subordinate have passion to complete their task, and then it will make the outcome of their task effective and efficiency. Whereas, people who do not have this key distinctive, they can get in trouble when they have to motivate other people, because it is inconsistent to motivate to different people. Another key determinant that essential is self-confidence. Manager has to show his confidence to make his underling believe and respect to him, because manager cannot do everything they can only manage and assign task to his subordinate. While people who do not born with this ability, they can face the problem about how to act to other people to gain their trust and respect. These key characteristics are come from aptitude that manager can know immediately how to deal with problem. It could be said that other people who do not have charisma and trait cannot be a good manager, because these attributes ingrained with special people since they were born. There was an early psychological research, which were studied inborn characteristics or traits from successful leaders. The ascription is people can be a good manager if they could be found with these traits. Stogdill (1974) determine the following traits and skills as needful to manager, which consist of intelligence, conceptually skilled, imaginative, sagacious, management ability , convincing , interpersonal relations, adjustable to situations ,active to social environment ,commitment and achievement-orientated ,assertive ,cooperative , decided , trustworthy ,dominant, ardent, relentless, self-confident ,and repressive of stress. In the other hand, there are some evidences that explain how normal people who do not born with inherited specialties can learn and practice to become a good manager. Every person has to learn to acquire skills and cognition. â€Å"The most important skill for everyone is the ability to manipulate their learning†(Mcnamara, C. n. d. ). Everyone can gain a lot of benefit from learning, if they have high level of stimulus and self-directed reader. People can be a good manager by using Management development program, which is include both informal and formal method. For informal method, it can help everyone improve some key characteristics that requisite for a good manager by reading some articles, and discussing management with other people. Taking a course, seminar or workshop is another good opportunity for regular people to develop themselves to be a capable manager. There is an executive education program for manager has been provided by Harvard business school, the length of this course is around three months. This course accepts managers from all over the world. This full time course at Harvard business school offer precise learning experiences that allow managers to learn how to use vision to create effective management decision, and how to see organization as a whole picture. It is also cover all areas of management from accounting, finance, technology, operations, strategy, and marketing, international economy and organizational change. This program offers opportunity to participants to understand the key characteristics of a good manager. Almost 12,000 managers who have gone on to top leadership positions in some of the most well known companies in the world, after they graduated from this course. Therefore, it is clear that good manager can be made by training and learning, since there are plenty of ways to develop skills and characteristics by both formal and informal method. In conclusion, although, the people who born with unique skills and knowledge take advantage more than other people, normal people who want to be a good manager can expand their capability to acquire these requirements, if they have high commitment on their goal and work hard enough. Since nowadays, there are many courses and programs that provide for people to improve their abilities such as training class, which can determine and supply special skills that manager needs, and these type of programs are accepted by most organizations in the world. Thus, in my opinion, it is irrational that good manager is born. Every people can make themselves to become an effective manager, because everyone can define their own destiny.
Micro-Brewery Business
The Bok Ale House and Brewery, an Atlantic Beach based pub and microbrewery (Brewpub) will operate as a single unit, medium-size alehouse, serving fine, hand crafted, high quality, ale, and lager beers. The microbrewery will be located at 1001 Atlantic Boulevard in Atlantic Beach, North Carolina. Today there are over 700 microbreweries operating in the United States. The Bok Ale House and Brewery will be Atlantic Beaches†first modern microbrewery, dedicated to producing flavorful ale and lager beers. A tradition revitalized! The company's goal is that of a multi-faceted success. Our first responsibility is to the financial well being of the brewery. We will meet this goal while trying to consider; 1) the effect of our products on the well being of our customers (and our staff), 2) the impact that our business practices and choices will have on the environment, and 3) the high quality of attitude, fairness, understanding, and generosity between management, staff, customers, and vendors. Awareness of all these factors and the responsible actions that result will give our efforts a sense of purpose and meaning beyond our basic financial goals. The Bok Ale House and Brewery was incorporated in July of 1999. The founders are Minnie Mouse and Daisy. Minnie is the President and Daisy is the Vice President. There are 5,000 shares of common stock issued. Minnie and Daisy each own 1,000 shares and the remainder are retained by the company for future distribution. In addition they have loaned the company $100,000 of their own money for research and start-up costs. This company will be formed as a Partnership in lieu of a Proprietorship with Minnie and Daisy sharing equal responsibilities. A suitable site for the first restaurant was found last month and lease negotiations are in the final stages. The location will be on Atlantic Boulevard, just outside Catwalk Pavilion and close to a dense population of the target market. When the lease is signed, there will be three months of free rent for construction and in that time the balance of the start-up funds must be raised. With that phase completed, The Bok Ale House and Brewery can then open and the operations phase of the project can begin. If the business is meeting its projections by year two, we will start scouting for a second location and develop plans for the next unit. Our five-year goal is to exceed the maximum barrelage for a microbrewery (15,000 barrels annually ) and become a mass producer of Bok Ale and Boà °a Bok Lager worldwide with an annual profit of between $500,000 and $1,000,000. Although the microbrewery industry is very competitive, the lifestyle changes created by modern living continue to fuel its steady growth. Trends are very important and Bok Ale House and Brewery is well positioned for the current interest in trendy, casual, beach atmosphere. As of March 15, 1999, there were 1,528 microbreweries, brewpubs, and regional specialty breweries in North America.2 There are more than 2000 malt beverage brands produced in the United States, six times the number of brands produced a decade ago. U.S. and international brewers continue to produce a tremendous array of beer styles with solid niche markets continuing to develop for industry members of every size. The brew process was considered a woman†s job until the end of the first millennium. At that time, monastery breweries began practicing the brewing process. The monks decided they wanted a great tasting, nutritious drink to serve their meals. During fasting, beer was used to satisfy the hungry monks because the consumption of liquids did not break the rules of fasting. The monks were reported to drink large quantities of beer each day. Their love for the beverage turned it into a business. The microbrewery business is becoming one of the largest industries in the country. In June 1997, an article in the North Carolina Times Union noted that there were 154 microbreweries without a brewpub attached and 278 more with a brewpub. In 1993 new microbreweries opened at the rate of nearly two per week in the State of North Carolina, particularly in the beaches areas . It accounts for over $240 billion annually in sales and the independent microbrewery accounts for 15% of that total. The average American spends 15% of his/her income on social entertainment outside the home. This number has been increasing for the past several years. According to the 1991-1992 North America Brewers Resource Directory, the average per-capita consumption of malt beverages was 23.4 gallons per year in 1989 in the United States. Future Trends & Strategic Opportunities The predicated growth trend is very positive both in short and long-term projections. In 1988, The National Brewery Association released the Microbrewery Industry 2000 report that forecasted how the industry might look in the year 2000. Some highlights from the panel's findings:  · â€Å"Consumers will spend a greater proportion of their entertainment dollar away from home.  · Independent operators and entrepreneurs will be the main source of new restaurant concepts.  · Environmental concerns will receive increased attention.†Craft brewers are anticipating the stability of a stronger and wiser craft-brewing industry that is already taking shape in 1999 and will continue to strengthen during 2000 and 2001. â€Å"The quality of the average brewpub and the average microbrew on the shelf is continually improving,†says David Edgar, Director of the Institute for Brewing Studies. The Bok Ale House and Brewery will be offering adult beverages with a distinctive image. The Bok Ale House and Brewery menu is small sized, complimentary offering of light appetizers. Our goal is to create the image of a casual, beach atmosphere while serving high quality, hand crafted beers, ales, and lagers. Food production and assembly will take place in the brewhouse of the microbrewery. Malt barley, hops, yeast, and water will be used to create most of the ales and lagers from scratch. The brewmaster will exercise strict standards of sanitation, quality production, and presentation or packaging over the brewery and service staff. The older way of beer making will apply to certain of our products, such as; brewing in smaller batches, forgoing filtration and pasteurization to produce beers that retain more of the flavor and character imparted by yeast during fermentation. The business will produce less than 15,000 barrels per year in order to maintain its status as a microbrewery2. There will be two areas a customer can purchase beverages. They may sit in the sitting area and get full service from a waitperson or can sit at the bar and order directly from the bartender. Either way will benefit the patron with free appetizers and high quality beverages. There is a market segment that prefers to consume this type of beverage at home, although they do not have the time or facilities. There are already mail order companies that provide individuals and families with prepared ales, lagers and do it yourself home brewing kits. This opportunity will be researched and developed on a trial basis. If successful, it could become a major new source of income without creating the need for additional staff or production space. The market for Bok Ale House and Brewery covers a large area of diverse and densely populated groups. Although it will be located in a beach setting, it is an area where people travel to eat out and one that is also frequented by tourists. It is also an area known for and catering to the demographic group we are targeting. Microbreweries and brewpubs have a unique existence in that they produce a beverage of superior quality. This era of legal restrictions on alcohol consumption and the health conscious customer dictate that people are looking to drink less and but drink better . Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in America. Americans drink approximately 23 gallons of beer per year. The goal of our brewery is to generate such an existence. There are more flavor profiles in the family of beer than in that of wine, sweet, dry, sour, tart, grainy, bitter, fruity – it's all there. This makes beer not only attractive, but also as a flexible accompaniment to all kinds of food. We will offer beer on tap (small servings of several varieties at a fixed price), which creates a festive atmosphere as well as a conversation piece for our customers The beach and boardwalk area is one of the most desirable retail locations in Atlantic Beach. The Atlantic Beach Chamber of Commerce rates it as the third best retail market in the state. There are more than 200 businesses in a 1/4 square mile area with average sales of $330 per square foot. The customer base will come from three major segments:  · Local population  the city of Atlantic Beach with a year-round population of 123,000 is centrally located on the east coast of North Carolina and is within a 15-minute drive of 8 major suburbs.  · Colleges and Universities – Atlantic Beach has several schools within a 15-mile radius of Atlantic Boulevard and a seasonal population of 90,000.  · Tourism  between hotels, motels, bed & breakfast rooms and inns, there are over 8,500 rooms available. Last year they were at 98% occupancy.  · Local businesses  The City of Atlantic Beach lists over 100 businesses with an average of 12 employees in the Catwalk Pavilion area. According to 1995 industry statistics from the Miller Brewing Company, beer consumption increases during the summer months . The food concept and product image of the Bok Ale House and Brewery will attract two different customer profiles:  · The young adult and young adult student  more and more young people have developed taste for specialty brews.  · Curious and open-minded  â€Å"if you try it, you will like it.†Through marketing, publicity, and word-of-mouth, people will seek out a new experience and learn that specialty brews can be tasty, fun, convenient, and inexpensive. Entry into the market should not be a problem. The store has high visibility with heavy foot traffic all day long. The local residents and students always support new trendy spots and the tourists do not have fixed preferences. In addition, $25,000 has been budgeted for a pre-opening advertising and public relations campaign. Focusing on the unique aspect of the product theme (healthy, tasty foods) a mix of marketing vehicles will be created to convey our presence, our image, and our message:  · Print media  local newspapers, magazines and billboards  · Broadcast media  local programming and special interest shows  · Point of sale – A well-trained staff can increase the average check as well as enhancing the customer†s overall experience. A public relations firm has been retained to create special events and solicit print and broadcast coverage, especially at the start-up. The marketing effort will be split into three phases: 1) Opening  An advanced notice (press packet) sent out by the PR firm to all media and printed announcement ads in key places. Budget – $10,000. An additional $5,000 has been budgeted for a one-day Open House Extravaganza. 2) Ongoing  A flexible campaign (using the above media) assessed regularly for effectiveness. Budget – $10,000 3) Point of sale  A well-trained staff can increase the average check as well as enhancing the customer's overall experience. Word-of-mouth referral is very important in building a customer base. Future plans and Strategic Opportunities Catering after-hours office parties for special occasions and holidays (even outside of our local area) may become a large part of gross sales. At that point, a sales agent would be hired to directly market our products for catered functions. The microbrewery, at 1001 Atlantic Boulevard, is a 2400 Square foot space. It was formerly a restaurant and needs on minor structural modifications. The licenses and codes' issues are all in order. New equipment and bar furnishings will be purchased and installed by the general contractor. Offices of the corporation are presently at Daisy Duck†s home but will be moved to the microbrewery after opening. The microbrewery will be open 7 days a week. Service will begin at 5:00 PM and end at 2:00 AM. The microbrewery will be closed Christmas and Thanksgiving. Employees will be trained, not only in their specific operational duties, including proper sanitation methods, but also in the philosophy and applications of our concept. They will receive extensive information from the brew master and be kept informed of the latest information on microbrewing. A big emphasis is being placed on extensive research into the quality and integrity of our products. Products will constantly be tested for our own high standards of purity. Costs and inventory control will be handled by our computer system and checked daily by management. All products will be prepared on the premises. The brewery will be designed for high standards of sanitary efficiency and cleaned daily. Ingredients will be purchased and stored in large coolers in the basement. Minnie Mouse, President. Minnie is also the manager of another microbrewery. Since 1977, the company has created a high-profile mainstream image for specialty brews. In 1992, the store became so popular and profitable, she decided to expand her horizons and co-own a store of her own. Minnie brings with her a track record of success in the microbrewing industry.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Acitivating creativity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Acitivating creativity - Essay Example Sadly though, not all people will go about this process in the same manner and with the same level of success and experience. In Rossman’s creativity model (1931), evidence of the different levels of activities and tasks involved in the activation of creativity is showed in a manner that depicts that there are as many as seven different processes that needs to be considered in a typical creative thinking process. The rate of success associated with each process determines that overall success with the activation of creativity. From his model, the processes are given as observation of a need or difficulty, analysis of the need, a survey of all available information, a formulation of all objective solutions, a critical analysis of solutions, the birth of the new idea (invention), and experimentation to test out the most promising solution (Rossman, 1931). Similarly, Wallas (1926) touches on a creativity process in a manner that gives an indication that creativity is not an event that takes place in a one off moment but undergoes the achievement of a series of tasks, which comes together to be collectively known as the creativity process. He though gives the process as indicated below. Through the outline above, seven major tasks will have to be completed including orientation, preparation, analysis, ideation, incubation, synthesis and evaluation. It is based on the foundations of these two major models that four series of assessments were carried out and presented in the following journal. With a different task to fulfil in each of the assessments, the various creativity processes that went into the fulfilment of each of the tasks have been completed below. Assessment 1 Assignment 1 was on conceptual photography and involved the taking of a photograph that was used in depicting more than what was seen in the image of the picture. That is to say that, conceptual photographs are used to express generalised concepts of events and process that take place and h appen all around us (Keller-Mathers, 2004). To accomplish this task, a picture of two people running a change of baton race was taken. The concept that was being examined in the photograph was the symbolism of the power of two. It is said in a Chinese proverb that if two people carry a single load, it does not hurt. What this means is that it always pays off to have a helping hand in any project or activity that a person is undertaking. It is not surprising that it is said in an England parable that two heads are better than one. When two people team up to accomplish a common task, there is much effectiveness and efficiency (Grivas, 1996). This is because there is the sharing of ideas and thoughts in a manner that makes exchanges of knowledge rapid and forthcoming. Studying the picture critically, it would be noted that a total of 400 meters was supposed to be completed in the race. Meanwhile, due to the limitation of the human ability in running such a distance, it would be difficu lt for any person to end the 400 meter race with the same level of speed that was started. But in completing a 100 meter race by the same person, the tendency to maintain the start up speed or even improve on it is higher. To this end, instead of allowing one person to do the entire 400 meters, four people team up to run 100 meters each. As a proof of the fact that team spirit brings results, the finishing time in the change of baton is better than when one person alone run the entire 400 meters. Assessment 2 Assignment 2 was carried out by the use of divergent thinking. That is, there was the use of exploration of many different possible solutions (Gonzalez, 2003). In essence, the resolve for a
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Poster for Class employment relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Poster for Class employment relations - Essay Example The relations of employees formed when labor sold by a person to an organization or other person and in return; he works for that person or organization. This relationship remains same in all countries where employees are paid to work for each other (Budd & Bhave, 2006). The relations of employees cannot be determining because of transaction of market and it can never predict accurately. The employee relation is the set of present regulative and institutional settings in which the interaction of HRM and functional activities takes place (Abbott, 2006) The theory of Unitarist Employment Relationship states that employment relation should be pleasant and unitarist sees confliction as a break down in peace and harmony of organizations. The conflict is not normal for unitarists and they want to end conflict and regaining peace of organizations (Alan, 1974). It is the management task to adapt unbiased leadership style when directing the employees and employees should have clear objectives and task while performing the assigned work. The companies whose are willing to adapt this employee theory should reduce the work of the employees to the basic elements and employees skill to undertake any task should be kept minimum. The issues of the employees should be listened by the management collectively and impersonally (Wachter, 2005). In the case of Brisbane Airline, the Government is trying to remove panic from the employees and making them assure that Government will remove all their concerns and problems regarding the Airline. The Government assures the employees that if the company will not be able to pay their debts, than there are eligible for Redundancy Scheme and Employee Entitlements. Workers are given more importance rather than on the production because if the workers are not given authority or the work given to them is not suitable for them, then there is a chance that
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