Thursday, December 26, 2019
Definition and Examples of Verbal Placeholders
Similar to a filler word, a placeholder is a word (such as whatchamacallit) used by speakers to signal that they dont know or cant remember a more precise word for something. Also known as a kadigan, tongue-tipper, and dummy noun. Examples and Observations You need something to sell. Now this could be anything. It could be a thingamajig. Or a whosi-whatsi. Or [pulls out a Watchamacallit candy bar from his pocket] a Whatchamacallit.(Steve Carell as Michael Scott in Business Office, The Office)Work, the whats-its-name of the thingummy and the thing-um-a-bob of the what dyou-call-it.(P.G. Wodehouse, Psmith, Journalist, 1915)I have unspiked the sliding doors at the far end of the barn, so that the greatly increased flow of visitors can move past the whatchamacallit without eddies and backwash. In one end they go, and out the other. (Kurt Vonnegut, Bluebeard. Delacorte Press, 1987)It will do magic,Believe it or not,Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.Now Salagadoola meansA-Menchika-boola-roo,But the thingamabobThat does the jobIs Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.(Al Hoffman, Mack David, and Jerry Livingston, Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo. Cinderella, 1950) Doodad doodad n (Variations: do-dad or do-funny or doofunny or do-hickey or doohickey or do-hinky or doohinky or do-jigger or doojigger or doowhangam or do-whistle or doowhistle or do-willie or doowillie) Any unspecified or unspecifiable thing: something one does not know the name of or does not wish to name. (Barbara Ann Kipfer and Robert L. Chapman, American Slang, 4th ed. Collins Reference, 2008) Placeholders Placeholders . . . have little or no semantic meaning and should rather be interpreted pragmatically. The placeholder words that Channell discusses... are thing, thingummy (with the variants thingummyjig and thingummybob), whatsisname, whatnot, whosit, and whatsit... Incidentally, they are all defined as slang in Cassells Dictionary of Slang (2000)... The situation where the next dialogue occurs reveals that Fanny does not know the name of the boy who was laughing with Achil and uses thingie as a placeholder: Fanny: And I walked off and like I just walked away and Achil and thingy were laughing at, you know, just not at me at how how crap [name]Kate: [Yeah.]Fanny: had been and how I had to go away.(142304: 13-215) Thingamajig occurs four times with reference to an object and twice with reference to a person. In (107) we meet 14-year-old Carola and Semantha . . . from Hackney: Carola: Can I borrow your thingamajig?Semantha: I dont know what thingamajig it is.(14078-34) Semanthas reaction shows that there is no doubt that thingamajig belongs to the category of vague words. It obviously refers to an object that Carola would like to borrow, but Semantha apparently has no idea of what she is referring to. (Anna-Brita Stenstrà ¶m et al., Trends in Teenage Talk: Corpus Compilation, Analysis, and Findings. John Benjamins, 2002) Douglas Adams on the Placeholder in Do-Re-Mi One particularly niggling piece of Unfinished Business, it occurred to me the other day in the middle of a singing session with my five-year-old daughter, is the lyrics to ‘Do-Re-Mi,’ from The Sound of Music... Each line of the lyric takes the names of a note from the sol-fa scale, and gives it meaning: ‘Do (doe), a deer, a female deer; Re (ray), a drop of golden sun,’ etc. All well and good so far. ‘Mi (me), a name I call myself; Fa (far), a long, long way to run.’ Fine. I’m not saying this is Keats, exactly, but it’s a perfectly good conceit and it’s working consistently. And here we go into the home stretch. ‘So (sew), a needle pulling thread.’ Yes, good. ‘La, a note to follow so . . . What? Excuse me? ‘La, a note to follow so . . . What kind of lame excuse for a line is that?â€Å"Well, it’s obvious what kind of line it is. It’s a placeholder. A placeholder is what a writer puts in when he can’t think of the right line or idea just at the moment, but he’d better put in something and come back and fix it later. So, I imagine that Oscar Hammerstein just bunged in a ‘a note to follow so’ and thought he’d have another look at it in the morning.Only when he came to have another look at it in the morning, he couldn’t come up with anything better. Or the next morning. Come on, he must have thought, this is simple. Isn’t it? La . . . a something, something ... what?’...â€Å"How difficult can it be? How about this for a suggestion? ‘La, a ... a ...--well, I can’t think of one at the moment, but I think that if the whole world pulls together on this, we can crack it.(Douglas Adams, Unfinished Business of the Century. The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time. Macmillan, 2002)
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Marketing - 1580 Words
ASSIGNMENT QUESTION Marketing Plan: Your company has just developed a new sports drink that is in a container which will keep it cool for up to 6 hours. Write a 3 page paper discussing how you would market the product. Running Head: COOL CONTAINERS MARKETING PLAN 1 Cool-Containers Marketing Plan COOL-CONTAINERS MARKETING PLAN 2 Abstract Cool-Containers, a successful company has recently developed a new and improved sports drink. This sports drink comes in a newly designed container that keeps it cold for a maximum of 6 hours. As a way to†¦show more content†¦Innovation will be the solution to many problems including who has the issue, the number of organizations who have it, and what is the value to them. Differentiation Cool-Containers key strategy of marketing will be built on the differentiation of products. The implementation of the marketing strategy will indicate that when the company uses their competitive edge an emphasis can be made in contrast to the competitors that the sports drink products have an additional value; the drinks now are sold in containers that are reusable. These containers can keep all kinds of liquids to an ideal temperature up to a maximum of 6 hours no matter what season it is or the consumers surrounding environment. In addition, the company puts out a new flavor (strawberry) with the exact quality of the entire line of products that keeps the company among first place in the market. An advantage of differentiation strategy is the product will be very difficult for competitors to copy (Turock, 2004). This kind of advantage will give the company a window of opportunity to prepare new strategies for marketing and financials, as a means of response to the reactio n of the competition. In the future this window of opportunity will give Cool-Containers a means to create a strategy of Cost Leadership in general. By the company using their own experience the opportunity is there to improve reduction in cost and offer prices that are lower thanShow MoreRelatedMarketing Analysis : Marketing And Marketing966 Words  | 4 Pagesreflect back over these last five weeks I now have a clearer view of marketing and how it affects not just the consumers of the world and the companies with their marketing managers, but how it affects me. Yes, I am a consumer who clips coupons, budgets my finances, and looks for sale items and this marketing class has taught me that marketing is more than selling or advertising. Marketing managers have a difficult job, as marketing involves identifying, meeting and satisfying the needs of customersRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing And Marketing1486 Words  | 6 Pagesthis day and age, marketing plays a pivotal role in the business environment. Marketing is dynamic, complicated and challenging. The basic concept of marketing is to identify the need of human and society, and research how to satisfy and create those need. According to American Marketing Association (AMA), defining that marketing is the processed activity which communicate and exchange valuable offerings to customers (AMA, 2013). To be more precise, the main mission of marketing is choosing targetRead MoreMarketing Concept Of Marketing : Marketing1651 Words  | 7 PagesMarketing concept Marketing plays a major function in any business organisation. The essence of marketing is about designing and managing a product and generating exchanges of value from where both the customer and the organisation can attain benefits. Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large (Solomon, Marshall Stuart, 2009, p.13). MarketersRead MoreMarketing Functions Of Marketing And Marketing1229 Words  | 5 Pagestrends, the marketing function is used as a measure in the business-to-business practice, to capture and place varied products in a market place (Kono, 2004). A typical market function provides details regarding the planning, information, product distribution, consumer support, risk taking, financing, and standardization and grading amongst other things (Makloof and Sundberg, 2006). In business a market function acts in respect to the corporate marketing, strategic marketing, field marketing and analysisRead MoreMarketing Concept Of Marketing And Marketing1413 Words  | 6 PagesMARKETING CONCEPT Marketing is an act of promoting and selling products or a service, this also includes marketing research and advertising. The marketing concept is the philosophy used by companies to analyse the needs of their customers so they can be better than the competition. As well as this they must also take into consideration the companies capabilities and the environment it is working in, as they can face the pressures of environmental changes. By using the marketing concept companiesRead MoreMarketing Orientation : Marketing And Marketing1450 Words  | 6 Pages A wide range of companies today prefer to adopt the marketing orientated approach to sell their new products rather than using product orientation before.In fact,marketing orientation also helps such companies to earn more profits in the long time.According to Jobber and Ellis Chadwick (2013),marketing orientation focuses on customers need as the primary drivers of organizational performance.However,this is not always the case. Product orientation still be used by some senior executives and thisRead MoreMarketing : Marketing And Relationship Marketing Essay1359 Words  | 6 PagesIntegrating Marketing With the shift in the external marketing environments, Apple has also shifted its marketing strategy. It personalizes marketing through experiential marketing and relationship marketing. â€Å"Experiential marketing promotes a product by not only communicating a product’s features and benefits but also connecting it with unique and interesting consumer experiences†(Strategic Brand Management, P. 181). Customers can easily experience a sense of community every time they walk in intoRead MoreMarketing Mix Of Marketing And Marketing1001 Words  | 5 PagesIn The cutting edge world of marketing dated back in the late 1950s, the four Ps were called the marketing mix, meaning that a marketing plan is a mix of four components. A company who has adopted 4P approach focuses on product, whereas company who has adopted the value approach focuses on value to the consumer. One of other marketing mix is the Value approach. This approach concentrates on delivering value to the consumers or customers, the 4Ps approach is evidently concentrated not on customersRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing And Marketing1770 Words  | 8 PagesWhat is Marketing? A plethora of individuals seem to be misinformed about marketing. Several of these individuals believe that marketing is just advertising. Others will tell you that marketing is all about sales, insinuating that all marketers are just salesmen. Now these beliefs are both right and wrong. â€Å"How can they both be right and wrong at the same time?†you may be asking yourself. Well they are right, because marketing encompasses both advertising and sales. They are both wrong by assumingRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing And Marketing1878 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Marketing research is the process that associates the consumers, customers, and end users to the marketer through information  information used to classify and describe marketing prospects and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and development understanding of marketing as a process. Marketing research identifies the information required to address these issues, designs the method for collecting information, manages and implements
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Poverty Income and Social Protection
Question: Describe about the Poverty for Income and Social Protection? Answer: Child Poverty in Britain: an analysis of the causes and effects: A child who is orphan, comes from a lower income family or belongs to a family that cannot meet the basic standard of living suffers from child poverty. They dont get the basic needs of life. Generally a mass population belonging to child poverty is considered to reside in developing or under-developed countries. But there are also many developed countries where children suffer from poverty. Reasons such as lack of education, policy of government, adult poverty, discrimination and disability, social services and unemployment are the general causes of poverty (Hoefer and Midgley, n.d.). They affect the presence of poverty in a child to a great extent. As a result of poverty children may suffer from issues regarding their behavioral and intellectual development. The children also suffer from health problems like malnutrition and hunger pain. The effects of child poverty are severe because children are the future of a society, if a certain level of children suffers from various health issues then in future a vast number of population may possibly suffer health problem in future to which the productivity of a nation would become low. In order to eradicate child poverty it is important to provide free food and education to children. The Government must take initiative to provide benefits in order to help children to get a proper atmosphere. It has been often found that children suffering from poverty become a victim of anti-social behavior. The Government should try to increase wage for the poor earning group and introduce per time works for teen-age children which are non-harming in nature (Saunders, 2012). The British Government is responsible for breaking the connection of being born as a poor and still suffering as a poor. It is important for a country and every citizen to help the child who suffers from poverty not just because children are innocent and they should be taken care of but keeping in mind that they are going to be the pillars of Future. References Hoefer, R. and Midgley, J. (n.d.).Poverty, Income and Social Protection. Saunders, P. (2012). Changing Fortunes: Income Mobility and Poverty Dynamics in Britain - By Stephen Jenkins.Social Policy Administration, 46(3), pp.346-348.
Monday, December 2, 2019
John Rawls A Theory of Justice
Table of Contents Introduction The Two Principles Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In A Theory of Justice, John Rawls deliberates on how applying logic in justice principles would solve common problems like societal structures, assigning right duties to individuals and distribution of economic and social advantages to all people in society among other pertinent issues. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Instead of concerning himself with the elusive notion of restoring justice in any unjust society, Rawls’ elementary duty in this book is to come up with principles of justice that would be universally applicable and used in shaping an ideal society. To some extent, Rawls borrows from Immanuel Kant’s principles of ethics that campaign for principles of nature where an individual has to do to others as he or she would expect them to do to him or her. According to Rawls, principles that would govern a society are principles chosen by individuals if they were in an ‘original position’ and they acted rationally having mutual neutrality. To expound these principles of justice, Rawls came up with two principles of justice viz. ‘Principle of Equal Liberty†and â€Å"Difference Principle.†These principles can be understood better by looking into what Rawls calls â€Å"Original Position’ and â€Å"Veil of Ignorance.†If people acted or chose situations that are ‘ideal’ for them with neutrality, then justice would become fair and this would overcome the infringements presented by theory of utilitarianism. Rawls provides a strong argument for these principles and these principles are good justice principles. The Two Principles Before putting forward his two principles of justice, Rawls begins with expounding a hypothetical ‘original position†™ that each individual should adopt. At this position, the involved parties would determine precepts of justice from behind a ‘veil of ignorance.†The ‘veil’ mentioned here would fundamentally subterfuge people from recognizing any facts about themselves hence eliminate the possibility of littering justice with personal issues. Rawls says, â€Å"no one knows his place in society, his class position or social status, nor does anyone know his fortune in the distribution of natural assets and abilities, his intelligence, strength, and the like. Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More I shall even assume that the parties do not know their conceptions of the good or their special psychological propensities. The principles of justice are chosen behind a veil of ignorance†((Perry, Bratman Fisher 580). Therefore, in accordance with this argument, there would be no class, talents or any social distinction in the society. Rawls approaches this issue from hypothetical ‘original point’ to eliminate personal issues that litter justice principles. For long, people have made decisions and passed justice based on personal likes and dislikes without considering the other party. Rawls uses this ‘original position, to attain a neutral ground where individuals would pass judgment that they would wish to be passed on them if they were in the shoes of their subjects. This is where Rawls agrees with Kantian Ethics that are rooted on natural law of doing to others, as one would wish to be done to him or her. In other words, it is a case of one giving what he or she would expect to get back. Rawls’ original position eliminates personal interests and the eventual justice would be fair to all people in society. If justice would be decided from the ‘original position’, it would be fair for all. Rawls assumes that partie s in the ‘original position’ would agree to his two principles of justice because of the following reasons: firstly, given the fact that these parties do not know their position in society neither do they know their class, there is a probability that they would end up in any class or get any natural asset. Therefore, due to this uncertainty, these parties would try their best to ensure that the justice passed favors all people regardless of their classes. In any case, an individual in the ‘original position’ would be passing judgment for him/herself. Considering this, all individuals would pass judgments that favor themselves to ensure that if they find themselves in any class, they would be comfortable in it. Therefore, in a bid to create an ideal situation that would favor the maker of the situation, the overall justice would be fair to all. It is natural that people want the best things for themselves; therefore, they would come up with structures that are best for themselves and because they do not know where they would be in future, the overall judgment would be ‘best’ for them and ‘fair’ to everyone else. Moreover, Rawls thinks that people in the ‘original position’ would agree to his two principles because these principles gives a standard way out in distributing natural resources, economic and social advantages in societies. However, what are these principles?Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As aforementioned, Rawls puts forward two principles of justice viz. ‘Principle of Equal Liberty’ and ‘Difference Principle.’ The principle of equal liberty states that, â€Å"each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive scheme of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar scheme of liberties for others†( Rawls 301). On the other side the Difference Principle states that, â€Å"Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that; they are to be of the greatest benefit to the least-advantaged members of society, and offices and positions must be open to everyone under conditions of fair equality of opportunity†(Rawls 303). The principle of equal liberty is egalitarian for it ensures that every person gets equal liberties. In this case, justice would prevail and societies would be structured in a way that would allow mutual understanding. This first principle is absolute in its nature, and to some extent, it echoes libertarianism whereby people will have right to speech. However, Rawls admits that on its own, this first principle may not address all issues facing the society. Therefore, he throws in the second principle and he is quick to point out that the second principle is important but for it to be realized, the first principle has to be fully applied. The second principle does not substitute the first; on contrary, it complements it by adding some specifications that the first principle may not address. The second principle as aforementioned is the Difference Principle. Rawls divides this principle into two clauses addressing the same issue of social inequalities. The first clause calls for distribution economic and social disparities in a way that, â€Å"they are to be of the greatest benefit to the least-advantaged members of society†(Rawls 303). This clause differs from the first principle by eliminating the egalitarian bit of it. It allows some people to have benefits over others; however, these benefits should be of great help to the less fortunate in society. For instance, talented people in society may have benefits over others; however, they should use these talents appropriately and channel their results back into society for the help of least talented in society. In principle, even though they have their talents, they s hould not use them for their own good.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The second part of difference principle states that economic and social disparities should be distributed in a way that, â€Å"offices and positions must be open to everyone under conditions of fair equality of opportunity†(Perry, Bratman Fisher 578). This part is egalitarian just like the first principle for it calls for equality at all levels. Rawls explains these principles well by putting sense into them in a way that would compel someone to accept them. For instance, considering difference principle, Rawls provides a sustainable social structure that would eliminate injustice. The difference principle calls for formulation of projects that would allow some people to have more benefits in society than others. Some people would have more incomes, status and so forth over others. For instance, managers in blue chip companies would earn high salaries than street cleaners. This is logical and acceptable. People with talents in society would be allowed to pursue their tale nts and have higher social status than others. Rawls is fine with all these possibilities. Nevertheless, such disparities would only be allowed under certain controlled conditions that would allow better lives for the least advantaged people in society. Rawls puts forward two conditions; one, these disparities would be allowed if their outcome have direct or indirect positive effects in empowering the least advantaged in society. For instance, if paying a blue chip company manager millions of dollars would benefit the least advantaged, then so be it. As long as the outcome of such disparity is improving livelihood of the poor and less fortunate in society, then it is allowed. Secondly, Rawls indicates that as long as the procedure of accessing high posts in society is free and fair, void of irrelevant criteria and discrimination, then it is all right. Moreover, the difference principle addresses other ethical theories like the socialist idea, which calls for distribution of respons ibilities and benefits based on ability and need respectively. In essence, the least advantaged people in society have more needs whilst those greatly advantaged have the highest responsibilities. This boils down to merit where skills are rewarded and at this point, Rawls’ principles become good principles of justice. The society has for long promoted courses that would benefit only those who are well off in society leaving the least disadvantaged to groan under poverty and misery. However, Rawls first clause of the second principle of justice eliminates this problem. People should only change economic and social institutions if only they will benefit all people in society not the well off alone. For instance, there would be a proposal that seeks to allow erection of a nuclear plant in a family neighborhood whereby, the families around the nuclear plant would not benefit; however, the plant would provide well-paying jobs to professionals who are already well off. Under, Raw ls’ principles, this nuclear plant would not come to be; however, in contemporary society, this plant would be introduced regardless of the plight of the neighboring families. This is unfair; it is injustice. In the wake of these facts, Rawls’ principles of justice stand out as a better way out of the quagmire that societies have plunged into. Rawls’ principles are even better than utilitarianism. According to Perry, Bratman, and Fisher, utilitarianism states that as long as actions promote felicity, they qualify as ‘good’ actions (589). However, Rawls offers a better approach in addressing pleasure and happiness. Utilitarianism has many infringements that violate basic human rights; however, Rawls’ principles allows for equality and at the same time allow individuals to do what they love doing hence become happy. The difference between the two is what takes precedence over what. While in utilitarianism, the quest to derive felicity and plea sure takes precedence over human rights, Rawls’ principles are the exact opposite. Equality should prevail and this is why Rawls starts by taking people back to the ‘original position.’ After ensuring that equality prevails, Rawls then incorporates the issue of deriving happiness. In essence, if what an individual is doing does not benefit other people in society, it is wrong whether it brings happiness or not. Rawls’ principles are good because if societies are structured according to his suggestions, then at least everyone will be happy in society because justice would be fair for every body. Otherwise, without adopting these principles, societies would continue to suffer social injustices because social classes and positions have allowed people to pass biased judgments that benefit them alone. Conclusion Rawls comes out clearly in his principles of Justice. He starts by referring people to make judgments from an ‘original position’ covered with a ‘veil of ignorance.’ This veil covers people from acknowledging their interests, status, or positions in society. At this point, people would make judgments and decisions that are fair to everyone because these decision makers do not know where they would belong in future; therefore, they would pass judgments that are ‘best’ for themselves thus making the judgments fair to everyone. Rawls then gives his two principles. The first one is an egalitarian principle calling for equal distribution of liberties to all people in society. This provision eliminates many injustices while the second principle furnishes what the first does not address adequately. This second principle allows classes in society only if the outcome of such classes would be for the benefit of the least advantaged in society. Rawls provides a strong argument for these principles and these principles are good justice principles because they address pertinent issues of injustice in s ociety. They are better than utilitarianism for their basic objective is upholding human rights as opposed to utilitarianism’s happiness. Works Cited Perry, John, Bratman, Michael, Fisher, Martin. â€Å"Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings.†New York; Oxford University Press, 2006. Rawls, John. â€Å"A Theory of Justice.†Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971. This essay on John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice was written and submitted by user Daisy Yates to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
When Mao died his only legacy was the political and economic devastation of China Essay Example
When Mao died his only legacy was the political and economic devastation of China Essay Example When Mao died his only legacy was the political and economic devastation of China Essay When Mao died his only legacy was the political and economic devastation of China Essay Mao Tse-tung (Zedong) was the official first leader to The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and no other name in the history of modern China has a more synonymous connotation with the total practice of communism and collectivism than Mao. Born on December 28, 1893, Mao was brought up in a predominantly non-industrialized, agrarian society that had gone through little social change in centuries. The country suffered from extreme poverty, isolationism, illiteracy, disease and infighting among various political figures. A natural born charismatic leader, Mao had an insightful view into the feelings of his countrymen. Beginning in the 1920s and through the 1940s, his communist lead revolution was able to out fight and maneuver an invading Japanese army and effectually push out his Nationalist Party rival, Chaing Kai-shek. While the Marxist theory of communism focused more on a working class party, Mao was able to take the men and women of China’s farming class and bring about a far-reaching revolutionary change. The beginnings of Mao’s leadership lent great promise but his actions after the revolution in regards to the â€Å"Great Leap Forwards†resulted in seeing millions of his countrymen die, than a change for the better. During Chairman Mao’s Great Leap Forward campaign, it seemed to be his genuine intention to bring China into a new age and â€Å"walk on two legs†, as he like to refer to it. The analogy was the understanding that one leg cannot propel a man forward, and it takes two entities working together for the need of the body as a whole. Mao simultaneously wanted to boost farm production and modernize industry like others had done. However, his hasty idea of turning farmers into an industrial working class of people to advance China was an utter disaster. In historian, Frank Dikotter’s work, â€Å"Mao’s Great Famine: The History of China’s most devastating catastrophe, 1958-62†we learn in detail about the effects of Mao’s Great Leap Forward campaign. We read in part, Signs of famine had appeared in 1958. In the first half of 1959 starvation became widespread, as villagers were hit by increased procurements ordered by the state. Evan a zealot like Tan Zhenlin estimated that as early as January some 5 million people were suffering from famine oedema, 750,000 having starved to death. Zhou Enlai put the letter figure at 120,000. Both men were far below the mark, but had little incentive to investigate further. Mao was aware of the famine but downplayed it by circulating reports showing that villages in distressed regions were getting enough food, up to half a kilo per day in model province Henan. On the ground, local cadres were unsure how to respond, bewildered by the shifting and contradictory signals emerging from Beijing. At the top of the leadership was taken aback by Mao’s outburst in Shanghai; it was an omen of things to come (Dikotter, P. 89). It has been stated that when Mao died after his 30-year reign, his only legacy was the political and economic devastation of China. In my research I will attempt to explain why the policies of Mao propelled China into a regressed state rather than a progressive one. I will explain why Mao’s policies failed along with comparing them, to a lesser degree, to his successful field campaigns before his role as Chairman.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Mental Health In Kenya Africa Social Work Essay Essays
Mental Health In Kenya Africa Social Work Essay Essays Mental Health In Kenya Africa Social Work Essay Essay Mental Health In Kenya Africa Social Work Essay Essay In many African states, mental wellness has long been a major concern. This concern is heightened by critical events characteristic of Africa, such as corruptness, political convulsion, poorness, the refugee state of affairs, and deficiency of H2O and other basic necessities of life ; the list is eternal. All of these factors add up to exercise enormous force per unit areas on the African household, by and large, and the person, in peculiar. In most instances, when physical and psychological demands compete, the physical are addressed at the disbursal of the psychological ( Gichinga, 2003 ) . Experts in the Fieldss of instruction, medical specialty, psychological science, and sociology portion a common concern over the dismaying degree of emphasis that both the immature and the old in Africa experience in their day-to-day activities. The cumulative effects of these force per unit areas are countless and frequently negative, including anxiousness, depression, craze, paranoia, and schi zophrenic disorder. Many of the victims of these force per unit areas besides end up mistreating intoxicant and drugs, ordaining gender-based force, prosecuting in promiscuous sex, and even perpetrating self-destruction ( McGuiness, et al 2005 ) . Mental Illnesss Are Different With most physical diseases, physicians diagnose the bodily manifestations of the unwellness, inform the patient of the forecast, and urge a class of intervention. Doctors, as opposed to every other group, have been awarded the right to handle unwellnesss, prescribe medicine, if necessary even cut the organic structure, and by and large take control of the patient in an attempt to mend him or her. However, with mental unwellness, several differences are obvious. The first job is that there are no research lab tests that can help the physician in his or her diagnosing ( Okatcha, et al 2003 ) . No blood or urine trial is available to articulate the patient mentally sick. Consequently, there is a great sum of fluctuation in the diagnosing of a mental upset, with changing dependability between head-shrinkers as to what specific unwellness they are seeing and what to make about it. The 2nd difference between medical and mental unwellness is that the consumers have been afforded certain rights and protections in covering with doctors and head-shrinkers ( Wrenn, 1962 ) . It is estimated that there are about 3,000 psychologists and professional counsellors ( with counsellors outnumbering psychologists ) in Kenya, which has a population of about 30.5 million ( Okatcha, et al 2003 ) . There are three groups of mental wellness suppliers in Kenya: the first group is psychologists who have maestro s grades in guidance, clinical or research ; the 2nd group is that of professional counsellors who have a unmarried man s grade either in psychological science or other related subjects, such as sociology, nursing, or instruction, and a maestro s grade in reding. In this 2nd group of professional counsellors, there are those who do non hold a grade, but have done extended preparation in focussed countries of involvement such as HIV/AIDS guidance ( Archarya, 2001 ) . The 3rd group consists of counsellors with really limited preparation in psychological science. Inclusion of these different professional groups is of import in understanding the range and hereafter o f psychological science in Kenya. In this thesis, I will mention chiefly to the first and 2nd group of mental wellness suppliers. Newly Acquired Rights Prior to the mid- 20th century, there was small concern for the rights of the mentally ill. Family members could easy happen a head-shrinker willing to specify a individual mentally sick and have him or her committed to a province infirmary. Rosenhan in 1973 demonstrated the easiness with which alternate patients ( graduate pupils stating they were hearing voices ) could be institutionalized in the province psychiatric infirmaries in California ( McGuiness, et al 2005 ) . The survey besides documented the trouble these patients had in seeing a head-shrinker for intervention and, consequently, the troubles in turn outing that they were sane and ready to be released. Through legislative reform, precedent-making instances, and category action suits following the forms of civil rights statute law, the rights of mentally sick individuals have become widely protected and enforced ( Okatcha, et al 2003 ) s. In 1986, the federal authorities passed the Protection and Advocacy Bill, sing tha t every province will hold a province office that has as its primary mission protecting the rights of mentally handicapped people. This is a landmark in the historical March of rights for mentally sick people. Deinstitutionalization and Involuntary Hospitalization for a Mental Illness The influence of altering legal sentiment on mental wellness intervention is clear when merely one statistic is reported. Prior to 1970, 90 per centum of all mental patients were committed to hospital attention involuntarily and the majority of all patient attention episodes took topographic point in mental infirmaries. In the 1980s these figures changed. The intended intent of judicial engagement in the committedness procedure is threefold ( James, et al 2002 ) . First, by set uping due procedure for the mentally sick, the person presumptively is protected from arbitrary province action that could strip a individual of civil autonomies. Second, judicial overview presumptively protects the community from those who are unsafe to the populace. Third, judicial engagement can convey individuals who are unsafe to themselves, but unaware of their demand for aid, into the intervention system. Deinstitutionalization and Public Awareness The function or influence of societal scientific discipline ( and research by and large ) on public policy is often debated. However, in the field of mental wellness policy, it is by and large agreed that societal scientists did act upon the form of the deinstitutionalization motion and sped the patient s rights motions. Thomas Szasz, the controversial head-shrinker, wrote several books that were widely read both by mental wellness experts and the populace at big ( Archarya, 2001 ) . His work was often quoted in the legal Jockey shortss of the seminal instances. His Myth of Mental Illness ( 1961 ) and Manufacture of Madness ( 1970 ) argued that the mentally sick were being labeled and so put into a coercive system dominated by head-shrinkers, non because they had an identifiable unwellness, but because they violated our societal norms and were populating a different life style that the dominant civilization found endangering. Abominable conditions bing in mental infirmaries were one time once more popularized in Ken Kesey novel One Flew over the Cuckoo s Nest ( 1962 ) and subsequently made into a widely seen film. And Irving Goffman Asylums ( 1961 ) brought place the systematic negative impact that establishments ( entire establishments ) had upon their inmates ( Dhadphale et Al. 1983 ) . These influences affected the thought of the tribunals and were responsible for conveying about alterations in the committedness Torahs throughout the provinces. Barrier and Supports Psychiatrists trained before the 1960s presumed that their work with mentally sick individuals would concentrate on clinical diagnosings and intervention intercessions. Few anticipated the dramatic alterations in the pattern of psychopathology brought about by alterations in the Torahs and tribunal determinations ( McGuiness, et al 2005 ) . Challenges emerged to such basic inquiries as who is mentally sick, who is in demand of intervention, when is a individual likely to go unsafe, who should take antipsychotic medicines, and when should individuals be treated against their will. These challenges were coming from patients, advocators, household members, and other aligned mental wellness professionals. Many head-shrinkers and other mental wellness professionals see active adversarial lawyers and hawkish former patients. . . [ as assailing ] both the being of mental unwellness and the ability of head-shrinkers to name and handle it ( Acuda, 2003 ) . Clinicians, lawyers, and civil rig hts militants see the basic issues environing the definitions and intervention agreements for mentally sick individuals otherwise. Clinicians often see lawyers as chiefly concerned with the processs, methods, and legal rules of a instance, instead than with the existent results for an single client. Attorneys see clinicians as excessively confident about the impact of their intervention modes and insufficiently concerned about the rights and picks of their patients. Civil rights militants are most concerned about the possible loss of a patient s autonomies resulting from the psychiatric intervention itself every bit good as the effects and concentrate on protections for mentally sick individuals ( Okatcha, et al 2003 ) . Each perspective positions the other with dismay and at times these points of position come into terrible struggle. These differences are clearly seen in the public debates over altering Torahs and administrative processs, every bit good as what is considered the pu blic authorization to care for mentally sick individuals. Over the last two decennaries, clinicians themselves have begun to analyze their premises about what behaviour sufficiently justifies striping person of autonomy in the name of intervention. The class of mental upsets for which nonvoluntary intervention is justified has been narrowed and has become more clearly defined through behavioural properties. Now, the theoretical account committedness legislative act proposed by the American Psychiatric Association defines a terrible mental upset as an unwellness, disease, organic encephalon upset, or other status that ( 1 ) well impairs the individual s idea, perceptual experience of world, emotional hurt, or judgement or ( 2 ) well impairs behaviour as manifested by recent disturbed behaviour ( McGuiness, et al 2005 ) . However, most tribunals continue to be chiefly concerned with the issue of dangerousness and in pattern are less concerned with the grounds for mental unwellness, irrespective of how it is defined ( Hiday, 1977 ) . Anoth er interesting tendency is that while civil rights militants criticize head-shrinkers for their wide latitude in specifying mental unwellness, for fright that individuals non mentally ill will be involuntarily committed, many clinicians themselves are concerned that the tribunals are perpetrating people who meet the dangerousness standards, but are nontreatable individuals in footings of presently available psychiatric intervention modes ( James, et al 2002 ) . Therefore they complain that the tribunals are make fulling the infirmaries with individuals who interfere with the effectual intervention of other truly mentally sick individuals who could profit from known psychiatric intercessions. By 1970, every province had revised its legislative acts to include either unsafe to oneself or dangerous to others as one necessary standard for a civil committedness ( James, et al 2002 ) . By 1983, twelve provinces required grounds of clear physical danger or an identifiable act to run into the dangerousness criterion. Almost every other had included it as one of the standards in its committedness legislative acts. However, the ability of a head-shrinker to foretell a individual s likeliness of going unsafe has been badly challenged by recent surveies. So has the impression that a mentally sick individual is more likely than anyone else to perpetrate an act of force ( Koinange A ; Asakhulu, 2003 ) . A survey conducted by the American Civil Liberties Union concluded that it now seems beyond difference that mental wellness professionals have no particular expertness in foretelling unsafe behaviour either to oneself or to others. In fact, anticipations of dangerousness are incorr ect about 95 per centum of the clip ( Archarya, 2001 ) . Yet many tribunals, irrespective of statutory alterations necessitating the dangerousness standard, continue to presume that mentally sick individuals are unsafe to themselves entirely by virtuousness of their upsets. And many Judgess continue to believe that clinicians are the most appropriate individuals to do recommendations to the tribunal refering committednesss of mentally sick individuals even though their ability to foretell dangerousness is hapless ( Acuda, 2003 ) . Again, different groups of professionals have reacted with different places to the demand that dangerousness be predictable before committedness may be ordered. Most mental wellness professionals have rejected dangerousness as a necessary component for committedness for a assortment of grounds. Many mental wellness professionals believe that dangerousness, as such, is non a clinical concept and that the intent of nonvoluntary hospitalization ( or any intervention mode ) is to supply effectual intervention to mentally ill individuals ( Gichinga, 2003 ) . Some head-shrinkers openly suggest that unsafe patients may non be treatable and are simply utilizing up scarce clip and resources that would be better spent with other types of clients who are conformable to intervention. Still others assert that there are many earnestly mentally sick individuals who are treatable and who would non run into the dangerousness standards, but who reject voluntary intervention and therefore travel withou t intervention, though they would hold benefited from such intercessions. Activities This illustration may show the complexness of the protagonism attack for societal workers. An protagonism group was concerned with protecting the confidentiality of colza victims who were being counseled at a Rape Crisis Center housed in a infirmary. They were protesting the pattern of get offing measures straight to the insured party for medical and reding services provided by the colza centre. ( The group was concerned because in many instances the female victim was non the individual responsible for the medical insurance payment. In such instances, the infirmary s measure would be sent to a hubby or male parent, whom the victim may non hold told about the colza ) ( Gichinga, 2003 ) . The advocators assumed that the charge process was the duty of the infirmary and therefore aimed a letter-writing run at that mark. Later it was learned that the charge process had been designed by the infirmary s medical insurance bearer and non the infirmary. The infirmary was an wrong mark and shou ld non hold been the focal point of the scheme if the advocators were traveling to convey about their coveted alteration. Concentrating on a determination shaper who does non hold the ability to convey about the coveted alteration is clearly an unsuccessful scheme to accomplish the ends the protagonism group seeks. And possibly every bit of import, it may hold damaging effects to the repute of the protagonism group that has expended attempt and energy futilely ( Dhadphale et Al. 1983 ) . Obviously no scheme, nevertheless orderly, can convey about a coveted alteration if the mark selected is unable to make what is being requested ( or even demanded ) . A important undertaking in specifying a job is to detect who is chiefly responsible for the continuance of the job. Who or what ( in the instance of Torahs and policies ) is responsible for the state of affairs as it is ; and who or what has the power to convey about a alteration? This important constituent of the job work outing procedure in protagonism is often glossed over and groups assume they know where the venue of control lies ( McGuiness, et al 2005 ) . Frequently, they are wrong. Frequently, good schemes fail because the purpose is on the incorrect mark. Policy Models for Successful Advocacy Gichinga, ( 2003 ) describes six distinguishable policy theoretical accounts which he contends one must take among if one is to choose an intercession scheme that will win. The first, called the institutional theoretical account, focuses on policy as the end product of governmental establishments. For illustration, an organisation seeking to alter a policy must cognize if the policy is a province policy, a county policy, or an administrative edict. After determining that important information, protagonism attempts can so concentrate on the structural agreements that are presently promoting that degree of institutional end product, and alter them in order to convey about structural degree alterations. In contrast, Dye s 2nd theoretical account, called the procedure theoretical account, focuses on the existent inside informations of the determination devising activities. Who really makes the determination that is of importance to the protagonism group? The inquiry now is, who is doing the policy and why is s/he making it that manner? What type of information is needed to convert the policy shaper ( or his or her mention group ) to see doing a alteration? ( Koinange A ; Asakhulu, 2003 ) Interpersonal influencing, persuasion, lobbying and attesting at legislative commission hearings, carry oning studies, composing studies, and assemblage and describing out informations are successful techniques when intercessions and schemes are being designed to alter determinations. The group theory theoretical account sees intergroup relationships as the key to job work outing. The focal point here is on interaction between political groups and the persons with shared involvements who have coalesced for political intents ( Okatcha, et al 2003 ) . Strategies that construct a strong political base of citizens are normally successful in conveying about coveted alteration. But others see an elect theory theoretical account as the most accurate portraiture of American policy theoretical accounts for political protagonism. Elite theory positions public policy as mostly determined by the penchants and values of a really little and powerful regulating elite ( Ndirangu, 2006 ) . Merely when these elite see a alteration to be in its opportunism will alter occur. Thus schemes include happening a self-interested ground for the elite to accept ( or better yet support ) the coveted alteration. The most often studied theoretical account among pupils of policy analysis is the rational or efficiency theoretical account. This theoretical account assumes that policy devising is a rational and logical procedure. After all of the costs and benefits of every option have been calculated, assessed and considered, the best option is rationally chosen ( Gichinga, 2003 ) . Whether this is possible in the existent universe and how close analysts can come to retroflexing the ideal is a major argument in the field. The spread between the analysis on paper and the political worlds of really acquiring the needed information and implementing the best option is the major drawback with this theoretical account ( James, et al 2002 ) . And eventually, the incremental theoretical account of policy alteration sees public policy as mostly a continuance of past policies marked merely by little incremental alterations that seldom change the general way of the position quo. This theoretical account is conservative and merely marginally antiphonal to the unfairnesss that exist in society, but is the least hazardous, normally the least expensive, and the most politically expedient. While there are many theoretical accounts of societal policy and societal action in the literature, there are comparatively few for the advocator. One job is that there is a hapless degree of job conceptualisation for the advocator to work with. If a job is non defined clearly, equal analysis is virtually impossible and any resulting schemes are improbable to be successful ( Ndirangu, 2006 ) . Whereas the job in the colza centre illustration cited antecedently was comparatively simple, advocators find that exactly specifying the job they are wor king on is normally much more complex. Every societal job may be understood from a assortment of positions. The implicit in cause of a societal job may be multifaceted, so that one political analysis and a different economic analysis may both be right. Albeit, the logical scheme designed to convey about alteration will differ harmonizing to the position chosen ( Dhadphale et Al. 1983 ) . Every component of the advocator s program hinges on the first measure the definition of the job. If several protagonism groups use different job conceptualisations, they will develop different intercession schemes that may later vie with one another and work against their chief intent. A authoritative societal work illustration may be seen in the battle for licencing professional societal workers ( Koinange A ; Asakhulu, 2003 ) . Many provinces succeeded in set uping enfranchisement or licensing for societal workers at a clip when private pattern societal work was turning and occupations in the populace sector were shriveling. Therefore, licensing was seen as a method to see a high criterion of professional pattern and a manner to protect clients. However, as the demand for societal workers grew in specific Fieldss such as kid protective services and corrections, licensing was seen as an hindrance to enrolling needed workers ( well-trained or non ) and therefore some people from the public sector began to oppose licensing as a restrictive hiring pattern ( Koinange, 2006 ) . What is the true definition of the job? The demand for bettering the quality of societal service through good trained and certified societal workers, or the demand to engage staff to carry on t he important and frequently times mandated public societal services required in a province? Depending on the definition of the job and the opportunism of the group specifying the issue, different places, schemes, and intercessions will be offered. Specifying the major jobs of people with serious mental unwellnesss has become a major obstruction for the several protagonism groups interested in their issues ( Koinange, 2006 ) . Decision Psychologists and professional counsellors do non prosecute callings in societal services because wage for psychotherapeutics in Kenya is by and large non rather comparative to the work load and in comparing to what others are paid in similar businesss ( Gichinga, 2003 ) . Merely those who manage to procure occupations with international NGOs and U.N. bureaus in Kenya receive wages that are commensurate with their work load and makings. Most of these organisations and bureaus hire psychologists and professional counsellors who have maestro s grades and above. Another ground that so few psychologists and professional counsellors choose to offer psychotherapeutics may be that Kenya has no national, regional, or local regulating organic structure to modulate professional pattern, specifically through a codification of moralss or guidelines for the proviso of services ( Wrenn, 1962 ) .. As it stands today, the profession is at hazard for maltreatments to happen. However, there are by Tor ahs and ethical guidelines put forth by single psychological and reding associations to modulate the behavior and professional patterns of their ain members. Members pay rank and subscription fees to fall in these associations. There are benefits to this agreement because members have a common codification of moralss to follow ; they portion information and instruction on assorted issues of concern to their professional pattern ; they have a stronger voice when it comes to advocacy and making consciousness of certain countries such as HIV/AIDS ( Koinange, 2006 ) ; and they have a registered organic structure to back up them in instance of legal jobs with clients and the tribunals. The professional pattern of psychological science in Kenya has been constrained by a figure of issues, such as the deficiency of statute law regulating the criterions of preparation in psychological science and a licensing board to modulate professional pattern, and irregular support to keep the viability of establishments and organisations, which may explicate why so few work in these scenes ( Ndirangu, 2006 ) . At the Agha Khan Hospital, psychologists are presently responsible for two caseloads of patients ; there is short supply of competent and experient psychologists and professional counsellors. As stated in the overview, many counsellors are non adequately equipped to react efficaciously to more terrible psychosocial crises that arise in the community ( Gichinga, 2003 ) . As a consequence, there is misgiving in certain quarters about the profession. If the subject and profession of psychological science are to function Kenya more efficaciously, they must turn to a figure of is sues. A codification of ethical rules and behavior at the national degree every bit good as statute law designed to modulate preparation and professional pattern must be formed. Low-cost Internet services for psychologists and psychological science pupils must go a precedence. Through the information super-highway, psychologists and psychological science pupils will hold entree to modern-day literature on psychological theory, research, and pattern every bit good as have chances to intercede with psychologists in other states via their professional associations. Information engineering will hold an progressively of import function to play in guaranting that Kenyan psychologists are prepared to run into the challenges of the twenty-first century. The hereafter of mental wellness protagonism in Kenya looks optimistic.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Effect of Ocean acidification upon ability to adapt to climate change Research Paper
Effect of Ocean acidification upon ability to adapt to climate change in Nereis species - Research Paper Example These pH levels range from 6.6-7.3 in the CO2 vents that exist in Ischia (Calosi, et al, 2013, 1208). Nereis zonata also has the ability to survive in low pH areas, if conclusions made after research on the relationship between Nereis Zonata and the level of organic enrichment of the sea-water holds (Murphy & Measures, 2014, 442). Imaging of Nereis succinea subjected to increased pH indicates that the pH of the porewater depended on the size of the organism, the rate of irrigation and the profile of the burrow (Davidson, 2013,17). Before the introduction of variations in the pH, the Nereis diversicolor indicate a mean pH of 7.73. This internal pH is the same when compared to the other individuals in the same species (Calosi, et al, 2013, 1221). With differences in the pH, the individuals of the Nereis genus undergo some changes. With high salinity, they tend to lose energy. However, the Nereis Succinea loses more energy when compared with the Nereis diversicolor (Davidson, 2013, 19). However, with a drop in the salinity, the Nereis succinea loses considerably less energy compared to Nereis diversicolor. The P. dumerilii loses even less energy compared to all the others, because of its ability to survive under extremely low pH levels in the CO2 vents (Sommer, et al, 2000, 283). There is a notable and consistent difference in the effect that p CO2 has on the metabolic rate between the tolerant and sensitive species of polychaete. The patterns of response as observed after research may have been arrived at through either adaptation or acclimatization. It is a fact that organisms may have the ability to change their physiology through phenotypic plasticity, also known acclimatization (Armstrong, 2013, 593). For the P. dumerilii, acclimatization takes place through selecting genotypes that have a link with phenotypes that possess the best ability to
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Cellular pathology 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cellular pathology 2 - Essay Example The fibrous strands of the fat have indications of small capillaries. The cancerous cells have a nucleus that is larger than a normal cell. The nucleoli of the cells remain prominent and the cytoplasm is intensely colored with pale sports in some regions at the cellular edges (Baba and CÃ ¢toi, 2007). From the description of the above features, the tumor is slightly progressed with features of cellular alterations reaching the deeper subcutaneous tissue and involves other soft tissues including the skin. Normally, malignant soft tissue tumors display a wide range of behaviors. Histopathology is key in the grading and differentiation of these tumors. Some of the parameters that are used in the grading of these tumors include necrosis, histological type, mitotic activity, tumor differentiation, vascular invasion, cellularity and nuclear pleomorphic. In the histo-pathological parameter, grading is done where tumor necrosis is not the defining element of the tumor. In subtype one; epithelioid hemangio-endethelioma, myxoid liposarcoma, well-differentiated liposarcoma and infantile fibrosarcoma make the list in this category. The histological type with mitosis differentiation follows this type. In this category, well-differentiated leiomyosarcoma with less than six mitosis/ 10 HPF are evident. All the above types of tumor categories are included in this stage if their mitotic differentiation is more than six per 10 HPF. In histopathology type 2, there is evidence of necrosis. All tumors that are obviously not in grade three because of the lesser than 15 percent necrosis. In the third grade of the histopathology classification, the necrosis percentage of the tumor tissue is more than fifteen. This is the final stage of the tumor cell. According to this classification, the tumor cells under examination appear to be in the third staging of the histopathological classification described
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Love in Different Country Essay Example for Free
Love in Different Country Essay Studying in the U.S. for nearly a year, I learned a lot of knowledge and I made a lot of friends. Some of them are foreigners. This years study is very effective for me. In the United States, I found some phenomenons are different between my country and the U.S. Now I mainly want to talk about love in the U.S. and China. The United States is a free country. The United States advocates free development. It pays attention to every persons personality. Some American friends told me that love is very easy in the United States. Both men and women like each other, then they can fall in love. The parents will not hinder the childs decision. So children can choose their partner if they want. In China, love and marriage is a very serious and very important thing. The parents always provide a lot of requirements to their children. For example, if my child is a boy, I will tell him, â€Å"Your wife in the future must be a very nice woman. Her family condition must be consistent with our condition.†because in China, many parents consider that only if both parties are consistent with their conditions, the future life can help each other, and the lives will be happy. In my opinion, I think the two points of view are so different, but each opinion has its reason. My questions are: What makes loving anybody in the United States not similar? How do different people in the U.S. falling in love It also represents the different cultures between China and the U.S. If I were allowed to choose which waysuits me, I will choose the American way because I love freedom. Notes: This needs more information in the second and third paragraphs about the reasons why each country has these â€Å"rules†about love. Then, in the conclusion, you can talk about how freedom is an American trait of love and that these reasons are why you want to choose an American style of love or choosing a partner.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Pathophysiology of Meningitis and Encephalitis Essay -- Biology Medica
Pathophysiology of Meningitis and Encephalitis Meningitis and encephalitis are two similar infections of the central nervous system that often lead to fatality of the host organism. Both diseases occur when pathogens enter the blood stream and gain access into the central nervous system. Stimulating inflammation within the cranial cavity, the pathogens continue to multiply and take harmful effects on the host. Inflammation, the body’s response to infection, ultimately causes all of the symptoms and complications of meningitis and encephalitis. The pathophysiology of meningitis and encephalitis aids in the explanation and understanding of the symptoms, effects, and underlying agendas of the two infections. Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges, membranes that encase the brain and spinal cord. Although meningitis can result from protozoal or fungal infections, bacteria and viruses typically cause the often fatal disease. Known for its sudden onset of flu-like symptoms, the infection rapidly progresses into an agonizing cascade of high fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity, purpura (dark discolorations of the skin caused by bleeding beneath the skin), and possibly seizures. In severe cases of meningitis, limbs or extremities must be amputated due to the appearance of purpura. Viral meningitis, the most common form of the disease, often resolves itself without treatment within a few days. However, bacterial meningitis, somewhat rare in the United States but rampant in West Africa, requires immediate attention in order to prevent fatality. The bacteria that cause meningitis include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Listeria monocytogenes. The severity of the body’... ...ia Britannica Online. 20 July 2006 . â€Å"Meningitis.†Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. 20 July 2006. MediaWiki. 21 July 2006 . Patel, Mahesh R. â€Å"Herpes Encephalitis.†E Medicine. 2006. Health on the Net Foundation. 24 July 2006 . Phillips, Elizabeth J. and Andrew E. Simor. â€Å"Bacterial Meningitis in Children and Adults.†Postgraduate Medicine Online. 1998. 23 July 2006 . â€Å"Photobia.†Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. 20 July 2006. MediaWiki. 21 July 2006 . Sande, Merle A., Arnold L. Smith, and Richard K. Root. Bacterial Meningitis. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1985. 6 â€Å"Viral Encephalitis.†Better Health Channel. 2005. State Government Victoria. 23 July 2006 . 7
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Kodak and Fujifilm Essay
Growing up in a family that loves taking pictures and capturing moments. Kodak and Fujifilm played a huge role and are known companies to me and to many other households around the world. When it comes to the history and the competition few people know. The difference in management strategies plays a key role in the way the two companies’ embraced innovation. Complacency and slow adaptation dominated in Kodak Company while Fujifilm embraced innovation spirit and diversified in all aspects to ensure market relevance. Each of the company’s approach to ethics and social responsibility clearly reflects in both company’s profitability. With an aim to give back to the community and exercise ethical practices, production standards were maintained that satisfied consumers on both ends. A possible change of decision-making process that could embrace flexibility would be the best way to ensure diversity and innovation in any organization History George Eastman who was the founder of Kodak built a foundation of business on four basic principles: mass production at low cost international distribution, extensive advertising and focus on the customer at the age of fourteen he had to quit school and work to support his mother and two sisters. He took a job as an insurance messenger boy and was paying $3.00 a week. In 1874 at the age of 20 he became a junior clerk at the Rochester Saving Bank were there his salary tripled to $15.00 a week. In 1878 when Eastman took a trip to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic one of his colleague that he record the trip. Eastman had fascination about the complicated with the compelling activity of photography. In 1879 Eastman invented an effective dry – plate formula and the machine that coat the plates in large numbers. By April 1880 he leased a small office in a building on State Street in Rochester, NY and began to manufacture dry plates. Henry A. Strong a local businessman investor and in 1881 Eastman resigned from the bank and Strong and him founded Eastman Dry Plate Company. The company did have a mishap that almost shut down the company when the dry plates that they sold went bad. Eastman came up with a quick solution to recall all of the bad plates and to replace them with good ones. In 1888 the Kodak came debuted the slogan stated â€Å"You press the button, we do the rest†. Kodak made the process of taking pictures and developing easy and accessible for everyone. In 1889 celluloid replaced paper film in the camera, and then by 1891 a factory was open in factory in Harrow in north London. The Brownie camera was introduced in 1900 which was named after the famous cartoon. In1925 Eastman retires at the age of 78 in 1932 he committed suicide . In 1930 Eastman Kodak Company launched on Dow Jones Industrial Average Index where in remain for the next 74 years. Throughout history Kodak has been used to capture historic moments such as Apollo 11 in 1969. Kodak was the first company in 1975 to build an actual working digital camera. By 2004 Kodak stop selling camera with film to increase popular digital alternatives. When CEO Antonio Perez took over in 2005 Kodak was the largest seller of digital camera in the U.S. revenue .By 2007 they fallen to fourth place and by 2010 was seventh place. By2011 Kodak’s shares fell more than 80% and has struggled to maintain market share and they were hit a huge pension costs for workers. With the changes in new technology Kodak was not prepare well. The company decided in 2012 to file bankruptcy protection. The company has worked out a credit plan with Citigrioup for 950 million to keep it afloat. History Fujifilm, formerly registered as Fujifilm Photo Film Co., Ltd. was started in 1934. They became established in the U.S. in 1965. Its core business much or less reflected the businesses that made Kodak prosper in the US: photography and imaging. The company monopolized the Japanese market, ranked second placed in photography film usage after the US. Its ambitious management ventured overseas in the mid-90s without a fear of the already established Kodak. Despite its slow growth in the overseas markets, Fujifilm developed production bases outside its hub. A joint venture with Rank Xerox, a U.K based Limited company, strengthened Fujifilm’s position in the global market. A breakthrough was imminent in 1984’s Olympics held in Los Angeles which is Kodak’s home turf. Gradually, Fujifilm started eating into Kodak’s shares in the US due to near-equal products that were cheaper and actively marketed Fujifilm’s core businesses diversified faster with realization of looming transition by the management. Its imaging domain not only focused on personal, family and media moments but also diversified in the health sector. Its main businesses include film, photographic color paper, photographic equipment, medical equipment that included X-rays, and chemicals. More recently, Fujifilm’s early preparation to satisfy the fast-changing needs in the digital world ensured it widened its business scope to digital cameras, panel displays, printers, photocopiers and a variety of optical devices Management Approaches Kodak’s management approach on pursuing innovation by representing the latest innovation in the company’s consumer inkjet portfolio, marrying effortless connectivity with Kodak’s unique combination of high quality output and affordable ink. Kodak is committed to providing customers great value and lowest total ink replacement cost and exceptional cost per page. Fujifilm’s management approach on pursuing innovation by increasing a range of fields from imaging to medical systems. Fujifilm also became a much diversified company than Kodak by having a longer term vision in store and by investing a lot. Kodak’s Ethics and Social Responsibility Approaches Eastman Kodak Company is committed to operating in an environmental, ethical, and socially responsible manner. This commitment includes maintaining safe facilities and operations and providing goods which are safe and minimize environmental burdens throughout their business life cycle. Kodak’s Supplier Standard sets an expectation for supplier health, safety, environmental, labor and ethical performances, and formalizes expectations in which they have always asked suppliers to commit to. In 2004 Kodak were praised in the â€Å"Business Ethics†magazine for anti-discrimination policies for gay, bisexual, and transgender employees. Kodak also believed in fair treatment of minorities and women and overall their employees. For years, Kodak has played a key role of social responsibility in Rochester, New York, where the headquarter is located. Charitable donations were for years made to the symphony hall and the orchestra club hosted at the same venue. This act paid off as the company maintained its customer and got even more customer for the way it gave back to the community. Further, tax abatements were considered for the company in its role of contributing huge sums to a community project. Kodak had given the drive of the donations where it is in favor of the shareholders’ interests. Acting otherwise rather than in the best interest of the company’s shareholders to increase their wealth and create good faith with the population would be deemed unethical by all measures. Quality products produced by the company were a result of an honest recruitment process. The company ensured it only recruited the best talent to ensure maintenance of quality assurance. The process involved was undeniably ethical and in a big part contributed to the profitability of the company. Kodak’s single-use recycling program ensured that over 70 million pounds of waste was avoided. This promoted Kodak’s image as an environmental friendly company, as well as ensured that it saved resources from having to acquire new raw material for manufacturing. Fujifilm’s Ethics and Social Responsibility Approaches Fujifilm holds in high esteem the ethical and social responsibilities it is obligated to provide. In 2004, the company formed action standards of ethical and social responsibility values the company had to comply. This was inclusive of all affiliates of the company, especially the double venture of Fuji Xerox. The guidelines have since been observed by every employee, uplifting the work standards and thus providing efficiency that translates to profitability. . The company has formed an Ethics and Compliance hierarchy that is aimed at promoting ethical and corporate social responsibilities. Fujifilm believes compliance includes acting correctly in the light sense of common sense and ethics. Fujifilm compliance statements are in all aspects of their corporate activities they emphasize compliance and endeavor to create new value. If compliance requirements conflict with business profits or the demands of third parties, they give priority to compliance. An open, fair and clear corporate culture is the basis for all their activities Kodak and Fujifilm Adapting to Changing Market Conditions Kodak management failed to a new marketplace and new consumer attitudes, they focused on selling new product thinking that its new digital technology would cannibalize its film business. Instead of marketing the new technology the company held back from fear of hurting their film business. Most of Kodak’s strength was its brand and marketing, they began to fail when they underestimated the threat of the digital. Fujifilm management were prepared more to adapting to the changing in market, they realized that there was a need for them to develop an in-house expertise within new businesses. Fujifilm also focused on applying its technologies to new areas for instance today, Fujifilm has a medical imaging equipment business in which is growing quickly. Openness: A company with a management open to the democratic perspectives of other employees and customers is one of the best ways to adapt flexibility in the decision-making process. Openness will allow free flow and exchange of ideas, information, tasks and new perceptions of various processes (Sharfman & Dean, 1997). Recursiveness: This is a term used to define the repetitive process of formulation and implementation. Feedback is a significant part of this model as the decision-making team will always rely on the feedback, negative or positive to refine their decisions. This method goes against the perfect decision making hierarchy of problem definition, followed by search, analysis and eventually choice and implementation (Sharfman & Dean, 1997). Globalizing R&D: This is a model that would delocalize the centrality of r esearch and development. This would eventually increase the scope of decision makers’  perception. Limiting research to an area reduces the chance to get global feedback especially if a brand aims at conquering global markets. Companies today should build flexibility to back up its decision-making process in order to adapt to changing market conditions by these three recommendations: 1. Have an enterprise mindset that will be open to change. 2. Be able to adapt the company’s design to changing conditions. 3. Make decisions interactively using a variety of method.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Alejandro Flores Essay
Write a 2 – 3 page paper that addresses the following: 1. How do Senor Flores, Senora Flores and Dr. Jean view this situation from totally different perspectives? 2. Why might Senora Flores have chosen to consult an espiritista rather than call the clinic when Alejandro was not getting better? 3. Which of the normative cultural values described in the Lecture might apply to Alejandro’s case? Please explain. The Puerto Rican culture has many beliefs involving individual roles within the family. Many believe that the male(s) of the family should work to provide the basic needs of the household: paying rent, bills, paying for groceries, automotive repair, and the like. Similarly, the female(s) of the house should be the primary house keeper and care giver. Familismo holds a large part in the Puerto Rican culture, and the advice of the elder family members is taken very seriously. Religion also plays an integral role in Puerto Rican culture, and some believe illness is the result of sin, punishment, or spiritual discomfort. These beliefs tie together to create culturally diverse situations regarding patients health care, and must be taken into consideration when discussing treatment plans. Senor Flores views this situation from the machismo perspective. His view is to he should be working to provide the means for his family to survive. By taking time off of work to attend Alejandro’s medical appointments, he feels that he is neglecting his cultural responsibility of working hard to meet the needs of his family as a whole. Additionally, he does not believe that the modern treatment has a positive effect on Alejandro’s condition, and he portrays that he would rather allow his mother-in-law to play a more active role in Alejandro’s care. He feels as though every time he is at the appointments, the clinical staff is ostracizing him and attacking him for smoking. Senora Flores is upset about Alejandro’s health condition, and appears to be reaching out for help in different directions. She does not want to give Alejandro all of the medicine he is prescribed, and is taking her mother’s advice by seeking the help of an espiritista. When she arrived to the appointment late, she was greeted poorly because of the tardiness, and doesn’t understand why the clinic staff is rude with her. Many Puerto Ricans believe that tardiness is accepted, even common, and that having a relaxed attitude regarding time is reasonable practice. Additionally, she is frustrated with the language barr ier that presents itself during the appointments. The clinic is providing her so much information, and she feels belittled by the staff when she may not comprehend all of the information they are providing her. She is concerned that Alejandro will be chastised due to the perception that he is weak and unhealthy. She is worried that nothing she can do will better his condition and prayers are not helping. Dr. Jean is concerned with Alejandro’s progress due to the misuse or absence of medications and the lack of Senor Flores’ interest in tobacco cessation for the sake of his child’s health. She desires to help the family, and has given her personal phone number to be accommodating, but instead Senora Flores confided in a housekeeper instead of the doctor. The family’s tardiness is an issue for Dr Jean, but this doesn’t bother her as much as not showing up for the appointment at all. Senora Flores may have consulted with the espiritista due to the lack of confidence in the medication Alejandro is prescribed. This combined with the clinical staff’s attitude toward her, and the cultural belief that illness can be caused by spiritual discomforts, could lead to Senora Flores’ visit to the spiritual healer. Espiritistas use prayers to attempt to rid the patient of spirits causing the disease. Also, Senora Flores’ mother suggested the espiritista visit, and the words and advice of the elder is highly respected in the Puerto Rican culture. All of the normative cultural values present themselves in this module, but the one that applies the most in my opinion is Fatalismo. In the study, the family seems that the fate of Alejandro’s illness is predetermined and nothing they have done or will do to ease h is symptoms will work effectively. 2010 Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics and Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners Cross Cultural Resource Guide pgs. 28-29 Retrieved on April 15, 2012 From: ELL Assessment for Linguistic Differences guide for Nonverbal Communication. Retrieved on April 17, 2012 From:
Friday, November 8, 2019
Organizational Structure Essays
Organizational Structure Essays Organizational Structure Essay Organizational Structure Essay Organizational Structure An organizations structure defines how Job tasks are formally divided, grouped ND coordinated. There are six key elements that managers need to address when they design their organizations structure: work specialization, differentiations, chain of command, span of control, centralization and decentralization, and formalization (Robbins Judge, 2009, p. 519). Most of the six elements addressed are easily defined in the hospital setting. There are clearly defined departments that perform Job duties specific to that specialization. The organization can be considered centralized, as decision making is often controlled by senior leadership. Formalization within the organization varies, mom Jobs have low formalization such as nursing, although an argument could be made that nursing has high formalization related to clearly defined policies governing work process but based on varying patient census, complexity of procedures performed, and patient assignment, nurses have a great deal latitude to perform their Jobs. An example of a Job with high formalization could be environmental services where there are clearly defined procedures for cleaning of patient rooms, operating rooms, and other 3 non-patient care areas. Chain of command is clearly defined by employees reporting o department managers, who report to department directors, reporting to associate hospital directors, who report to the Chief Executive Officer. Through observation the organization has a narrow span of control which has three major drawbacks. First, as already described, theyre expensive because they add levels of management. Second, they make vertical communication In the organization more complex. The added levels of hierarchy slow down decision making and tend to isolate upper management. Third, narrow spans of control encourage overly tight supervision and discourage employee autonomy (Robbins Ramp: Judge, 2009, p. 24). The organization operates as a mechanicals organization. Mechanicals versus organic Organization English sociologist Tom Burns and psychologist G. M. Stalker coined the term mechanistic organization. Such an organization is characterized by a high degree of job specialization, clearly demarcated vertical hierarchies and centralized decision making. It stands in contrast to an organic organization, which has decentralized decision-making processes, low Job specialization and horizontal communication channels, all of which tend to empower employees (Capstone Encyclopedia of Business, 2003). Although an attempt is made to decentralized decision-making by quarterly chats with the chief, rarely are executive decisions affected by feedback garnered in these sessions. Work-Life Conflict Such programs as the employee assistance program are available to assist employees in a variety of ways. Every employee regardless of work status is eligible for the employee Organizational Structure 4 assistance program, management is empowered to refer staff as they deem necessary. An area of work-life conflict where the organization failed was the elimination of hospital-based childcare; employees have to find this much needed revive elsewhere and at substantially higher cost. An increased resistance to change is evident when new programs or growth initiatives are introduced. The speed of change will overtake the organizations where the leaders do not adopt a new mindset, first themselves and solicit the hearts, minds, and souls of followers to Join suit on this quest to transform the organizations to successfully operate and do well in the new landscape (Moslem ; Mathieu, 2010, p. 58). Planning of new programs is not taken lightly within the organization, caref ul planning prior to implementation is viewed as critical to success. The foundation lies within the core values of the organization. Organizational Culture The organizations core values of respect, service, and integrity are part of the orientation process for each employee. These values provide a positive work culture although there may come a time when an employee requires reeducation. Regulatory agencies such as the Joint Commission and Department of Health set the expectation for the organization to operate ethically. The organization keeps its culture alive by selecting employees who have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to reform Jobs within the organization. Actions of top management also allow the culture to live through their behavior.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
All Ready and Already - Glossary of Usage
All Ready and Already - Glossary of Usage Your spellchecker doesnt know the difference between the homophones all ready and already, but you should know the difference. Definitions The adjective phrase all ready (two words) means completely prepared. The adverb already (one word) means previously or by this time. Also see the usage notes below. Examples Our bags have already been inspected.​We are all ready to board the plane.​They were already in the downtown area, and they were all ready to walk from bar to bar.(Gonzalo Celorio, And Let the Earth Tremble at Its Centers, trans. by Dick Gerdes. University of Texas Press, 2009). Usage Notes and Memory Tricks Already means before now or before then: The game had already started by the time we got there.Do not confuse already with all ready as two separate words: Are you all ready? ( Are all of you ready?)(George Davidson, Penguin Writers Guides: Improve Your Spelling. Penguin, 2005)LISTEN: Mentally say the sentence you are about to write. If you pause between all and ready, use two words, all ready.VISUALIZE CONNECT: Visualize runners ready to start a race. Think, All ready? All set? Go!VISUALIZE CONNECT: Visualize yourself waiting for a friend and looking at your watch, distressed. Think, Its almost 8:00 and were already late!(Nancy Ragno, Word Savvy: Use the Right Word Every Time, All The Time. Writers Digest Books, 2011) Practice (a) The ballplayers have _____ taken batting practice.(b) The players are _____ to start the game. Answers to Practice Exercises (a) The ballplayers have already taken batting practice. (b) The players are all ready to start the game. Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Business ethics and law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business ethics and law - Assignment Example There are many ethical dilemmas that face persons dealing in sales. These dilemmas arise from interaction with individuals and agencies both within and from outside the organization. Sales personnel are prone to facing more ethical conflicts than individuals dealing in other lines of business. These persons are not as closely supervised as other workers and they play a big role in raising income for the organization. This paper seeks to document the pressures that a sales representative working for a company that provides technical support to customers may face. The paper will delve into the dilemma the individual will be facing when the organization does not hit its first and second quarter profits consecutively. The sales representative is paid on commission, and the company has not met its quarterly expectations for the first and second quarters. This translates to a fall in the company’s revenue. As an employee of the company, he or she has the duty to execute his responsi bilities with diligence and resilience as his effort is needed to realize the company’s overall targeted performance (Weiss 213). When the company is not realizing its targets, it impacts on its competitive capacity against its rival companies. Continued failure to realize targets will drive the company to making decisions on adjusting salaries and wages to its personnel or retrenching some. The sales representative is under pressure from his duty to the company to help realize its target. The sales representative has two young children whom he or she supports from the income he or she gets from working for the sales company. The individual is just but one of thousands of people employed by the company and who most probably also survive on the salaries and wages they get from the company. Having not made any sales for a while, the sales representative is probably going without some things that he or she needs because affordability is going down with the lack or reduction of i ncome. The individual and probably the others working for the company have perhaps had to cut on certain expenditures so as to make ends meet with the way things are going in the company. Family needs are a profound source of pressure in the situation facing the sales representative. 500 Company has approached the representative to supply them with 3,000 new computers. The company stands the risk to incur high costs if they do not get the computers. What does this mean for the individual and 500 Company? The individual has the human obligation to see to it that the company does not incur the costs when he or she can help. There are people who work for the company just like he or she and many others work for their company. Incurred costs in 500 Company will perhaps translate to poor stock price and or reduced salaries and wages for its workers further affecting other innocent people who depend on these workers (Weiss 215). It will also mean that 500 Company will do poorly in its perf ormance relative to its competitors. The sales representative will feel obligated to lend a hand to avoid such a scenario from happening. 500 Company needs all the 3,000 computers supplied in two months’ time. The sales representative has 1,000 new computers ready in the warehouse. The deficit of 2,000 new computers will need to be ordered from the manufacturer. Whereas the individual knows that it would take the manufacture two months to get the 2,000 new computers ready for 500 Company, he or she also knows that the manufacturer is struggling with too many orders already. The individual has the option of closing the deal with 500 Company and deliver the 1,000new computers available and order the rest from the manufacturer. How will closing the deal with 500 Company impact on the representative’s company? He or she will enable his or her company to meet its third quarter’s target and improve its stock price. What will it mean for the representative? The represe ntative will earn a good commission from the deal and he, or she
Friday, November 1, 2019
Gastrointestinal Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Gastrointestinal Disorders - Essay Example Functional gastrointestinal diseases are associated with a plethora of symptoms which present biochemical and structural abnormality which is unidentifiable (Chang, Locke, McNally, Halder, Schleck, Zinsmeister, & Talley, 2010). Ageing itself is associated with numerous functional changes in the gastrointestinal tracts; such changes involve motility, intraluminal digestion, secretion and absorbtion (Grassi, Petraccia, Mennuni, Fontanna, Scarno, Sabetta, & Fraioli, 2011). Oropharyngeal muscle dismotility has a high preveilance among the elderly patients. Another functional disorder that is present in elderly patients is gastroesophagal reflux, which occurs as a result of reduced esophagal peristalsis and pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (Park, 2011). Gastric emptying and motility has been found to be normal with ageing, however, some studies have shown that in some instances it may slow down. Structural neurological and endocrine changes lead to disturbed functioning in parts of the G.I tract. These include the propulsive motility of the colon, which is decreased due to these changes. A decrease in gastric secretions also causes gastric ulcers as the structure of the mucous bicarbonate barrier is also impaired (Park, 2011). Other functions that also decrease with age include pancreatic secretion and the level of bile salts. The above mentioned structural and functional changes along with other factors are part of the mechanisms that result in gastrointestinal diseases such as gastroesophagal reflux disease, dysphagia, primary dyspepsia, primary constipation, bowel syndrome, and a reduced level of nutrient absorption (Grassi, Petraccia, Mennuni, Fontanna, Scarno, Sabetta, & Fraioli, 2011). Evaluation of elderly patients is a complex process and may require more than one session (The Merck Manual, n.d.). The patients often become fatigued and the examination will have to be conducted at a later stage. The evaluation of elderly patients has also been assoc iated with underreporting and typical manifestations for certain disorders maybe absent (The Merck Manual, n.d.). Elderly patients often have several different problems with their health hence it is difficult to analyze the system that is affected and whether or not the pathology is a result of malfunctioning of other organs. Concomitant disorders can affect the results obtained from the diagnostic test and may show pathological signs from another system, which can be mistaken for another disease (Shamburek & Farrar, 1990). Therapeutic response by elderly patients is usually very slow as organism is undergoing physiological degradation. Drugs which are administered to elderly patients should present minimal adverse effects to other organs such as the liver as the damage from these drugs may be more severe (The Merck Manual,
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ( PLANNING A MEETING ) - Assignment Example These people have been invited as the lack of safety norms are near the factory floor and hence the Manufacturing manager needs to be present. Similarly, my deputy and the admin assistant are invited. Further, the HR manager has to represent the employees and air their grievances. The chief compliance officer is to be invited so that the relevant laws and regulations are explained. The objectives of the meeting would be to ensure that the safety standards are being followed and that the company is not violating any laws that deal with the same. Further, an action plan to address the lack of safety standards and how to redress the same has to be part of the objectives. Assigning responsibilities to the relevant members is a priority item as well. Hence, the agenda would mainly consist of identifying potential areas where the company is found wanting and take steps to address the same. The employee side of the story would have to be discussed with the HR manager and the Manufacturing manager has to install the disabled friendly workspaces on the factory floor. The compliance officer has to report to the regulators on the progress of the action
Monday, October 28, 2019
Term Paper (Climate Change) Essay Example for Free
Term Paper (Climate Change) Essay Acknowledgement It is a great opportunity for me to write about subject like â€Å"Climate Change†. At the time of preparing this term paper I am gone through different books and websites which helps me to get acquired with new topics. I can usually focusing on the topics which are important for us to understand about thus subject easily. I acknowledge my deepest gratitude to our dearest English teacher Sir Benedict Geropn who is always sincere and helpful in making us understand the different system in making a research paper. Introduction Climate Change is changing our economy, health and community in diverse ways. Scientists warn that if we do not aggressively curb climate change now, the result will likely be disastrous. There are many questions that is need to be answer. So that we, humans will make some moves in these problem. Carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutions are collecting in the atmosphere like a thickening blanket, trapping the sun’s heat and causing the planet to warm up. Climate change is a complex phenomenon, and it’s full-scale impacts are hard to predict far in advance. But each year scientists learn more about how climate change is affecting the planet and our communities, and most agree that carbon consequences are likely to occur if current trends continue. In addition to impacting our water resources, energy supply, transportation, agriculture and ecosystems, the United States global change research program concludes that climate change also poses unique challenges to human health such as: * Significant increases in the risk of illness and death related to extreme heat and heat waves are very likely. * Some diseases transmitted by food, water and insects are likely to increase. * Certain groups, including children, the elderly and the poor are most vulnerable to a range of climate related health effects. Climate Change affects our environment and natural resources, and impacts our way of life in many ways these are the examples: * Rising sea levels threaten coastal communities and ecosystems. * Changes in the patterns and amount of rainfall, as well as changes in the timing and amount of stream flow, can affect water supplies and water quality and the production of hydroelectricity changing ecosystems influence geographic ranges of many plants and animal species and the timing of their lifecycle events, such as migration and reproduction. We can prepare for some of the likely change impacts to reduce their effects on ecosystem and human well-being. Making such preparations is known as adaptation. Examples of adaptation include strengthening water conservation programs, upgrading storm water systems, developing early warning systems for extreme heat events and preparing for stronger storms through better emergency preparation and response strategies. We can each play an important role in stopping climate change. It is not too late to have a significant impact on future climate change and its effects on us. With appropriate actions by governments, communities, individuals and businesses, we can reduce the amount of greenhouse gas pollution we release and lower the risk of much greater warming and severe consequences. Many of the actions that we can take to address climate change will have other benefits, such as cleaner, healthier air. In addition, communities can take action to prepare for the changes we know are coming. I. Introduction The world’s climate is changing and the changes will have an enormous impact on our planet’s people, ecosystems, cities and energy use. Average global air temperatures are already 1.4 degrees higher than they were at the start of the 20th century and have risen about 1.1 degree F over just the last 30 years. What is the difference between weather and climate? Climate describe the average or typical conditions of temperature, relative humidity, cloudiness, precipitation, wind speed and direction and other meteorological factors that prevail globally or regionally for extended periods. Weather describes the hourly or daily conditions that people experience each day. Which is why it’s often said that â€Å"Climate is what you expect; weather is what you get.†People expect the weather to change, but have a harder time agreeing exactly how climate is changing. This is because climate change manifests itself differently in different places: because people tend to remember extreme events- such as very hot or cold days of hurricanes and droughts more than subtle changes in trends; and because there have been disagreements between scientists about the magnitude, causes and effects of climate change. What are the solutions for climate change? The first step is admitting that you have a problem. Some of these solutions are Energy conservation, Renewable energy and sequestration. In this research you will know how these things helps in solving climate change. II. What is Weather? Weather is what is going on in the sky and air. Different places can have different kinds of weather at the same time. In one place, there maybe a thunderstorm, in another place there may be snow. In yet another place the weather may ba sunny and warm. Temperature- how hot or cold it is always a part of weather. Rainy Weather when drops of water fall from clouds, the weather is rainy. Sometimes, lots of rain falls, which is collect heavy rain. Other times, only a little rain falls, which is called light rain. â€Å"Rainy†, â€Å"Light Rain†and â€Å"Heavy Rain†all describe the weather. Weather is violent storms, rains, sleet, rail, snow, temperature, wind and much more. It is basically whatever is happening in the air around us. Is the state of atmosphere, to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or starry, clear or cloudy. Most weather phenomena occur in the troposphere, just below the stratosphere. Weather generally refers to day-to-day temperature and precipitation activity, whereas climate is the term for the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used with our qualifications, â€Å"weather†is understood to be the weather of earth. Weather is driven by air pressure differences between one place and another these pressure and temperature differences can occur due to the sun angle at any particular spot, which varies by latitude from the tropics. The strong temperatures contrast between polar and tropical air gives rise to the jet stream. Weather systems in the mid-latitudes, such as extra tropical cyclones, are caused by instabilities of the jet stream flow. Because the Earth’s axis tilted relative to its orbital plane, sunlight is incident a different angles at different times of the year. Surface temperature differences in turn cause pressure differences higher altitudes are cooler than lower altitude due to differences in compression neating. Studying how the weather works on another planet has been helpful in understanding how weather works on earth. On Earth, common weather phenomena include wind, cloud, rain, snow, fog and dust storms. Less common events include natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons and ice storms. Almost all familiar weather phenomena occur in the troposphere. Weather does occur in the stratosphere and can affect weather lower down in the troposphere, but the exact mechanisms are pearly understood. Weather occurs primarily due to air pressure differences between one place to another these differences can occur due to the sun angle at any particular spot, which varies by latitude from the tropics. In other words, the farther from the tropics you lay, the lower the sun angle is, which causes those locations to be cooler due to the indirect sunlight. The strong temperature contrast between polar and tropical air gives rise to the jet stream. Weather Systems in the tropics, such as monsoons or organized thunderstorms systems, are caused by different processes. III. What is Climate? Is weather the same a climate? No, because weather is what happens in one place on a single day, or over a few days or weeks. When it rains or snows, people say, â€Å"The weather is wet.†When it is warm outside people say â€Å"the weather is hot.†Climate on the other hand, is the type of weather a place has over 30 or more years. For example, people say â€Å"Death valley has a desert climate.†Climate is the weather that a place usually has year after year. Scientists study temperature and precipitation records over 30 or more years to determine an areas climate such record show, for example, that Death Valley in California has a desert climate. Climate encompasses that statistics of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological elemental measurements in a given region over long periods. Climate can be contrasted to weather, which is the present condition of these elements and their variations over shorter periods. The climate of a location is affected by its latitude, terrain and altitude, as well as nearby water bodies and their currents. Climate can be classified according ti the average and the typical ranges of different variables, most commonly temperature and precipitation. The most commonly used classification scheme was originally developed by Wladimir Koppen. A region’s climate is generated by the Climate System which has five components Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Cryospher, Land Surface and Biosphere. A. Four Main factors that determine climate are: i. Altitude Altitude refers to the vertical distance between the lowest point and the highest point of an area. People generally compare a land’s altitude by measuring the distance from sea level to the highest point. The koppen climate classification uses altitude to divide the climate regions in to the categories for low, mid and high altitudes. Altitude or height is defined based on the context in which it is used- aviation, geometry, geographical survey, sports and more- As a general definition; attitude is a distance measurement, usually in the vertical or â€Å"up†direction, between a reference datum and a point or object. The reference datum also often varies according to the context. Although the term altitude is commonly used to mean the height above the sea level of a location, in geography the term elevation is often preferred for this usage. Vertical distance measurements in the â€Å"down†direction are commonly referred to us depth. In aviation, the term altitude can have several meanings, and is always qualified by either explicitly adding a modifier or implicitly through the context of the communication. Parties exchanging information must be clear which definition is being used aviation altitude is measured using either Mean Sea Level (MSL) or Local Ground Level (LGL) as the reference datum. The earth’s atmosphere is divided into several altitude regions. The troposphere- surface to 8000 meters (5.0 mi) at the poles- 18000 meter (11 mi) at the equator, ending at the tropo-pause. The stratosphere- troposphere to 50 kilometers (31 mi) The Mesosphere-Stratosphere to 85 kilometers (53 mi). Thermosphere- Mesosphere to 675 kilometers (419 mi) and the exosphere which is from the thermosphere to 1000 kilometers (6200 mi). Relation between the temperature and altitude in Earth’s atmosphere. The Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR), is the rate of decrease of temperature with altitude in the stationary atmosphere of a given time and location. As an average, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) defines an International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) with a temperature lapse rate of 6.49 K (oC)/ 1000 m (3.56oF or 1.98 K(o()/1000 Ft) from sea levels to 11 kilometers (36 000 ft) Effects of high altitude in humans. Medicine recognizes that altitudes above 1 500 meters (4900 ft) start to affect human, and extreme altitude above 5 500- 6 000 meters (18 000- 20 000 ft0 cannot be permanently tolerated by humans by reducing the partial pressure of oxygen. The higher the altitude, the more likely are serious effects. The human body can adopt to high altitude by breathing faster, having a higher heart rate, and adjusting its blood chemistry. It can take two days or weeks to adapt to high altitude. ii. Latitude Latitude the distance of a region is from the equator, to the north or south. A region’s latitude determines how much solar energy it receives from the sun, which in turn factors in to the region’s over all temperature. In geography, latitude is a geographic coordinated that specifies the north-south position of a point on the Earth’s surface. Lines of constant latitude, or parallels, run equator to 90o at the poles. Latitude is used together with longitude to specify the precise location of features in the surface of the Earth. Since the actual physical surface at the Earth is too complex for mathematical analysis, two levels of abstraction are employed in the definition of these coordinates. In the first step the physical surface is modeled by the geoid, a surface which approximates the mean sea level over the oceans and its continuation under the land masses, the second step is to approximate the geoid by a mathematically simple reference surface. The simplest choice for the reference surface is a sphere, but the geoid is more accurately modeled by an ellipsoid. The definitions of altitude and longitude on such reference surfaces are detailed in the following sections. Lines if constant latitude and longitude together constitute gratitude on the reference surface. The latitude of a point on the actual surface is that of the corresponding point on the reference surface which passes through the point on the physical surface, latitude and longitude together with some specification of height constitute a geographic coordinate system as defined in the specification of the ISO 1911 standard. Since there are many different reference ellipsoids the altitude of a feature on the surface is not unique: this is stressed in the ISO standard which states that â€Å"Without the full specification of the coordinate reference system, coordinates are ambiguous, such as GPS, but in common wage, where high accuracy is not required, the reference ellipsoid is not usually stated. Measurement of latitude requires an understanding of the gravitational field of the Earth, either for setting up theodolities or for determining of GPS satellite orbits.
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